Introduction: ShadowLayout 3.2.2 is updated today. I encountered a problem with the caption when uploading code to Github. You know, I always upload at the beginning of the month. And it was always uploaded using a Github account and password. Baidu could not solve, finally Google came to a solution, so this record. I hope I can also help the helpless students

Step one:

Click on your profile picture and select Settings below

Step 2:

Go to the Settings screen and select Developer Settings

Step 3:

Enter developer Settings, select Personal Access Tokens, and click Generate New Token. Configure a ToekN for developers to manage the Github

Step four:

Click enter, the following interface will appear. Note here is to establish the token for this account name. Expiration token Expiration token Expiration token Expiration token Expiration token Expiration token Then the big box below refers to the permissions that the token user has, of course you can choose all of them. I chose:

  • repo
  • admin:public_key
  • admin:repo_hook
  • delete_repo

Step 5:

Once you’re done, pull down and hit the Generate Token button. It’s going to generate a string, copy it, put it in your notebook, remember that. Otherwise it’s going to have to regenerate again. Then upload the code to Github and you can use it. Username: just use the one in the Note. Password: use the string you just generated. Problem solved. There are really endless pit!

ShadowLayout 3.2.2

At this point, you probably don’t even know what ShadowLayout is. Is an original Android custom control. Current STAR 2.1K. What’s the use? Any view that is wrapped can enjoy the shadow, as well as the system shape,selector (clear the project drawable folder). The details are as follows: Supports customized shadows:

2. Shadow rounded corners: You can set rounded corners uniformly or set some corners separately 3. Offset of shadow X and y 4. Arbitrarily modify the degree of shadow diffusion, that is, the size of shadow 5. Hide shadow: hide a side or multilateral shadow, or completely hide 6. Can dynamically modify the shadow code at willCopy the code

More than shadows; Shape: Shape, Selector, and Ripple are all available in the project. Free your hands and clear the project Drawable folder:

1. Shape: pressed, selected, ripple Background color Settings 3. Stroke Border Settings 4. Gradient background color Settings 5. Whether the button can be clicked or not clicked background 6. TextView can be bound, which can be accompanied by text changes and text color changes 7. It supports setting the background of an image, it supports image selectorCopy the code

ShadowLayout 3.2.2, Github portal