Edit shortcut key [ALT+/] to display code prompts, as well as automatic code completion function. Ctrl+D deletes the current line

Window shortcut key [Ctrl+M] Window maximize and restore

View and locate shortcut keys

  1. [Ctrl+K], [Ctrl+Shift+K] Quickly find the selected content down and up, no longer need to use the mouse click find dialog. 2.. Incremental Search [Ctrl+J], [Ctrl+Shift+J]

Find references to classes, methods, and properties. This is a very useful shortcut. For example, if you want to change the code that references a method, you can use the [Ctrl+Shift+G] shortcut to quickly locate all references to this method. When you copy a program from the Internet and don’t know how to import it into the class, try the shortcut key Ctrl+Shift+O. You will be surprised. [Ctrl+Shift+F] formatting code, writing standard code is a required course for every programmer, when you see a piece of code is not pleasing to the eye, press [Ctrl+Shift+F] shortcut key to format the code, if you do not select the code, the default format of the current file (Java file). [ALT+Shift+W] Find the path of the current file in the project. You can quickly locate the browser view. This shortcut is useful if you want to find the package of a file (especially in large projects). [Ctrl+L] navigate to a line in the current editor, even for non-Java files.

  1. The [Alt+←], [Alt+→] backward history and forward history are very useful in tracking code. Users may search several related places, but may not remember them clearly. They can use these two shortcut keys to locate the search order.

[F3] a class, method, or property that quickly locates the cursor position.

[F4] Display the class inheritance relationship and open the class inheritance view.

Debug shortcut keys

Eclipse has the following shortcuts related to running debugging.

  1. [Ctrl+Shift+B] : Sets a breakpoint on the current line or cancels the breakpoint.
  2. [F11] : Debugs the program that was last executed.
  3. [Ctrl+F11] : Run the program that was last executed.
  4. [F5] : Trace to the method, when the program is executed to a method, you can press the [F5] key trace to the method.
  5. [F6] : Single step execution program.
  6. [F7] : After executing the method, return to the next statement that called the method.
  7. 【F8】 : Continue execution until the next breakpoint or program ends.
  8. [Ctrl + F2] : End debugging.
  9. Ctrl + R: Jump to the mouse line.

View switch shortcut key

  1. [Ctrl+F6] : Switch to the next editor.
  2. Ctrl+Shift+F6: Switch to the previous editor.
  3. [Ctrl+F7] : Switch to the next view.
  4. [Ctrl+Shift+F7] : Switch to previous view.
  5. 【Ctrl+F8】 : Switch to the next perspective.
  6. [Ctrl+Shift+F8] : Switch to the previous perspective.
  7. [F12] : Activate the editor.

【Ctrl+Q】 : Skip to the last edit; 【Ctrl+Shift+Q】: When the file is not saved, you can see your changes by the dark red mark next to the line number. 【Ctrl+W】 : Close the currently edited file; Ctrl+E: Activate and locate a file that is currently open; [Ctrl+Shift+E] : Same as Ctrl+E, but need to open a window. 【Ctrl+R】: Unknown (?) 【Ctrl+T】 : Quick view of class hierarchy; Ctrl+Shift+T: Open Type (class,interface, etc.) In contrast to Ctrl+Z, cancel the previous undo operation Ctrl+Shift+X/Y to make the selected font all uppercase or all lowercase. 【Ctrl+U】: Unknown (?) [Ctrl+Shift+U] : Find the number of occurrences in the current window and list the results in the Search window. [Ctrl+I] : Indent the current line correctly or select the line. 【Ctrl+Shift+I】 : Inspect(Debug) 【Ctrl+O】 : Quickly list the Outline of the class. [Ctrl+Shift+O] : Automatically add or remove import statements [Ctrl+P] : printer window [Ctrl+Shift+P] : match the beginning or end of parentheses [Ctrl+A] : select all Ctrl+Shift+A: Open the plug-in Artifact Ctrl+S: Save the current file. Ctrl+Shift+S: Save all the modified files. Ctrl+D: Delete one line. 【Ctrl+Shift+D】 : Unknown (?) [Ctrl+F] : Find the replacement. Ctrl+Shift+F: Unknown (?) 【Ctrl+G】 : Find the Declarations with the same name in workspace. [Ctrl+Shift+G] : in workspace search References [Ctrl+H] : search window. [Ctrl+Shift+H] : Open Type in Hierarchy [Ctrl+J] : Forward incremental search Ctrl+Shift+I: Reverse incremental search (to the beginning of the document) Ctrl+K: Forward search Ctrl+Shift+K: Reverse lookup (to the beginning of the document) Ctrl+L: Jump to the specified line. [Shift+Enter] : Add a new line next to the current edit line. [Ctrl+Shift+Enter] : Add a new line to the current edit line [Ctrl+Z] : Undo the previous modification operation. 【Ctrl+Shift+Z】 : [Ctrl+X] : Cut the selected text (behaves strangely if it is not selected). [Ctrl+Shift+X] : Invert [Ctrl+Shift+Y] to uppercase the selected text. [Ctrl+C] : Copy the selected text (if not selected, the behavior is weird). Ctrl+Shift+C: Comment a line (same as Ctrl+/) Ctrl+V: Paste 【Ctrl+N】 : New 【Ctrl+Shift+N】 : Unknown (?) 【Ctrl+Shift+M】 : Unknown [Ctrl+,] : Next Annotation [Ctrl+Shift+,] : unknown [Ctrl+.] : Previous Annotation [Ctrl+Shift+.] : Unknown (?) 【Ctrl+Shift+/】 : Toggle

CTRL + Left/Right: Cursor skips a CTRL + Up/Down: Scroll the screen to browse the code CTRL + Home/End: Jumps to the beginning or End of the file Shift + Left/Right: CTRL + Shift + Left/Right: Words in units CTRL + Shift + Up/Down: Jumps up/down in units of functions Alt + Left/Right: Toggles between nearest browsing points. Alt + Up/Down: Move the cursor up/down. CTRL + Alt + Up/Down: Copy a line and move it (conflict on Ubuntu). CTRL + Q: Skip to the last edit

Reprinted from: Simple Book – fold up low

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