“Slow pace of life, few recreational facilities, rough firewood, rice, oil and salt”, this may be most people’s impression of the third and fourth tier cities. But that is the past. Now the third and fourth tier cities have been “suddenly changed”, become a huge “gold ground”, countless gold digging dream like the American westward movement in the same, the eyes locked here. Known on the Internet as “sinking traffic”, this wave of traffic is an unexpected entrant in an online arena once dominated by industry giants.

Quick Toutiao sniped the Internet long tail user group, monthly live growth of 81%

Attention to the third and fourth tier market is nothing new, in recent years several giants are in the third and fourth tier cities. This is the long tail of the Internet, outside the “fifth ring road” of the Chinese Internet. However, just outside the “fifth Ring Road”, popular products such as Kuaishou, Pinduoduo and Qutoutiao appear one after another, which makes more people realize that the Internet long tail user group is gradually becoming the main consumption force.

“Slow pace of life” means more time to consume, “less entertainment facilities” means more reliance on fresh content from the Internet, and “rough daily necessities” means stronger emotional needs and lower barriers to acceptance. Under such conditions, products with sinking flow “alchemy” emerged.

Targeting the long tail is also a form of dislocation competition. A large base of long tail users, where there are many potential users, but preferences are harder to grasp, and effective development paths are harder to find. But as long as the right pace is grasped and the core appeal of users is truly touched, such products will arouse a strong response among a large number of users and perform well. In analyview’s ranking of monthly live growth in May, kuaitoutiao, one of the representative products of “sinking traffic”, saw its monthly live growth as high as 81.92%, even more than Weishi.

For the long tail, figure out what forms are most likely to trigger reading. In this regard, Kuaitoutiao enriches the benefits of reading information for users, adding physical rewards in addition to spiritual benefits. Reading information is obviously valuable, but enriching the spiritual world is a slow process, and sometimes it’s hard to keep up without obvious results. Kuaitoutiao chooses the value of materialized reading, so that users can not only get spiritual satisfaction, but also stick to it through physical rewards for a long time.

In Kuaitoutiao, users enrich themselves by reading information, and get extra rewards for being active in the app. This does not change the core of “enriching the spiritual world”, but also promotes the formation of good and long-term reading habits. In this dual mode of “spiritual enrichment + physical reward”, Kuaitoutiao rapidly accumulated users, and the growth of platform activity was visible to the naked eye.

Since 2016, Wang Xing proposed that the Internet has entered the second half, various tuyere “emerge endlessly”. Some are flash in the pan, while others can precipitate into gold. Kuaitoutiao’s “spiritual enrichment + physical reward” model needs more time to test, but its great potential should not be underestimated. Kuaitoutiao has designed a perfect gold currency exchange rate, gold acquisition system and transaction channel, forming a complete commercial closed loop within the APP, and finally pointing to the physical reward, hitting the core appeal of users.

At the end of the day, everyone wants more in less time. The core behind kuaitoutiao’s rapid growth is to shorten the path to reach the core appeal of users, so the rapid growth of 81% can also be said to be inevitable.

Kuaitoutiao emphasizes participation, reading news than playing mobile games is still happy?

In the opinion of most people, mobile information platform has been “decided”, no matter the product model or the way of operation is difficult to break through. However, no matter pinduoduo or Kuaishou, these popular apps in third-tier and fourth-tier cities all have one thing in common: everyone is a self-propagating source. The root cause is that these products are more participatory, as is Kuaitao.

Analyzing Kuaitoutiao, first of all, there is a scene can not be ignored: the task hall. This is kuaitoutiao let users take the initiative to “play” in the end of an important link. Users have always been passive receivers in the process of reading information. Why do you say that? The average user is attracted by the title, will click to read; Sharing is triggered by being attracted to content. There is no correlation between these behaviors, and if they are not attractive enough, they may not be performed.

You don’t do too much, you don’t have enough stickiness. Kuaitoutiao has added a task lobby that lists what else users can do today. The feature has a news-like “agenda-setting” effect, allowing users to navigate the APP in a planned way, making it easy for users to become active and engaged. Get the best of both worlds while reading the news.

Second, Kuaitoutiao optimizes the combination of reading modules and leisure modules in the APP to make it more “rhythmic” for users. An example is the “Water Margin Hero Card” activity that continues to be online in the mission hall. “Water Margin hero card” simple form but high playability, users draw a star hero card with gold coins, with a card accumulated three can be synthesized star, the highest three. As long as you collect six different hero cards each week, you can participate in the lottery, the more stars, the more generous rewards.

For many users, the process of drawing a hero card with gold coins and making a star rise is obviously more attractive than the final lottery, and thus more motivating for active participation. This kind of activity also balances users’ reading time and leisure time in Kuaitoutiao, so that the relaxation is more comfortable. After overall optimization, Kuaitoutiao retains users in multiple dimensions by reading news, watching videos, playing games and interacting with others.

Can the “bottom flow” boom really rest easy? The industry faces a common problem

“Gold rush” although hot, but discerning people can find danger has been born. In the early stage, some products such as Today’s Toutiao have been reformed, but there are still some marginal news about “sister-in-law” and “daughter-in-law” in some apps on the market, which makes people re-examine the value of traffic. Will “mindless consumption of low-grade content” destroy people’s faith in knowledge?

In the eyes of some people, it seems that “sinking” means vulgar, playing the edge ball. This kind of cognition actually brings development worry for the industry. Marginal news, which is easy to read and enjoyable for a short time, eats away readers’ energy and time like spiritual opium.

In the face of common problems in the industry, the companies used all their skills. Qutoutiao chooses open we media platform to enrich and optimize the content library. Kuaitoutiao, on the other hand, has always had a certain advantage in the content library and a new interpretation of the information form after “sinking”.

In the definition of Kuaitoutiao, sinking does not mean vulgar or marginal, but shorter, more readable, more interesting, more practical content, and easy to understand, such as entertainment, consumer, social and life news. In addition, Kuaitao toutiao chooses to provide short, interesting and easy to understand interpretation of complex but often “wine table” topics such as the international situation, which is more intelligent and more sustainable.

In fact, reading information is to enrich fragmented time and regulate life, not to exchange a few pennies for an afternoon of garbage. What kind of content helps users grow with the platform is a common conundrum for “bottom traffic” gold diggers. If in the process of acquiring users in third – and fourth-tier cities and the Long tail of the Internet, we automatically and unilaterally think that they “only need inferior and marginal content to pass the time and lack of taste and discrimination”, we will be left behind by these future major consumer groups sooner or later. Kuaitao toutiao is forward-looking in this regard. Only by getting the product, content and interaction right at the same time can you stay relevant.

Article/Liu Kuang public account, ID: Liukuang110