Echarts diagrams can only be called in mounted lifecycle functions. Created hooks are not yet mounted

Pile figure

<div class="chart"  v-show=! "" isShow" ref="myChart"></div>
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// legend parameter Settings, initialization
    setChart() {
      // If the page has multiple renderings of the chart, destroy the rendered chart first.
      if (this.myChart ! =null && this.myChart ! =' ' && this.myChart ! =undefined) {
        this.myChart.dispose() / / destroy
      this.myChart = this.$echarts.init(this.$refs.myChart)
      var option = {
        tooltip: {
          trigger: 'axis'.axisPointer: {
            // Axis indicator. Axis trigger works
            type: 'line'./ / the default value is linear, optional: 'the line' | 'shadow'
          confine:true , // Whether to limit the tooltip box to the area of the diagram.
          // Mouse over the chart hoverbox data callback processing
          formatter: function (params) {
            if(params.length>0) {var res = ' '
              res = "<div style=''>";
              for(var i=0; i<params.length; i++){ res +=''+'<span>'+params[i].seriesName+'</span>'+':' + '<span>'+ params[i].value + '</span>' + '</br>';
              res += "</div>"
              return res
          extraCssText: 'max-width:200px; overflow: hidden; text-overflow:ellipsis; white-space: normal; word-break: break-all; ' // Add additional CSS styles to the float layer

        // Graph column corresponding item
        legend: {
          data: this.legendData,
          // Crop the text when the legend text is too large and turn on the tooltip
          formatter: function (name) {
            if(name.length>5) {return name.substring(0.5) +'... '
              return name
            / / return echarts. Format. TruncateText (name, 40, '14 px Microsoft Yahei', '... '); // This version is not supported
          tooltip: {
            show: true}},// Position of chart (if the left and right axes of chart are not displayed completely, you can set left and right of chart to solve the problem)
        grid: { 
          left: '0%'.right: '5%'.bottom: '3%'.containLabel: true.// Whether the grid area contains scale labels for coordinate axes true: Prevents label overflow
        // Set the X axis value
        xAxis: {
          type: 'category'.name: 'time'.show: true.// Whether the border is displayed
          boundaryGap: true.// Whether the axes are left blank
          data: this.xAxisData,
          position: 'bottom'.// the X-axis position
          nameLocation: 'end'.// If there are too many X axis chart items and the bottom resolution display is not complete, you can set axisLable, the relevant Settings of the scale label of the axis.
          axisLabel: { 
              interval: 0.// Force the axis split interval.
              alignWithLabel: true.// The scale line is aligned with the label
              formatter: function (value) {
                if (window.screen.width == '1366') {
                  if (value.length > 3) {
                    // return value.split("").join("\n");
                    var ret = ""; // Concatenate the category item returned by add \n
                    var maxLength = 2; // Each item displays the number of characters
                    var valLength = value.length; // The number of characters in the X-axis category
                    var rowN = Math.ceil(valLength / maxLength); // The number of lines that the category item needs to wrap
                    for (var i = 0; i < rowN; i++) {
                      var temp = ""; // Each cut of the string
                      var start = i * maxLength; // Start intercepting position
                      var end = start + maxLength; // End the intercept position
                      temp = value.substring(start, end) + "\n";
                      ret += temp; // With the final string
                    return ret;
                  } else {
                    return value
                } else {
                  return value
        // Set the Y-axis value
        yAxis: {
          name: 'number'.nameLocation: 'end',},/ / the data source
        series: this.seriesData,
      // Display the chart using the configuration items and data you just specified.
      // Legend ADAPTS to the browser window size
      window.onresize = this.myChart.resize
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The data source
   name: element.orgName,
   type: 'bar'.stack: 'ISO'.barWidth: 25.barGap: '80%' /* Multiple side-by-side columns set the spacing between columns */ ,
   barCategoryGap: '50%' /* Multiple side-by-side columns set the spacing between columns */ ,
   emphasis: {
       focus: 'series',},color: '#F67171'.data: element.count,
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Export the Echarts table as an image

// Export the image
    output(type) {
      // this.chartObject stores echarts instances
      if (this.myChart) {
        // Echarts document instance method getDataURL
        let picInfo = this.myChart.getDataURL({
          type: 'png'.pixelRatio: 1.5.// Double the download. Solve the generated image blur problem on the mobile end
          backgroundColor: '#fff'.excludeComponents: ['toolbox'].// Ignore toolbox components when exporting
        }) // Get a string of Base64 information

        if (type == 'PNG') {
          const elink = document.createElement('a')
          // Set the default file name, this.chartTitle to the title generated when drawing
 = this.chartTitle + '.png'
 = 'none'
          elink.href = picInfo

          URL.revokeObjectURL(elink.href) // Release the URL object
        } else if (type == 'SVG') {
          let mycanvas = document.querySelector(The '#' + + ' canvas')

          // Set the SVG tag attributes
          let svg0 = document.createElementNS(''.'svg')
          svg0.setAttribute('height', mycanvas.height)
          svg0.setAttribute('width', mycanvas.width)
          let img3 = document.createElementNS(''.'image')
          // base64 encoding is written to href
          img3.href.baseVal = picInfo
          img3.setAttribute('height', mycanvas.height)
          let h = svg0.outerHTML
          // Write a Base64 encoded SVG stream to the image object
          let data = 'data:image/svg+xml; base64,' + window.btoa(unescape(encodeURIComponent(h)))

          const elink = document.createElement('a')
          // Set the default file name, this.chartTitle to the title generated when drawing
 = this.chartTitle + '.svg'
 = 'none'
          elink.href = data

          URL.revokeObjectURL(elink.href) // Release the URL object
      } else {
          message: 'No chart yet, please chart first'.type: 'error',}}}),Copy the code

Custom mouse hover event method

When setting custom methods, you cannot set formatter in the Tooltip option under Option

      // Display the chart using the configuration items and data you just specified..this.myChart.setOption(option)
      let that = this
      // Call the custom hover event method after echarts initialization
      this.myChart.on('mouseover'.function (params) {
        let extension = document.getElementById('extension')
        if (params.componentType == 'xAxis') {
          // move the judgment to the X-axis
          let mousePos = that.mouseMove()
          // Set the mouse position as required
          let x = mousePos.x
          let y = mousePos.y - 30
          extension.innerHTML = params.value
          // Bubble style
          // = "top:" + y + "px; left:" + x +"px; display:block; position: fixed;" ;
 = 'top:' + y + 'px; left:' + x + 'px; display:block; position: fixed; z-index:99'}})// this.myChart.on('mouseout', function (params) {
      // // Note that HERE, I use the X axis display too long as an example, if the Y axis, need to change to yAxis
      // let extension = document.getElementById("extension");
      // if (params.componentType == "xAxis") {
      // = "display:none";
      / /}
      // });
      // Legend ADAPTS to the browser window size
      window.onresize = this.myChart.resize
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// Get the mouse position coordinate method
    mouseMove(ev) {
      ev = ev || window.event
      return this.mousePosition(ev)
    mousePosition(ev) {
      if (ev.clientX || ev.clientY) {
        return { x: ev.clientX, y: ev.clientY }
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