EFResume is a generic resume template (probably not quite) developed in Swift and inspired by ZResume, which is container-based and requires server support, EyreFree, however, didn’t know anything about this technology and didn’t have any money, but thought the resume was really good, so it had to change the static template by itself, 😂. The design is from FREE Resume Template. Welcome to raise Issue and PR. I hope we can work together to improve this resume. If it is useful, I hope you can give me a Star.

English Introduction




The sample


The environment

  • XCode 8.0 +
  • Swift 3.0 +

The installation

  1. Well, first you need to install Xcode;
  2. usinggit cloneCommand to download the warehouse;
  3. And then open the core directoryEFResume.xcworkspaceCompile.

Or run the following command:

git clone [email protected]:EyreFree/EFResume.git; cd EFResume/core; open EFResume.xcworkspace
Copy the code


  1. Open the project with Xcode;
  2. Open the main.swift file and edit the corresponding text in the input function to change the information to your own.
  3. Compile directly after editing;
  4. Open the index.html file in the docs directory to preview it locally.
  5. Commit local changes to a remote Git repository;
  6. To generate an online resume and get the URL, open GitHub’s Pages service and select the /docs path as the root path.
  7. Good luck, 👍

The author

EyreFree, [email protected]


EFResume is distributed and used based on the GPLv3 protocol. See the protocol file for more information.

Please correct any intellectual property rights, copyright issues or theoretical errors. https://juejin.cn/post/6844903529719529485 reprint please indicate the original author and the above information.