An error will be reported during the generation of Dynamic Web Project by Eclipse: Failed while installing Dynamic Web Module 3.0,

Error screenshot:


Eclipse Java EE Developer Tools and Eclipse Java Web Developer Tools

Help -> Install New Software… – > Add 1, input:… 2. Select Eclipse Java EE Developer Tools, Eclipse Java Web Developer Tools, and install it (depending on the network speed and computer configuration, the installation time may be short or long). 3

Here are some references from reference books:

Before creating a dynamic Web project, you need to create a Server to run and debug the Web project in Eclipse. The following uses Tomcat 7.0 as the Web application Server: (1) Create a Server. Choose the menu File — >New — >Other… In the Select a Wizard window, locate the Server entry in the Server directory and click the Next button to continue. (2) Create a Tomcat V7.0 Server. To be continued…