EthBox is a development kit for ethereum development learners to quickly install their local development environment. You can install the following necessary development tools in one click:

  • Nodejs: 8.11.2
  • Git:
  • Geth: 1.8.10
  • Ganache – cli: 6.1.0
  • Truffle: 4.1.11

EthBox supports rapid development and verification using an emulator, private chain testing using standard node software, and deployment by connecting to a public chain.

EthBox is currently available in version 0.0.1 and only for Windows operating systems.

  • EthBox download address – Baidu cloud disk
  • EthBox usage instructions
  • Ethereum Tutorial
  • Ethereum e-commerce actual combat tutorial

The installation

Start setup by downloading ethbox-setup.exe locally:

Enter the image title here

Click [Accept] button to enter installation directory selection:

Enter the image title here

Click the install button to start the installation process:

Enter the image title here

After installation, you can see the EthBox icon on your desktop:

Enter the image title here

Start emulator

Click the EthBox icon on the desktop to enter the EthBox environment:

Enter the image title here

Run ganache-cli to start emulator:

C:\Users\user> ganache-cli
Copy the code

The system is successfully started if the following information is displayed:

Enter the image title here

Create the Truffle project

Click the EthBox icon on the desktop again to enter the EthBox environment.

Create a project directory and execute Truffle unbox Webpack to initialize the project file:

C:\Users\user> md demo
C:\Users\hubwiz\demo> truffle.cmd unbox webpack
Copy the code

You should see the following results:

Enter the image title here

In Setting up… You will need to wait a while because you need to download the project dependencies from the network.

Run the Truffle project

First modify the default truffle.js configuration file to change the node port to 8545 – because ganache-cli listens on port 8545:

module.exports = {
    development: {
      port: 8545
Copy the code

Then modify the node URL in app/javascripts/app.js and also change the port to 8545:

window.web3 = new Web3(new Web3.providers.HttpProvider("http://localhost:8545"));
Copy the code

Now run the truffle compile command to compile the contract:

C:\Users\user\demo> truffle.cmd compile
Copy the code

There are some warnings during compilation, which can be ignored for now.

Then execute the Truffle Migrate deployment contract:

C:\Users\user\demo> truffle.cmd migrate
Copy the code

The results are as follows:

Enter the image title here

During deployment, if you switch to the Ganache window, you will see some transaction information — the deployment contract is also a transaction:

Enter the image title here

All ready! Ready to start the Web server:

C:\Users\user\demo> npm run dev
Copy the code

This command performs memory packing and starts a Web server listening on port 8080:

Enter the image title here

For now, visit http://localhost:8080!

Enter the image title here

Pay attention to this sentence:

You have 10000 META

The 10000 is taken from the ganache-CLI, so seeing this number means that your Ethereum development environment has been successfully deployed!

EthBox Is a one-click installation of the Ethereum development environment