A list,

Face, eyes, nose and mouth detection based on MATLAB face recognition

Ii. Source code

reqToolboxes = {'Computer Vision System Toolbox'.'Image Processing Toolbox'};
if( ~checkToolboxes(reqToolboxes) )
 error('detectFaceParts requires: Computer Vision System Toolbox and Image Processing Toolbox. Please install these toolboxes.');

img = imread('lena.png');

detector = buildDetector();
[bbox bbimg faces bbfaces] = detectFaceParts(detector,img,2); figure; imshow(bbimg);for i=1:size(bbfaces,1) figure; imshow(bbfaces{i}); end % Please uncoment to run demonstration of detectRotFaceParts %{ img = imrotate(img,180);
 detector = buildDetector(2.2);
 [fp bbimg faces bbfaces] = detectRotFaceParts(detector,img,2.15); figure; imshow(bbimg);for i=1:size(bbfaces,1) figure; imshow(bbfaces{i}); end %}Copy the code

3. Operation results

Fourth, note

Version: 2014 a