Recently, the company is recruiting a lot of people, which inevitably requires me and every manager in the company to have better management ability. It is a tough battle in front of us, because the final opponent in a war must be both smart and hardworking!

What’s not going to change in the next 10 years?

This is an era where everything is changing at a high speed. Blockchain, ARTIFICIAL intelligence, user sinking, short video, new retail,… Ideas keep coming. Everyone is predicting the future, voicing their opinions on the world’s impending upheavals, and we’re swinging back and forth in this protracted tuyere. “The future has come”, “subversion and innovation” and “a brief history of the future” are always in our ears.

Unlike most of the younger generation of entrepreneurs, I am slow, old-fashioned and cautious, perhaps because I come from an intellectual family and have a natural resistance to criticism, cold eyes and even anything that bursts fast. In the big business of entrepreneurship, I love two people Jeff Bezos and Xu Xin. Two days ago, when I was reading relevant articles, I read a passage from Jeff Bezos that benefited me a lot except It’s All About Long term:

I almost never get the question: ‘What’s not going to change in the next 10 years? ‘ And I submit to you that that second question is actually the more important of the two — because you can build a business strategy around the things that are stable in time.

‘Even 10 years or more from now, consumers want to be able to buy cheaper, they want to have more choice, they want to get what they buy as quickly as possible,’ he said. ‘We should focus all our energy on those things that don’t change.’

Take the current most popular blockchain as an example. There have been a lot of articles about what blockchain is and what it can do, and then there are a lot of “theological” preachers who keep adding to this technological innovation, as if it is a big wave that human beings cannot avoid. But what is the truth? Indeed, blockchain technology allows a standalone system to self-prove trust through cryptography through distributed data storage (note THAT I’m not using the term ledger here).

At this point, in the fog, people who have the concept of blockchain technology know what they are talking about, and those who do not understand can not explain clearly. However, this is only a technology, the same is not technology, is to solve the problem!

  • Blockchain does not solve the problem of efficiency
  • Blockchain can solve those problems that need to be resolved

So, we want to query quickly and not use blockchain, we want to transfer money quickly and not use blockchain, we want to play real-time games. As for value-token, its biggest value is not the token itself, but the digital currency can quickly make assets traded in the secondary market. The value brought by a digital currency application itself is not the value of your project!

And what are the most divisive issues?

Let’s take the problem of borrowing money for example

Although we always want to borrow money as soon as possible, the time dimension of this request can be hours or days. In this application scenario, how the lender can ensure that you will be able to repay the principal and interest in the future is the basis of the loan. This trust can be divisive or risky, for example, when a borrower wants to know where you work, your salary level, proof of an RV, a history of borrowing, and so on. How to solve so many problems that need to resolve trust and disagreement is an opportunity for blockchain. As a result, supply chain traceability, such as lending information related to banking, government regulation, and manufacturing, will soon be applied to blockchain technology, and the related solution providers will also be swamped with demand.

In the future, there may be a better way to solve this problem outside of blockchain, but the problem itself is unchanged and must be solved forever. Therefore, a service provider that can continuously solve the trust of borrowers’ repayment is a valuable business model that can exist for a long time. Based on such a long time has been the same demand, find the best solution!

Iterator is human, recursion is divine

This sentence is very common, so LET me explain recursion and YCombinator first, if Lambda Calculus is used in the basic form,

So that’s the basic explanation of recursion, and there’s a lot of variationYCombinatorIt’s the basis for recursion, and the recursion is a function. Take the Fibonacci numbers for example:

function fib(n) {
    if (n <= 2)
        return 1
        return fib(n- 1) + fib(n2 -)}Copy the code

That an infinite sequence of numbers can be reduced to such simple logic is the power of recursion. The reason why recursers are gods is because recursers are always abstracting, reducing complex worlds to rules, and only those who can simplify like this can create something that everyone needs. Google, for example, has reduced the complexity of obtaining information to a single search box, which is probably a great recursion. Although, I think the greatest recursion is the process system in the operating system kernel terminal.

What about iterators? In fact, labor production, under an abstract rule to increase the cycle optimization process, for example, the above sequence recursion can also be implemented in a circular way:

function fib(n) {
    let a = 1, b = 1
    for (let i = 3; i <= n; i++) {
        let c = a + b
        a = b
        b = c
    return b
Copy the code

You’ll find that all recursive algorithms can be converted to iterative loops, just in a different way of thinking. By recursive method to find the essence of the abstract, is found in the boundless universe a unified problem, which is why the more large users of products tend to function as simple and unified interface, because everyone need to solve the demand must be concise and clear, we should put all the energy in the core of the abstract problem.

Keep calm and carry on

Finally and most importantly, I believe in myself. As long as I think seriously enough, I will absorb the quality information of others and give up the view of emotions and interests. After thinking deeply, I will be able to tell whether other people’s words are stupid!

Too many people telling you what’s right and wrong. The endless torrent of information that drives your mind every day; A person does not become wiser by the amount of information he acquires, only by the amount of trouble he has to deal with it. That’s why, instead of wasting my time obsessing, I spend 80% of my time thinking firmly and calmly.

  • Focus on the same problem
  • Focus on the abstract core of the problem
  • Think calmly and intently

Figure it out, the rest of the good work!