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1. The link operator is optional

Optional Chaining

1.1 introduction

In business development, if you read an attribute inside an object, you often need to determine whether the object exists. For example, a field name that reads a name directly from the interface, deep in the object hierarchy such as, is safe to write as follows.

const name = (res && && && || 'defaultName'
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In the example above, the name attribute is at the fourth level of the object, so you need to check four times to see if each level has a value.

Such layers of judgment can be tedious, so ES2020 has introduced the “optional chain operator” to simplify the above writing. The rewritten syntax reads as follows.

constname = res? .data? .info?.name ||'defaultName'
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1.2 Basic Usage

let myMap = new Map()
myMap.set('artist', { name: 'Alice'.age: 23 })
myMap.get('doctor')? .name// undefined
myMap.get('artist')? .name// 'Alice'
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The value of an expression in an object

let obj = { food1: 'aaa'.food2: 'bbb' }
    prop = 'food'
    type = '2'
letnestedProp = obj? .[prop + type]// 'bbb'
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A function call

const Fn = () = > {console.log('run')}
letresult = Fn? . ()// 'run'
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Access to an array

const arr = [1.2]
letarrayItem = arr? .42] // undefined
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Short circuit calculation

When using optional chains in an expression, the expression will not be evaluated if the left-hand operand is null or undefined, for example:

let left = null
let i = 0
letresult = left? .[i++]console.log(i) // I will not be incremented and will still print 0
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The delete operator.

Similar to short-circuit calculation, when the left-hand operand is null or undefined, undefined is returned without delete.

deletea? .bCopy the code

2. Null value merge operator

Nullish Coalescing

2.1 introduction

When reading object properties, you sometimes need to specify default values for them. Common practice is to pass | | operators to implement.

const object = { test: 0 }
const text = object.test || 'Hello World~' // 'Hello World~'
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Sometimes, in development, you just want to set the default value for null or undefined, that is, to keep the value 0, false, and “.

In this case, you can use the null value merge operator, a new feature of ES11. . The null-value merge operator is a logical operator that returns the right-hand operand when the left-hand operand is null or undefined

2.2 Basic Usage

const object = { test: 0.test2: null }
const text = object.test ?? 'Hello World~' / / 0
const text2 = object.test2 ?? 'Hello World~' // 'Hello World~'
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Short circuit calculation

If the left-hand operand is null or undefined, the expression will not be evaluated. For example:

function foo() {
  console.log('calling foo')}console.log(false ?? foo()) // foo is not executed
console.log(undefined ?? foo()) // 'call foo'When used with the logical operator, you need to add () to distinguish itconst small = true, medium = false, huge = true;
small && medium ?? huge / / an error
small ?? medium || huge / / an errorPlus small && Medium?? huge// false
small ?? (medium || huge) // true
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3. Promise.allSettled

3.1 introduction

This is a pity. All is a method of ES6 that is used to accept multiple Promise instances. When the states of all instances become fulfilled, an array of results will be returned. Reject returns promise. reject when one instance becomes reject, and the results of other requests will not be returned normally.

In some cases, we want the results of other requests to return normally even when an instance is rejected. In this case, ES2020 introduces the promise.allSettled () method.

3.2 Basic Usage

const promise1 = new Promise((resolve, reject) = > setTimeout(reject, 200.'reject'))
const promise2 = new Promise((resolve, reject) = > setTimeout(resolve, 300.'resolve'))
const promises = [promise1, promise2]
Promise.allSettled(promises).then((res) = > res.forEach((item) = > console.log('result', item)))
// result {status: "rejected", reason: "reject"}
// result {status: "fulfilled", value: "resolve"}
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This method returns a new Promise instance, again passing in an array of primse instances, and the result is always a depressing state. Sometimes we don’t care about the outcome of an asynchronous operation execution, but only whether the operation is finished, so try using the promise.allSettled () method.

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