As a programmer, I really want to debug the world sometimes. See how the world really works. It’s not uncommon for her output to be different from what I’m asserting, or what I consider normal input to be illegal.

Let me share two things first.

The first thing I remember is that when I took the driver’s license last year, I should have practiced subject 3. The coach took me to practice, and when we got to a place, he told me to stop. And he said to me, “This is a test site. See that tree in front of you? When you’re taking the test, you’re going to pull up about this distance from that tree and stop.” I was stunned. I realized I had no idea how long it was. And I said to the coach, “How long is this?” “, this turn coach meng forced, and then, I heard the back seat long waiting impatient line of three students with the coach said to me in chorus “about so long is so long”, at the same time gave me a look at the same mental retarded eyes. It’s about this long and it’s about this long, and I’m completely confused about how long it is. That was the moment I realized I was different from the world.

Fortunately, the coach didn’t give up on me, but I could tell that the way she taught me was different from the others. That’s the way you talk to me later. “See that tree in front of you? For the test, pull your car half a meter away from that tree and stop. See that flower stand? See that telephone pole in front of you? When the front of the car is at an Angle of 60 degrees, the steering wheel turns right in time “, half meter, parallel, 20 cm, 60 degrees, these words make me think that is the correct description. But I still don’t understand how anyone can figure out how long “about this long” is.

The second thing I found was that I couldn’t learn how to cook. What’s the reason? Because I realized I couldn’t read a recipe at all. Every time I see it filled with descriptions like a little salt, a little vinegar, a little soy sauce and so on, I get irritated. Why would I look at a recipe if I knew what the right amount was? I’ve always felt that people who write recipes like this don’t have any B’s in mind. But? With the above example of car training, others can learn to cook through these little, a number of words, the right amount of food, but also do well. So MAYBE I’m the one who doesn’t have B.

When it comes to B numbers, I actually think it’s a rather vulgar term. But I can’t think of a word to replace it. If I had to think of a word, I remember when I was in school playing League of Legends and screwing around with my teammates. Teammates can always predict where someone might be in the grass, who might be in the place to ank you, when and where to go. Communication between them, a look, a signal is enough. And I can’t get anything. I’m always sending heads, playing solo. And then I asked them how they could feel it, and it was like a hang up, and I couldn’t feel anything. “Because you’re unconscious,” they said. Yes, the word consciousness.

Why I’m not conscious. Maybe consciousness is more perceptual and I prefer rational thinking, or maybe I am born with weak consciousness. But there is no doubt that when I chose science, when I went out into the world and became a programmer, I was weakening consciousness.

Take code for example, what is written in code most, should be methods. Each system is made up of N classes, and each class is made up of N methods. And methods are called functions, from a mathematical concept. The wiki describes it as “like a machine or black box, the _ function produces a unique output given an input value”. _ Note the word unique, in theory, the function’s external input value is the same, the final result is the same. Most of the time when we write code this is also the case, and a few of The Times the inconsistency is probably due to bugs. This has nothing to do with consciousness, and you usually know what the output should be when you type it, in programmer parlance, assertion. How to know the output assertion, not by feeling, is you through logic step by step derivation, there is no room for emotional thinking in it.

The other scenario is familiar. It’s a daily fight with the product manager. The reasons for the quarrel are as follows: for example, the demand is added, the demand is changed, and the demand is not clear. It’s all about demand. And one of the most vexing is the lack of clarity.

In recent years, AI has become very popular. Every profession has a kind of anxiety about whether it will be replaced by AI in the future, and programmers are no exception. Posts like this have been seen before, with authors expressing similar concerns. The general point of the post is that AI is evolving so fast that in time there may be no programmers left, just product managers. A future system development scenario might be that the product manager logs in to an AI system, clicks on the system interface, and then the AI system generates a bunch of code from the input requirements to form a new system. When I saw the post, I immediately felt the anxiety, and then I scroll down and read the comments, and when I saw the most liked post, I was immediately relieved. The most liked response said, “This scenario will never happen until product managers can articulate their needs.” 🤣

Requirements are a constant topic of conversation between programmers and product managers. Every time the product demand, you are the first to throw a 5W2H soul torture. What to do, why to do, who to do, when to do, where to do, how to do, how much. If you don’t know anything, talk to the product manager. If you don’t know anything, don’t leave work. Remember, I used to look up the difference between project manager and product manager online. There is an answer on Zhihu that impressed me. He said “Product managers focus on doing the right thing, while project managers focus on doing the right thing”. Project managers actually represent a group of programmers. This answer actually explains the relationship between the two very well. Product managers actually more is to design a correct drawing, and we programmers do is to take this drawing to the correct implementation. In fact, we often laugh at ourselves as bricks, but if we look at it in this way, it is true.

The product manager thinks about what to do and why to do it. And we might just be passive to figure out what to do. This is caused by the high division of labor in enterprises. This is not wrong in itself, but if it goes on for a long time, it can rob us of our ability to think. Because a large part of the thinking, the product manager for you to do, you do not know the product manager to ask for clarity, lack of thinking process, over time it is easy to become an emotionless code machine.

That’s not true in the real world, even though there’s a book out there called Everyone is a Product Manager. When coach talks to me, I throw a 5W2H question at her, and she probably turns around and kicks me out of the car. There are so many things in life that are inaccurate, ambiguous, unscientific, and idempotent. Can only learn to accept, there is no product manager in life, first everything is arranged, and then tell you how to do, there is no test students, to help you repeatedly debugging positioning problems. We should not develop the habit of relying on others to think because of the division of work. Learn to see the world outside the programmer’s mind.

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