The following are the required syntax for developing 🔥.


Define a variable that is valid only in the same block of code as the “let”. In short, replace “var” with “let”.

  let a = 10;
  var b = 1;

a // ReferenceError: a is not defined.
b / / 1
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Define a constant. The defined variable cannot be modified

const PI = 3.1415;
PI / / 3.1415

PI = 3;
// TypeError: Assignment to constant variable.
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Array destruct assignment

let [a, b, c] = [1.2.3];

/ / equivalent
let a = 1;
let b = 2;
let c = 3;
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let { foo, bar } = { foo: 'aaa'.bar: 'bbb' };
foo // "aaa"
bar // "bbb"

let{ x, y, ... z } = {x: 1.y: 2.a: 3.b: 4 };
x / / 1
y / / 2
z // { a: 3, b: 4 }
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Deconstruction and assignment of function parameters

function add([x, y]){
  return x + y;
add([1.2]); / / 3
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function move({x, y} = { x: 0, y: 0 }) {
  return [x, y];
move({x: 3.y: 8}); / / [3, 8]
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Template string

Variables can be gracefully inserted into strings.

const a = 'hello';
const b = `${a} Vue`;
// b == 'hello vue'
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Default values for function arguments

function add(a,b=1){
	return a+b;

add(3) / / 4
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Arrow function

function a(){
	return 'hello'

// Arrow function
const a = () = >{
	return 'hello';

// It can be even simpler
const a = () = >'hello'

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The extension operator of an array

// equivalent to console.log(1,2,3);
console.log(... [1.2.3]);

// Merge the array
const a = [1.2.3];
const b = [...a,4.5]; / / [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
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A concise representation of object properties

const a = 1;

const obj = {a: 1};
/ / short
const obj = {a};  // {a: 1}
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A concise representation of an object method

const obj = {
  say:function (){
  	return 'hello! '; }};// For short, omit ":function"
const obj = {
  say (){
  	return 'hello! '; }};Copy the code

Object property name expression

The property names of an object can support variables.

const a = 'abc';
let obj = {};
obj[`${a}123 `] = 1;
console.log(obj) // {abc123:1};
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Chain judgment operator (?)

Implementation of “?” The expression on the left is null or undefined. If it is, stop immediately and return undefined or null.

const firstName = (message
  && message.body
  && message.body.user
  && message.body.user.firstName);

/ / short
constfristName = message? .body? .user? .firstName;Copy the code

Null judgment operator (??)

console.log(0 ?? 1); / / 0
console.log(false ?? 1); // false

console.log(undefined ?? 1); / / 1
console.log(null ?? 1); / / 1
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Obviously only “??” Return “??” if the preceding value is null or undefined The following values.


Promise is a solution to asynchronous programming that makes more sense than the traditional “callback functions and events” solution. We use “async/await” in the development process, because most of the third party plug-ins we use are encapsulated in the Promise format, and there is very little need to encapsulate them.

// Encapsulate the code in the Promise format
const promiseA = () = > new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
  // === your code ==
  setTimeout(() = >{
    if(0.5 < Math.random()){
    } else {
    	reject('failure'); }},200);
  // === your code ==

/ / execution
promiseA().then(value= >{
	// 'success' == value
}).catch(error= >{
	// 'failed' == error
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Use “promiseA “as an example:

function funA(){
  promiseA().then(value= >{
  }).catch(error= >{

// Use a try/catch to catch an exception raised by "reject"
async function funA(){
    const value = await promiseA();
  } catch(error){
    console.log(error); }}Copy the code

More and more

Here I just explain a few common grammar, please refer to ruan Yifeng’s tutorial for more

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