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We have to deal with interfaces every day. There are many ways for interfaces to pass parameters. Today, we will briefly introduce how the front end passes parameters in query, body, path and FormData formats, and how the back end receives parameters. This tutorial tests requests through Postman, using the popular AXIos request library on the front end to simulate parameter incoming and node-koa2 on the back end to receive the passed parameters. Note: There are source links at the bottom

Query String Parameters — Query Parameters

  • Query String Parameters commonly known as Query Parameters

This type of argument, commonly seen in Get requests, is passed as a URL string.

Request through Postman

Returned from the interfacectxQueryThat’s the argument we passed in

Request through AXIos

    method: 'get'.url: '/query'.params: {
        name: 'Joe'}});Copy the code
  • View interface details in the browser

Receive parameters through KOA

router.get('/query'.(ctx, next) = > {
    console.log(ctx.query); // Receive the query parameter
    ctx.body = new SuccessRes({
        method: ctx.request.method,
        url: ctx.request.url,
        ctxQuery: ctx.query
Copy the code

Request Payload – body parameter

  • Request Payload Commonly known as the body parameter

This type of parameter, often used in POST requests, is passed in JSON format

Request through Postman

Returned from the interfacectxBodyThat’s the argument we passed in

Request through AXIos

    method: 'post'.url: '/body'.data: {
        "phoneNumber": "18131239692"."veriCode": "0422"}})Copy the code
  • View interface details in the browser

Receive parameters through KOA'/body'.async (ctx, next) => {
    ctx.body = new SuccessRes({
        method: ctx.request.method,
        url: ctx.request.url,
        ctxBody: ctx.request.body
Copy the code

Path-path parameter

Path parameters are also known as route parameters. Those who have written VUE routes have probably seen routes in this form

const router = new VueRouter({
  routes: [
    // Dynamic path parameters start with a colon
    { path: '/user/:id'.component: User }
Copy the code

The route in the interface also means dynamic route

Request through Postman

Returned from the interfacectxParamsThat’s the argument we passed in

Request through AXIos

    method: 'get'.url: '/path/12',})Copy the code
  • View interface details in the browser

Receive parameters through KOA

router.get('/path/:id'.async (ctx, next) => {
    ctx.body = new SuccessRes({
        method: ctx.request.method,
        url: ctx.request.url,
        ctxParams: ctx.params
Copy the code

Form Data – formData parameter

  • Form Data is commonly known as Form parameters

This type of parameter was passed by early web forms via action and is now commonly used as an interface for uploading files.

Request through Postman

Select upload picture, and other parameters

  • Returned from the interfacefileListIt’s the file we passed in, the processed information
  • Returned from the interfacefieldsIs the other form information we pass in

Request through AXIos

let formData = new FormData()
formData.append('file'.this.file)  // Add data to the form object via append
formData.append('name'.'Form name') // Add additional data to the form
const res = await axios({
    method: 'post'.url: '/formData'.headers: { 'Content-Type': 'multipart/form-data' },
    data: formData
Copy the code
  • View interface details in the browser

Receive parameters through KOA

const formidable = require('formidable')'/formData'.async (ctx, next) => {
    // console.log(ctx.req);
    const res = await uploadFilesByFormidable(ctx.req)
    ctx.body = new SuccessRes({
        method: ctx.request.method,
        url: ctx.request.url, ... res }) })function uploadFilesByFormidable(req) {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) = > {
        form.parse(req, (err, fields, files) = > {
            // console.log({ fields, files });
            const filesKeys = Object.keys(files)
            const fileList = > {
                const file = files[name]
                return {
                    fileName: || name,
                    filePath: file.path } }) resolve({ fields, fileList }) }); })}Copy the code

Multiple type parameter mixed request

The above interface request types can be used in combination, as shown in the examples below

Request through Postman

  • ctxQueryIs the query argument we passed
  • ctxParamsIs the path argument we passed
  • ctxBodyIs the body argument we passed

Why not mix the form data parameters? FormData and JSON (the body parameter) are both body request parameters, so only one can occur.

Request through AXIos

    method: 'post'.url: '/mixTheRequest/12'.params: {
        name: 'Joe'.age: 23
    data: {
        "phoneNumber": "18131239692"."veriCode": "0422"}})Copy the code
  • View interface details in the browser


Query, body, path, FormData, and other methods of passing parameters are common, but you can continue to explore other methods.

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