The heart of the apprentice, there are mistakes welcome to point out ha ~

First, the process of modular development

The following is an article on the development of front-end modularity

Use of modularity in different environments: browser environment: ES Modules Module specification Node environment: CommonJS Modularity specification

ES Modules feature

<! DOCTYPEhtml>
<html lang="en">

  <meta charset="UTF-8">
  <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
  <meta name="viewport" content="Width = device - width, initial - scale = 1.0">

  <! The -- script tag executes the load script immediately, and the defer property executes the script after the page has been rendered -->
  <! -- Set type = module to the script tag to tell the code in the current script tag to execute according to the ESM specification -->
  <! -- <script type="module"></script> -->
  <! -- Basic features of ESM -->
  <! -- 1. Automatically adopt strict mode -->
  <script type="module">
    console.log(this) // undefined

  <! -- 2. Each ESM module is a separate private scope -->
  <script type="module">
    var a = 111

  <script type="module">
    console.log(a) // ref Error

  <! -- 3. The ESM's script tag will defer execution of the script, as as the default attribute defer -->

  <! -- 4. ESM requests external JS modules through CORS cross-domain request -->
  <! The server must support CORS if you want to request an external address -->
  <script type="module" src=""></script>
  <! The server supports CORS -->
  <script type="module" src="[email protected]/dist/jquery.min.js"></script>

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  • Strict mode is automatically adopted
  • Each ESM module is a separate private scope
  • The ESM’s script tag will defer the script execution, as it defaults to defer
  • ESM requests external JS modules through the cross-domain request method of CORS

Import and export of ES Modules

1. Export import {}

The {} following export import is not a literal object but a fixed syntax that has nothing to do with ES6’s object shorthand and deconstruction.

Not short Not to deconstruct

2. Differences between export {} and export default

  • By export {m1, m2,m3…. } can export multiple members for us
  • Export Default can only export one default member for us. A module is allowed to export only one default member

  • Export {} and export default can be used together

3. Export is a stack memory variable (raw data type stores the value, object data type stores the heap memory reference address)

First we export the variables name, feature in module.js, and print them in index.js. (feature hair = black) (feature hair = black) (index = black) (feature hair = black) (index = black) (index = black) (feature hair = black) (index = black) The values in the index module have changed. If it is a copy of the value, nothing should happen at this point.

4. Import is a read-only member and cannot change its value

From the error message, we know that members exported by export are declared as constants. Therefore, the original datatype declared as const cannot be modified, but the reference datatype can be modified (because no error will be reported as long as the reference address in the stack memory is not changed).

5. Import Import path related

(1) Must keep up with the complete import file path, can not omit the file type.

The CommonJS require() module can omit file extensions

(2). Import can also import third-party modules by adding the full path, for examplehttps://localhost:3000/.

In addition to full paths, you can also write absolute pathsThe absolute path will be found from the root directory of the website by default

(3) Import Modules provided by CommonJS cannot be imported in the browser environment

6. If you do not need to import a member and only want to execute the imported module, you can omit {}. For example, you can write: import ‘./module.js’.

7. Import * as alias from ‘./module.js’ to export all members under module

8. How to load modules dynamically by calling the global import(file path), which returns a promise object. The exported value is retrieved through the THEN method.

At this point, the page will report an error, see the following code how to dynamically export members

const age = 19

if (age > 18) {
  // If age 18 we need to import all the members in modules.js

  import('./modules.js').then(res= > {
    console.log(res, 'Dynamic Import member')})}else {
  // From here we can import another module
  // import ('./modulesB.js')
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9. There are two ways to import the default member and named member

import {name, age,  default as hhh) from './module.js'
import hhh, {name,age} from './modules.js'
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10. Import and export can be used together.

export {name, age} from './modules.js'Copy the code

4. ES Modules browser compatibility problems

If Internet Explorer still does not support this syntax, you can use browser-es-moyule-loader Pollyfill to make Internet Explorer support the ES Module syntax

Support for ESModules in the Node environment

Node.js currently supports ES Modules as an experimental feature since version 8.5

1. Change the file name extension to.mjs. When you run the node command, specify the command line parameters as shown in Figure 2-16

2. Specify type = module in the package.json file

If you specify type=module in package.json, the current project modularity specification is ESM. If you want to use CommonJS, you need to use the. CJS suffix to use require

ES Modules interact with CommonJS in the Node environment

  • ES Modueles can import members exported by the CommonJS module

  • Export members defined by ES Modules cannot be imported into CommonJS

There is a problem with syntax error exceptions

  • CommonJS always exports only one default member, the exports object. Multiple members add keys and values to this object
/ / the first
module.exports = exported members// The second expors is an alias of module.exports
// Exports must be added to this method by adding a key value to the exported object
exports.key1 = value1
exports.key2 = value2
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ES Modules are different from CommonJS in the Node environment

The ESM can also be used in the Node environment with Babel

yarn add @babel/node @babel/core @babel/preset-env -D
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Configure the babelRC file, using which conversion library the code will be converted to. Babel itself is not responsible for any code conversion, it only provides a platform, the actual code conversion is @babel/preset-env, preset-env is a collection of conversion libraries containing ES6+ feature syntax, ESModules conversions, and so on.