Zhang Xiaotiao, a technology novice from Beijing, asked:

I’ve been reading JavaScript Redbook since September last year, and now I’m slow to see the events section. I made study notes and a simple demo, but the notes felt like copying books. There was no room for compression…

I have a lot of technical and thinking books on my bookshelf, and they are eating dust. The few books I’ve read before, I don’t have much impression.

Want to ask, the book that technology class or improves technical thinking, have what good reading method? How do you turn what you read into ability?

Answer from the professional big bull of Tao system technology:

If I had eight hours to chop down a tree, I’d spend six hours sharpening my axe.

– Abraham Lincoln

To do a good job, you must sharpen your tools. So is reading.

Everyone is actually the best self-conscious economist. When we say we are afraid of difficulties, what we are afraid of is not difficulties themselves, but the time cost implied behind them.

Below, I will give you some suggestions based on the two parts of “Extensive thinking book reading Method” and “professional technical book reading method”.

Reading pan-thinking books: Catch the theme

Science, history, philosophy, physics and other books can help people to improve the level of thinking and cognitive realm.

For such books, there are four levels of reading, which can be divided into basic reading, inspection reading, analytical reading and thematic reading. (below)

Around these four levels, we can refine a set of core methods.

Before you start the book, write down these four questions.

  • What is the book all about? (Check reading)

  • What are the details of the book? How does it unfold? (Analysis reading)

  • Does the book make sense? Is it true in whole or in part? (Analysis reading)

  • How does the book relate to you? (Topic reading)

After reading each book, force yourself to output the answers to these questions. To get ideas out of a book, you need to “interact” with the book. It is certainly not a pastime.

Guest Advice

Alibaba Vice President Tao Department head of technology Pingchou:

Reading begins with choosing a book. Then reading first look at the pulse road, the last order to see details, after reading the core is combined with their own experience of the link and thinking, and then go back to read again to learn new. A good book needs to be read many times to find its meaning. The core is reading at the same time thinking and understanding. It’s worth having a few points in each book that relate to your own experience.

Tao department technology department senior algorithm expert Letian

Whether it is mathematics, science, technology, management, history, literature, the process of reading is based on the one-dimensional flow of words, in a three-dimensional space of thought.
But why do we construct this? What’s worth it? Or return to the edge, edge is a kind of connection born in nothing. There has to be a connection between these constructs and oneself and other constructs of oneself. Connections are the threads that form the web of meaning.
The universe was born out of nothing. There must be something good, something valuable, and good books condense human observations, records, and summaries. What a shame to miss them.

Technical book reading method: Clear purpose

The technical books are very detailed, principles, architecture, code, security… The degree of practicality will vary depending on your technical background and the purpose of the question. Keep in mind the following three techniques that will help you solve most of your reading problems.

1. Set reading goals, choose and read with questions in mind

Close your eyes and imagine how many orange objects there are around you. Count them silently in your heart. Open your eyes and feel that all the orange objects in your eyes suddenly fly into your eyes.

This is the power of active awareness.

Technical books are about questions and answers.

First, look for a book list that fits your goal.

Second, with your key puzzle in mind, use multiples to find the problem you want to solve, skipping and skimming. Write down key words in speed reading. Every 10 key words can be grouped into 3-5 key points or a series of actions.

Guest Advice

Tao department technology department technical expert Yin Hao

How to select books around the target list? Suppose, for example, that you were asked — how do YOU design a seckill system? A list of books may include:

Principle side: CAP principle

Architecture: static file separation, CDN design, Redis cache principle, database optimistic lock design, traffic limiting scheme design, load balancing strategy

Code side: inventory beat down, deduction, and pre-deduction, close single replenishment design, inventory preheating

Security side: How to prevent scalpers, anti-patting, anti-ddos attacks

Tao department of technology department front-end technology expert Desert

In my reading of technical books, the key is to identify which points the author mentions that I haven’t covered, or which I have covered, but the author offers a different approach. For example, when we do interactive scenes, we may encounter the author putting forward a certain button to do some twitching and bring innovative animation effects. I am interested in such things and will verify them.

2. Set action goals and put what you learn into practice

Only when knowledge is put into action can it be transformed into ability.

Some students wonder why they are watching while knocking, taking notes, to achieve a small effect of the stage, the end is still like the water over the stone, the wind blows, the sun basks, nothing left.

In terms of setting up practices and actions, I recommend you follow these 2 steps.

First of all, input – note – practice – improve notes, sorting out precipitation

Truly effective learning action is not a process of “just typing into a book”, which is also the mistake of most technical students.

  • According to your purpose and question, extract key words and actions to form simple notes

  • Put your new knowledge to work, or start a small project on your own

  • Record the experience and the key points in the process

  • Go back and refine your notes, and finally organize the output

Then, group practice and output to gain different insights

You have one thought, I have one thought, and when we are together, there are two thoughts.

Guest Advice

Tao department technology department senior technical expert Xuan Sang

Here’s how we start reading and learning in our current MNN team. List a current hot technology topic, and each member of the team splits up to read and research.

During this process, we not only read books, but also read the latest blogs and information, paying attention to the comments and opinions of industry leaders on this topic, and forming our own opinions according to our own understanding. Then colleagues would get together regularly to discuss their views on the topic.

Even when we’re looking at the same data, we often come to different conclusions from different perspectives.

This kind of collision and communication really gives us a deeper understanding of technology.

3. Reading methods for particularly difficult technical papers or content

There is another kind of content, belongs to you pick up to sleep, every word you know, every sentence can not understand.

In the current hot machine learning, deep learning, neural network and other fields performance is particularly obvious.

I recommend the way Richard Feynman, the Nobel Laureate in physics, read it in his autobiography

  • Review the supporting material carefully until you have a solid enough knowledge base to understand the underlying ideas.

In the face of an obscure subject, footnotes, endnotes, references, etc., do not let go of any small things. You should break it down, cut it into little pieces, and deal with them one by one, and you will eventually fill in all the gaps that would otherwise prevent you from understanding the whole idea.

Find a core article in the field and work your way through all the supporting materials. You’ll also get an overall understanding and impression of the field.

“4. A highly profitable method of reading — quantum speed reading”

“No decision, quantum mechanics.”

Close your eyes, open your senses, read a 100,000-word book in two minutes, and repeat it back without a problem.

There is no book that quantum speed reading can’t solve.

If you really believe it.

(Friendship tip: The fourth method is profound and mysterious, non-professionals do not imitate)


Nietzsche, the German philosopher, said in reference to the correct way of reading

It teaches how to read well: i.e. slowly, profoundly, attentively, prudently, with inner thoughts, with the mental doors ajar, with delicate fingers and eyes.

You cannot form your own system of thought, value judgment, and technical ability by reading alone.

I hope this book Day of 2020 has really taught you something, and that your bookshelf has really absorbed it

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