This is the 13th day of my participation in the November Gwen Challenge. Check out the event details: The last Gwen Challenge 2021

Redirect the page after a specified time through the META tag of HTML

<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="3; url="> 
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Create a base class

Why create a base class?

The base class was created because we wanted to reuse some common logic, such as what to do with a successful login and what to do with a login failure, which is the root of why we created the base class.

Implementation method

  1. Start by creating a base.js file under the controller

  2. Define asynchronous functions in a file that need to be reused.

'use strict';

const Controller = require('egg').Controller;

class BaseController extends Controller {
  async success(msg,redirectUrl) {
    await this.ctx.render("admin/public/success",{
  async error(msg,redirectUrl) {
    await this.ctx.render("admin/public/error",{

module.exports = BaseController;
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  1. Inheritance needs to be modified where base classes are needed.
const BaseController = require('./base.js');
class LoginController extends BaseController{};
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  1. Call methods in this asynchronously through this
await this.success("Login successful"."/admin")
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Configure common successful failed pages

  1. Define successful static pages and error static pages inside the specified folder under View.
  2. The meta tag is used to enable the jump after a specified time.
  3. Receives incoming parameters through the EJS template.
<%- include .. /public/page_header.html %><meta http-equiv="refresh" content="1. url=<%=redirectUrl%>"> 

 <div class="container" style="width: 480px; margin-top:100px;">

    <div class="row">                 
            <div class="alert alert-success">            	
            	<br />
            	<p>If you do not make a selection, you will be redirected to the first link address after 3 seconds.</p>            

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Set a background address that can be modified

The reason why you need to configure the background address that can be changed is that you only need to change the address in the configuration file when changing the path, avoiding the tedious modification one by one.

  1. Specify the background path in config.default.js.
  2. Specifies that the middleware matches the path mentioned above and passes the specified path to the middleware.
  config.adminPath = "aaa";
  config.adminAuth = {
    match: ` /${config.adminPath}`.adminPath: config.adminPath
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  1. The method of obtaining a specified path in a route
const {
  } = app
router.get(` /${config.adminPath}/manager`, controller.admin.manager.index);
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  1. Middleware gets adminPath by configuring global variables
ctx.state.adminPath = options.adminPath;
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  1. The controller obtains the path from this.config
await this.error('Wrong username or password'.` /The ${this.config.adminPath}/login`)
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  1. Static page directly from the template engine
<li class="list-group-item"> <a href="/<%=adminPath%>/role" target="rightMain">Role management</a></li>
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Static pages are available because the middleware we configured in step 4 configured adminPath into a global variable.

Exit the implementation of the login function

  1. Define exit asynchronous functions in the controller

In the asynchronous function, the session must be cleared first, because the middleware determines whether the login is realized through the session, and the login page is redirected after the login.

  // Log out
  async loginOut() {
    this.ctx.session.userinfo = null;
    await this.success("Exit successful".` /The ${this.config.adminPath}/login`);
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  1. Configure the routing
router.get(` /${config.adminPath}/login/loginOut`,controller.admin.login.loginOut)
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  1. Click the static page configuration at exit
<li><a href="/<%=adminPath%>/login/loginOut">Safety exit</a>
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