1. Controller handles exceptions

    /** * Lock the inventory, after placing an order to lock the inventory *@param vo
     * @return* /
    public R orderLockStock(@RequestBody WareSkuLockVo vo){
        try {
            return R.ok();
        } catch (NoStockException e) {
            log.warn("\n" + e.getMessage());
        return R.error(BizCodeEnume.NO_STOCK_EXCEPTION.getCode(), BizCodeEnume.NO_STOCK_EXCEPTION.getMsg());
Copy the code

2. Define exception classes

/ * * *@DescriptionAbnormal inventory. * * /
public class NoStockException extends RuntimeException {

    @Getter @Setter
    private Long skuId;

    public NoStockException(Long skuId) {
        super("Commodity ID:"+ skuId + "Out of stock!");

    public NoStockException(String msg) {
        super(msg); }}Copy the code

3. Service throws an exception

    @Transactional(rollbackFor = NoStockException.class) // Default: any run-time exception will be rolled back, so if not (rollbackFor = nostockException.class) it will work.
    public Boolean orderLockStock(WareSkuLockVo vo) {
        // Save the order before placing the stock for later retraction
        WareOrderTaskEntity taskEntity = new WareOrderTaskEntity();
        // [Theory]1. Find a nearby warehouse according to the harvest address of the order and lock the inventory
        // [actually]1. Find out which warehouse has every item in stock
        List<OrderItemVo> locks = vo.getLocks();
        List<SkuWareHasStock> collect = locks.stream().map(item -> {
            SkuWareHasStock hasStock = new SkuWareHasStock();
            Long skuId = item.getSkuId();
            // Where is this item in stock
            List<Long> wareIds = wareSkuDao.listWareIdHasSkuStock(skuId);
            return hasStock;

        // Order more stock
        for (SkuWareHasStock hasStock : collect) {
            Boolean skuStocked = true;
            Long skuId = hasStock.getSkuId();
            List<Long> wareIds = hasStock.getWareId();
            if(wareIds == null || wareIds.size() == 0) {// No warehouse has this inventory
                throw new NoStockException(skuId.toString());
            // If each item is successfully locked, a record of how many items are currently locked is sent to MQ
            // If the lock fails, the work order information saved before is rolled back - it does not matter, because the database cannot find the ID
            for (Long wareId : wareIds) {
                Return 1 on success, 0 on failure
                Long count = wareSkuDao.lockSkuStock(skuId, wareId, hasStock.getNum());
                if(count == 1) {// TODO tells MQ that an order has been locked successfully
                    //WareOrderTaskDetailEntity detailEntity = new WareOrderTaskDetailEntity(null,skuId,"",hasStock.getNum() ,taskEntity.getId(),wareId,1);
                    WareOrderTaskDetailEntity detailEntity = new WareOrderTaskDetailEntity(null,skuId,"",hasStock.getNum(),taskEntity.getId(),wareId,1);
                    orderTaskDetailService.save(detailEntity); / / warehousing
                    StockLockedTo stockLockedTo = new StockLockedTo();
                    StockDetailTo detailTo = new StockDetailTo();
                    BeanUtils.copyProperties(detailEntity, detailTo);
                    // In case the data cannot be found after rollback

                    rabbitTemplate.convertAndSend(eventExchange, routingKey ,stockLockedTo);
                    skuStocked = false;
                // The current warehouse lock failed. Try the next warehouse
                // There are currently no lock posts in all warehouses
                throw newNoStockException(skuId.toString()); }}// 3. All locks are successful
        return true;
Copy the code

Throw new NoStockException(skuuid.toString ()); There is no stock left.

No inventory information is displayed on the return page.