Before because of

In a dark moon high…… Wrong set. On a sunny morning, I happened to see Devui recruiting contributors for the community on the mining platform. Before this has never participated in open source, after all open source – the brain of a hot man called the grandfather, that is not the exclusive nameplate of the big men. Ok, fine, with the idea of learning, added to the official Group devui, who doesn’t want to add to the resume of a great experience, and huawei is such a well-known platform. In this era of crazy introversion, a programmer who doesn’t want to be a code king is not a good take-out guy.

To participate in

The emojis above are not centered for a long time

Maybe you have had such an idea: after two years in a company, after understanding the technology thoroughly, you feel that you can’t improve anything. Should you jump for a jump? In fact, the way to improve technology in addition to the company’s technical learning, extracurricular learning is also very important. Some people may feel that the pressure of the company is big, and they have no pressure or motivation to learn. So participating in open source is a very, very nice approach. There is no harm in learning the latest technology when it comes to stress. One more note:

As long as you think this matter is meaningful, don’t think about whether you can insist on it or not, you can do it first, let yourself walk on the road, let pressure drive yourself forward. Reach for the stars, even if nothing, also not full of mud.

Participate in Devui open source steps

Add group

Interested friends can add their official wechat account devui-Official. Let the small assistant pull into the group, do not understand whether open source libraries or the usual “difficult and complicated disease”, there will be a lot of big guy guidance.

Focus on component field release

All of the component fields have been claimed at this stage, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t opportunities to get involved. The component is released because some landowner (component developer) may not have developed it for a long time. Component field claim and release has been back and forth for many times, the opportunity to have greatly.

Identify the component

To claim a component, simply go to the Devui library and comment to claim it. It is hosted on Gitee because github often fails to submit due to network issues.

Steps to submit code


Start by forking the component library into its own repository

Later to their warehouse to view, you can see the front of the library has its own name. All of our subsequent code changes and commits are based on this library.

The development of component

You need to pay special attention to the instructions in the wiki when developing. The link is in this devui-CLI feature introduction. In particular, the content in Devui-CLI is automatically generated by scripting, because some files are not included in the code trace in order to prevent conflicts caused by repeated commits in collaborative development. Also of note are in development:

Vue3: You must use composition API + TSX for development documentation. Md: You need to document your components when they are writtenCopy the code

All of the above will be pointed out in the review. In addition, it is not necessary to complete the development of the component before submitting the code. It is possible to complete a small part of the functionality first, which can reduce the viewer’s traffic and facilitate the later development.

commit and push

Commit and push are both based on our library after fork. Some people might wonder why you don’t have permissions when pushing, but that’s because you’re committing for the source code base, which of course isn’t allowed.

Mention of pr

Finally, we are most interested in the pr link. When we commit the code, we can see the update in our component library as follows:

The red box means we have submitted the update, and then we can click on the green box to submit the PR.

Then fill in the update’s content and title, and you can view the update in the file changes section below. It is also worth mentioningA PR only needs to be submitted once. When the view fails, the code needs to be modified and submitted again. At this time, there is no need to mention PR again, and the changed code push can automatically cover the previous record


For those of you who are hearing this term for the first time, the review process is a code review process. While it is not yet a test-like way to find bugs, it does point out obvious errors in the code. And to ensure that the overall style of the library, code level has a reliable degree. Thanks to those who participated in the review


By Jane into the deep

Components in the beginning I chose three components, search, cascader, categorysearch. The idea is to start with simple components and then develop the harder ones after you’ve learned the ropes. However, I overestimated my skills and time so much that I gave up categorySearch later. It is still a pity now. Of course, new partners will find it associated with the Search component after participating in its development, and then linkage development will also be a good experience.

Participate in the management of

Maybe Kagol saw that I was more active, so he brought me into the management group to participate in the proposed discussion of the component library, the latest technology discussion, etc. At one point, when we were discussing the problem of exposing the code in the document to pages that were too long, I suggested using the Vitepress-Theme-Demoblock plug-in, which could wrap up the code and have specific components displayed. Finally, we all agreed to use this program, which is a great honor. Therefore, I went out of my way to study the source code of the plug-in and even mentioned pr and issue for the plug-in several times.

Participate in the live

Devui team and Village head Yang are sharing open source and will broadcast live at STATION B from time to time. For details, you can check the feelings of doing “Vue DevUI Open Source Guide” live broadcast with the village head teacher for a month

I also had the honor to participate in one, in fact, was very uneasy at the beginning, never participated in such activities. It’s impossible to say I wasn’t nervous, but I felt good about it and it was a novel experience.

Participate in review

Reviewing other people’s code is not only a code review of the component library, but also a way to fill in the gaps of your own. Even if you’re already good, know that there’s always someone better than you. Look at other people’s code, think about how they implement it, think about how they implement it, learn from each other. Participation inspection is not limited to managers, but is open to all. To participate in the view, you can find a PR, check the code after pulling the PR and comment at the bottom.

You can fetch the PR directly using the contents of the red box. Then run and look at the code. Just leave a final comment.


Being open source is hard, and being successful is even harder. Thanks to everyone who contributed to Devui open source. Haha, as if I’m not thankful enough just to be a participant, but they really drive my progress. The Devui team also gave all Contributors a little gift, a cover art, a nice body pillow.

The last

To you when you’re lazy

Prime not heavy, once a day in the morning. When encouraged in time, time waits for no man

To you who are struggling

If the heart is yearning, why fear the road and long

Come on, boy