As a Java development engineer, it’s always a headache to face thousands of lines of code every day. As the saying goes: “good work must be done first,” efficient and available IDEA plug-in, not only can help the enterprise development team in the development of more efficient, improve fault tolerance, better team collaboration, help to improve the quality of the code, reduce the difficulty of project maintenance. So, today check a number of powerful practical IDEA plug-ins to help you complete your daily work.

 1. Alibaba Cloud Toolkit 

The first thing to recommend is Alibaba Cloud Toolkit, which is supported by Alibaba’s well-known tools such as Arthas and the code specification function matching Alibaba Java Development Manual. As a free native IDE plug-in, the AlibabaCloud Toolkit helps developers develop, test, diagnose, and deploy applications more efficiently. Developers can easily deploy local applications to any machine (local or cloud) with one click, efficiently execute terminal commands and SQL, and truly achieve code management, continuous integration, automated testing, and automatic deployment, comprehensively covering development and deployment scenarios without connecting to third-party tools, greatly improving r&d efficiency.

IntelliJ IDEA, Eclipse, PyCharm and Maven are currently available.

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• IntelliJ IDEA/PyCharm versions:…

Visual Studio Code version:…

• Eclipse version:…

• Maven version:

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2. jclasslib bytecode viewer 

Plugin introduction: We often come across a class that we want to explore and disassemble it. The built-in disassembly tool Javap is powerful enough. Is it necessary to install JClasslib? The real value of jclasslib is to open the class you want to study in IDEA, compile the class or directly compile the entire project. Open the “View” menu and select the “Show Bytecode With Jclasslib” option. The JClassLib tool window pops up. Without the need to type command, you can compare and learn the source code on the right side. Bytecode commands support hyperlinks where virtual machine instructions are clicked to jump to the JVMS section. This is a great help in learning virtual machine commands.

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• IntelliJ IDEA version:

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Cool Tools for Jet Brains, Codota must be on the list. Codota enhances IDE code completion by learning AI from numerous open source Java projects, providing developers with reliable help in code writing, enabling developers to program faster and smarter. These completion suggestions are common coding patterns learned from open source code, which can save you time searching for sample code. You don’t need to open a browser when you want to search for code examples. You only need to operate in the IDE to see snippets of code similar to your own that have been analyzed and scored highly by Codota. This not only speeds up development, but also makes it easier to read and use the sample code. Support JDK and well-known third party library function usage search, you can see other well-known open source projects use this function. When we use a class for the first time and are not familiar with a function, we can search related usage through the plug-in and quickly imitate learning. Now provide IntelliJ IDEA version, Eclipse version, Webstorm version, Android Studio version.

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4.Auto filling Java call arguments 

During development, we usually call other functions that have been written and need to fill in the parameters. However, in most cases, the variable name passed in is the same as the parameter name of the function. When there are many parameters, it is very time-consuming to fill in the parameters manually. With Auto Filling Java Call Arguments, when calling a function, simply call “Auto Fill Call Parameters” and the parameter names defined by that function will be automatically filled.

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5. GsonFormat 

In our daily development, we may be faced with a lot of complex Json data, and each time we have to think about writing the code to parse Json. There are many ways to parse Json, and GsonFormat provides a very simple solution, used to use Gson library to parse JSONObject format String into entities, the plug-in can speed up the development progress, the use of very convenient, high efficiency. Currently, the plugin only supports Android Studio and Intellij IDEA tools.

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 6. Save Actions 

The default configuration of IntelliJ Idea is to automatically save the modified content, instead of using Ctrl + S after each modification. Save Actions can automatically format and reorder the package order after each modification. These tedious and easy to forget tasks can be automatically completed, which is a real efficiency improvement tool.

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 7.Android Drawable Importer 

In order to display images on different resolution devices, we often need to add different resolution images in RES/Drawable. Sometimes we may only have a picture with one resolution in hand. Maybe we can make pictures with all resolutions through other tools, but it will be more convenient to use the Android Drawable Importer plug-in. As a very powerful image import plug-in, Android Drawable Importer can import Android icon and Material icon Drawable, batch import Drawable, Multi-source import Drawable (that is, import a picture corresponding to various DPI), currently support IntelliJ IDEA version, Android Studio version.

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 8. JSON To Kotlin Class 

When developing with Kotlin, we often need to parse and manipulate Json data. In the Java similar development environment, we need to refer to the Json data format of the corresponding generation of the corresponding JavaBean, in the Java development of GsonFormat. This type of plug-in is certainly indispensable in the Kotlin development environment. JSON To Kotlin Class quickly converts JSON strings into Kotlin data Class code.

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In the development process, we will encounter the situation that we need to assign values to entity attributes, so the code will need to write a lot of set methods. In the case of a large number of attributes, it is inevitable to generate errors, and duplicate attributes may be written. Therefore, we really need a plug-in to help us generate all the set methods.

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In normal development, the naming of variables is very troublesome for English bitter hands. Translation may help us solve many problems. Simply select the Chinese or English version you want to Translate, click the right mouse button and choose Translate. No need to switch between different interfaces and use translation software.

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The above is our recommendation of auxiliary development plug-ins, reasonable learning and use of plug-ins, not only can improve the usual development efficiency, but also can effectively improve the quality of our code. So go to the plugins store and download them!