Visions of the past are referred to in the Python language standard’s “Comparisions” chapter

Also unlike C, expressions like a < b < c have the interpretation that is conventional in mathematics

That is, to write an expression as a < b &&b < C in C, Python can write it as a < b < C. Also, the standard says

Comparisons can be chained arbitrarily, e.g., x < y <= z is equivalent to x < y and y <= z, except that y is evaluated only once (but in both cases z is not evaluated at all when x < y is found to be false).

This property is commonly referred to as a short circuit. Therefore, expressions like 2 < 1 < (1/0) do not raise an exception in Python, but return False.

Python’s less-than sign has short-circuited properties because it is not a normal function, but rather a language-backed operator. In Common Lisp (CL), the less-than sign is just a function, just as the less-than sign is a function in Haskell. The difference is that the less-than sign of CL can accept more than two arguments

(< 1 2 3 - 1) ; The result is NIL
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But it has no short-circuit characteristics

(< 1 2 3 - 1 (/ 1 0)) ; Raises an error named division-by-zero
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In order to simulate the less than sign with short circuit characteristics, we must use the power of macros.

What kind of code do you want to generate

To write a macro, you must first visualize its syntax and what code it will unfold into. Let’s just name this macro less-than, and its syntax should be

(defmacro less-than (form &rest more-forms)
  ; TBC
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There are a number of options for how it unfolds. For example, (less-than 2 1 (/ 1 0)) can be expanded to form and with its own short-circuit property

(and (< 2 1) (< 1 (/ 1 0)))
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But just like the MAX macro implemented in C that computes the maximum of both with macros, the above expansion can lead to repeated evaluation in some cases

(less-than 1 (progn (print 'hello) 2) 3)
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Therefore, at least expand the collocation of “and” and “let”

(let ((g917 1)
      (g918 (progn (print 'hello) 2)))
  (and (< g917 g918)
       (let ((g919 3(a))< g918 g919))))
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To expand to this structure, less-than can be implemented as follows

(defmacro less-than (form &rest more-forms)
  (labels ((aux (lhs forms)
             "LHS represents the next left operand to be compared that is less than the sign."
             (unless forms
               (return-from aux))
             (let* ((rhs (gensym(a))rv (aux rhs (rest forms))))
               (if rv
                   `(let ((,rhs ,(first forms)))
                      (and (< ,lhs ,rhs)
                   `(< ,lhs ,(first forms))))))
    (cond ((null more-forms)
           `(< ,form))
           (let ((lhs (gensym)))
             `(let ((,lhs ,form))
                ,(aux lhs more-forms)))))))
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Use the input above to verify that this results in a double evaluation

CL-USER> (macroexpand-1 '(less-than 1 (progn (print 'hello) 2) 3(a))LET ((#:G942 1(a))LET ((#:G943 (PROGN (PRINT 'HELLO) 2)))
    (AND (< #:G942 #:G943) (< #:G943 3))))
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To optimize the

Obviously less-than can be optimized by simply using recursive techniques

(defmacro less-than (form &rest more-forms)
  (cond ((< = (length more-forms) 1)
         `(< ,form ,@more-forms))
         (let ((lhs (gensym(a))rhs (gensym)))
           `(let ((,lhs ,form)
                  (,rhs ,(first more-forms)))
              (and (< ,lhs ,rhs)
                   (less-than ,rhs ,@(rest more-forms))))))))
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The expanded code is much shorter

CL-USER> (macroexpand-1 '(less-than 1 (progn (print 'hello) 2) 3(a))LET ((#:G955 1) (#:G956 (PROGN (PRINT 'HELLO) 2)))
  (AND (< #:G955 #:G956) (LESS-THAN #:G956 3)))
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