This is the 24th day of my participation in the August Text Challenge.More challenges in August

Review and

When we use the Nuggets APP for the first time, we will see the following login screen

  • The cute nuggets icon is the Label Label

  • The login Button is Button

  • The email/mobile phone bar and password bar are Entry text boxes

Python Tkinter provides a variety of components, including Label and Button

In this installment, we continue learning about properties and methods related to the Widget subclass Entry single-line text box component

1. Entry/Text overview

Entry is a standard component of Python Tkinter that accepts strings from the user’s keyboard

Entry A single-line text box used to receive a string of components.

  • When the entered line exceeds the size of the Entry, the line is broken to the next line.
  • It is mainly used in input box scenarios such as filling in forms

2. Common Entry methods

The Entry component provides methods to manipulate strings.

methods role
delete(first,last=None) Delete the index value in the text box
get() Gets the value of the text box
icursor(index) Moves the cursor to the specified index position
index(index) Returns the specified index value
insert(index,s) Inserts a value into the text box
select_adjust(index) Select the value before the specified index and index location
select_clear() Clear the text box
select_from(index) Set the cursor position by index
select_present() Returns True if selected
select_range(start,end) Select the value for the specified index location
select_to(index) Select the value between the specified index and the cursor

3. Entry Common attributes

attribute meaning
height Sets the height of the textbox. Each increment of the height value adds one line
width Sets the width of the textbox, incrementing the value by 1 byte
insert Text box to insert data, you can specify the location to insert data
delete Delete data in the text box. You can specify the data to be deleted according to the data location
get Get the data in the text box, you can specify the data to be obtained by the data location
relief Textbox style, set the display effect of controls. Options: FLAT, SUNKEN, RAISED, GROOVE, RIDGE.
bd Sets the border size of the text box. The larger the value, the wider the border
bg Sets the default background color of the text box
fg Sets the default foreground color of the text box, the font color
font Text font, text size, text glyphs. Glyph overstrike/italic/bold/underline
state The value can be DISABLED or NORMAL. The value cannot be entered in the DISABLED state text box, but can be entered in the NORMAL state
highlightcolor Sets the border color of the text box after it is clicked
highlightthickness Sets the border size of the text box after it is clicked

4. Test the cat

📝 Let’s practice using the Entry and Text components:

Entry realizes the login interface as follows:

  1. Create Account and Password are Label components

    self.lab = Label(self,text = "Account")
    self.lab2 = Label(self, text="Password")
    Copy the code
  2. Accounts and passwords need to be created using the Entry component

    • Account/password values change dynamically, so we use StringVar

      1. ⭐ StringVar
      • StringVar inherits the Variable type

      • The StringVar variable is bound to the specified component

      • When the value of the StringVar variable changes, the component content changes as well

      • The component content changes, as does the value of the StringVar variable

    • StringVar is then bound using Textvariable of the Entry component

    Therefore, the Account/Password input box can be implemented in code

    ``` self.lab = Label(self,text = "Account") self.lab.pack() v1 = StringVar() self.En = Entry(self,textvariable = v1) self.En.pack() v1.set("admin") print(v1.get()); print(self.En.get()) self.lab2 = Label(self, text="Password") self.lab2.pack() v2 = StringVar() self.En2 = Entry(self, textvariable=v2,show = "*") self.En2.pack() ```Copy the code
  3. Add login button and bind login event

    Button(self,text = "Login",command = self.login).pack()
    Copy the code
  4. Application(Frame) encapsulates the process of creating a component in the CreateWidgetEntry() method, and initializes the Appication instance object using the constructor

  5. Finally, the complete implementation code is as follows

from tkinter import * class Application(Frame): def __init__(self,master=None): # super() represents the definition of the parent class, Super ().__init__(master) self.master = master self.pack() self.creatwidgeTentry () def CreatWidgetEntry(self): self.lab = Label(self,text = "Account") self.lab.pack() v1 = StringVar() self.En = Entry(self,textvariable = v1) self.En.pack() v1.set("admin") print(v1.get()); print(self.En.get()) self.lab2 = Label(self, text="Password") self.lab2.pack() v2 = StringVar() self.En2 = Entry(self, textvariable=v2,show = "*") self.En2.pack() Button(self,text = "Login",command = self.login).pack() def login(self): Name = self.en. get() print("Account:"+name) print("Password:" + PDW) print(" ") if name == "Admin" and PDW =="1234567": messagebox.showinfo("Juejin"," login successful ") else: messagebox.showinfo("Juejin", Root = Tk() root. Geometry ("400x130+200+300") root. Title ("MyfirstAPP") app = Application(master=root) root.mainloop()Copy the code


In this installment, we will learn about the text Entry field of the Tkinter component. The single-line text field is often used in the login interface for form-filling scenarios such as user name and password

In a work scenario where only one line of input is required, you can choose to use the Entry component, which also provides methods for deleting, modifying, and inserting text

The above is the content of this issue, welcome big guys to point up comments and corrections, see you next time ~ღ(´ ᴗ · ‘) than xin 🌹