Use iView to quickly create form forms

A form generator with data collection, validation, and submission capabilities, including checkboxes, checkboxes, input boxes, drop-down selection boxes, and time selection, date selection, color selection, and file/image upload capabilities.

The installation

npm install form-createCopy the code


git clone
cd form-create
npm installCopy the code

The introduction of

<! -- import Vue --> <script src="node_modules/vue/dist/vue.min.js"></script> <! -- import iview --> <link rel="stylesheet" href="node_modules/iview/dist/styles/iview.css"> <script src="node_modules/iview/dist/iview.min.js"></script> <! -- import formCreate --> <script src="dist/form-create.min.js"></script>Copy the code


let rules = [],el = document.body; new Vue({ mounted:function(){ var $f = this.$formCreate(rules,el); }})Copy the code

$formCreate parameters

Rules form rules [inputRule,selectRule…]

The Dom node inserted by EL defaults to Document.body

$f instance method

Get form data


Modifying form data


Form validation


The form validates the specified field


Reset the form


Remove the form


Get all fields of the form


Submit the form


Rules rules:

Hidden Hidden field

HiddenRule: {type:"hidden", field:"id", // field name value:"14" //input value}Copy the code

The input fields

InputRule: {type:"input", title:" merchandise name", //label name field:"goods_name", // value:" iPhone 7", //input value, props: {"type": "text", // Input field type, the options are text, password, textarea, URL, email, date "clearable":false, // Whether to display the empty button "disabled": "Readonly ": false, "rows": 4, "autosize": {minRows: 2, maxRows: 6} "number": {minRows: 2, maxRows: 6} "number": False, // Convert user input to Number type "autofocus": false, // automatically get focus" autocomplete": "Off ", // native autocomplete (off and ON "placeholder") :" Please input the commodity name ", // placeholder text "size": "Default ", // Enter the box size. The options are large, small, default, or no value." spellCheck ": false // Native spellcheck properties}, validate:[{required: true, message: 'Mailbox cannot be empty', trigger: 'blur' }, { type: 'email', message: 'Incorrect email format', trigger: 'blur' } ] }Copy the code

Validate form validation rule:…

Radio radio buttons

radioRule : {type:" postage", title:" postage", field:"is_postage", value:"0", Options :[{value:"0",label:" no support ",disabled:false}, {value:"1",label:" support ",disabled:true}], props: {"type":undefined, // Optional value is button or not, for button style "size":"default", // single box size, "Vertical ":false}, validate:[]}Copy the code

The checkbox checkbox

checkboxRule : {type: "checkbox", the title: "label", the field: "label", value: [" 1 ", "2", "3"), / / input value, Options :[{value:"1",label:" useful ",disabled:true}, {value:"2",label:" convenient ",disabled:false}, {value:"3",label:" utility ",disabled:false}, {value:"4",label:" valid ",disabled:false}], props: props {"size":"default" // The size of the multi-box group, large, small, default, or not set}, validate:[]}Copy the code

The switch switch

SwitchRule: {type:"switch", title:" is_show", field:"is_show", value:"1",//input value, props: {"size":"default", // The size of the switch, the value can be large, small, default or no. It is recommended to use large if two characters are used. FalseValue :" falseValue":" false ", // Disables the switch "trueValue":"1", // Value at selected times, which can be useful when voting for a falseValue such as 1 and 0 }, slot: {open:" shelf ", // custom display when open close:" shelf "// custom display when closed}, //slot can not be configured with validate:[]}Copy the code

Select the selector

SelectRule: {type: "select", field: "cate_id", title: "product category ", value: "104", //input value, multiple = true value = array [value,value,... Props: {"multiple": false, // Whether to support "clearable": false, // Whether to empty options, only for radio "filterable": // "remote": false, // Whether to use remote search // "remote-method":()=>{}, // "loading": False, // Whether you are currently searching remotely // "loading-text": // select the size of the box (large, small, default, or placeholder); "Please select ", // Select box default text" not-found-text": "no matching data ", // display content when the drop-down list is empty "placement": }, options: [{"value": "104", "label": [{"value": "104", "label": "Ecological vegetables", "disabled" : false}, {" value ":" 105 ", "label" : "fresh fruit", "disabled" : false}]}Copy the code

