Throw check exception cannot be rolled back correctly

Cause: Spring only rolls non-checking Exception solutions: @transational plus property rollbackFor (exception.class)

2. The rollback cannot be done because the business method tries to catch itself

Reason: the declarative transaction to the proxy object, you can’t get a solution: internal not throw an exception external 1, 2, manual throw TransationalStatus throws an exception. SetRollbackOnly ()

3. Aop cutting order causes no roll

Reason: the lowest priority aspects affairs, but the custom section in its inner solution: 1, 2, manual cut up an exception is thrown, throw an exception TransationalStatus. SetRollbackOnly () 3, configuration @ Order Order was loaded

4. @transational only works with public methods

Reason: @transational only applies to public methods Solution: 1, use the publick modifier and 2, configure the transaction Bean object to apply to all methods

5. The scanning range of neutron containers in parent-child containers is too large

Cause: The scanning range of sub-containers is too large. Solution: 1. Scan each packet in its own range

6. Calling this class method invalidates transaction propagation behavior

Cause: this method cannot enhance the solution without using the proxy class: 1. Inject itself into this class. 2

7. @Transational does not guarantee atomic behavior

Cause: Atomic operations only include INSERT, update, delete, SELECT… For update, select does not guarantee atomicity of transactions. For UPDATE only the first SELECT transaction commits the second

8. @transational method leads to failure of synchronized

Synchronized only ensures atomicity of the target method in multi-threaded cases, and the commit operation surrounding the target method does not exist in the sync block for update