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1. Regexp Dotall Flag

Regular expression dotAll mode

1.1 introduction

In regular expressions, the dot. Is used to match any single character, but it cannot match four-byte UTF-16 characters (this problem can be solved by the U modifier), and line terminators.

Line terminators represent the end of a line, such as U+000A newline \n, U+000D carriage return \r, U+2028 line separator, U+2029 paragraph separator.

/name.alice/.test('name\nalice') // false
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In the above code, point. Does not match the \n newline character, so return false. The s modifier has been introduced in ES2018 to allow. To match any single character. This pattern is called the dotAll pattern;

/name.alice/s.test('name\nalice') // true
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2. Regexp Named Groups

Regular expression named capture group

2.1 introduction

Before ES2018, regular expressions can be matched by ()

const Reg_Day = /(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})/
const matchList = Reg_Day.exec('2021-05-27')
const year = matchList[1] / / '2021'
const month = matchList[2] / / '05'
const day = matchList[3] / / '27'
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One drawback of group matching is that it is not clear what each group of matches means, and the value can only be fixed by index.

After ES2018, named capture groups were introduced, allowing a name to be specified for each group match.

let users = `name: alice, age: 19
name: sam, age: 23`
let regexpNames = /name: (? 
       .+), age: (? 
let match = regexpNames.exec(users)
do {
  console.log(`Hello ${} ${match.groups.age}`)}while((match = regexpNames.exec(users)) ! = =null)
// Hello alice 19
// Hello sam 23
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3. Regexp Unicode Prope

Regular expression Unicode escape

3.1 introduction

Before ES2018, we used \d to match any number, \s to match any character that was not a space.

After ES2018, \p{} matches all Unicode characters. Its negation is \p{}.

/^\p{ASCII_Hex_Digit}$/u.test('0123456789ABCDEF') // true
/^\p{ASCII_Hex_Digit}$/u.test('abc') // false
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The ASCII_Hex_Digit of the code above is a Boolean property that checks if the string contains only valid hexadecimal digits

There are many others like Uppercase, Lowercase, White_Space, Alphabetic, and Emoji

/^\p{Lowercase}$/u.test('h') // true
/^\p{Uppercase}$/u.test('H') // true
/^\p{Emoji}+$/u.test('H')   // false
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