The problem

  1. Do you feel like exporting a document every time is a hassle?
  2. Do you feel that every time you pour the document into the speaker is also very cumbersome.

Then this plug-in will solve your problems



  1. You can synchronize documents to local
  2. Upload the document to the Sparrow repository

The warehouse address…

The installation

npm i @hpstream/kiki -g

// Run bb or bigbird Commands: Login login language finches save | s < path > save the document list | ls [options] see a help document [command] display help for the commandCopy the code

Language finches authorization

npm login

The article download

bb ls –help

Options: -a, --all Whether to download all documents (default: false) -p, --path <path> Exists in the folder (default: "") -h, --help display help for commandCopy the code

Save the paper

bb s –help

Options: -p, --path <path> The path to save the article (default: "") -h, --help display help for commandCopy the code

There is a problem

  1. If markdown contains images, the image upload will not be realistic properly
  2. If permission issues occur, use sudo