DatePicker DatePicker

DatePickerRule: {type: "DatePicker", field: "section_day", title: "active date ", value: 1519110955000 | | new Date (), / / input value, the type of daterange, datetimerange value for array [start_value end_value] props: {" type ": "Date ", // Display type, optional values are date, daterange, dateTime, dateTimerange, Year, month "format":" YYYY-MM-DD ", // Display date format" placement": "Bottom-start ", // Where the date picker appears, The optional value is toptop-starttop-endbottombottom-startbottom-endleftleft-startleft-endrightright-startright-end "Placeholder ":" please select the time ", // placeholder text "confirm":false, // whether to display the bottom control bar, after opening, select the date, the selector will not be closed, only after user confirmation can be closed "size":"default", // size, The options are large, small, default, or "disabled":false, // Whether to disable the selector "clearable":true, // Whether to display the clear button "readonly":false, // Completely read-only, "Editable ":false // Can I enter}, validate:[]}Copy the code

TimePicker TimePicker

TimePickerRule: {type: "TimePicker", field: "section_time", title: "active time", value: [], //input value, type is timerange value is array [start_value,end_value] props: {"type": Timerange "format": "HH:mm:ss", // Display type: time, timerange" format": "HH:mm:ss", // Display time format: "steps": [], // Interval of the drop-down list. The three items of the array correspond to hours, minutes, and seconds. For example, if the value is set to [1, 15], 00, 15, 30, 45 minutes are displayed. "placement": "Bottom-start ", // the position where the time selector appears, The optional value is toptop-starttop-endbottombottom-startbottom-endleftleft-startleft-endrightright-startright-end "Placeholder ":" please select the time ", // placeholder text "confirm":false, // whether to display the bottom control bar, after opening, select the date, the selector will not be closed, only after user confirmation can be closed "size":"default", // size, The options are large, small, default, or "disabled":false, // Whether to disable the selector "clearable":true, // Whether to display the clear button "readonly":false, // Completely read-only, "Editable ":false // Can I enter}, validate:[]}Copy the code

InputNumber Indicates the number input box

InputNumberRule: {type: "InputNumber", field: "sort", title: "sort", value: 0, //input value props: {" Max ": Undefined, // undefined "min": undefined, // minimum "step": 1, // Each change can be decimal "size":"default", // input box size, The value can be large, small, or default, or "disabled":false. "readonly":false. "editable":true. // "precision":0}, validate:[]}Copy the code

ColorPicker ColorPicker

ColorPickerRule: {type: "ColorPicker", field: "coloe", title: "color ", value: '#ff7271', //input value: {"alpha": False, // Whether to support transparency "hue": true, // Whether to support color "recommend": False, // Whether to display the recommended color preset "size":"default", // the size can be large, small, default or not set "colors":[], // Custom color preset "format":"hex" // color format, HSL, HSV, HEX, RGB, hex}, validate:[]}Copy the code

The Upload to Upload

UploadRule: {type: "Upload", field: "PIC ", title: "Upload", value: [], //input value: props: {"type":"select", // Upload control type, optional values are select (click to select), drag (support drag) "action": "", // Upload address, must be "headers": {}, // Set the upload header to "multiple": False, // Whether to support multiple selection of files "data":{}, // with the additional parameter "name":"", // upload the file field name" with-credentials":false, "Accept ":"", "format":[], "accept": [], "accept": [], "accept": [], "accept": [], "accept": [], "accept": [], "accept": [], "accept": [], "accept": [], "accept": [], "accept": [] Format is the file name suffix, accept is the native Accept attribute of the input tag, which will filter the file selection. You can use both "max-size":undefined, // file size limit, Unit KB "beforeUpload":()=>{}, // hook before uploading file, parameter is uploaded file, stop uploading "onProgress":()=>{} if return false or Promise, // hook before uploading file, Return fields are event, file, fileList "onSuccess":(push, response, file, fileList)=>{let filePath =; push(filePath); }, // Hook for successful file upload, Return fields push, response, file, filelist. push(filePath) add the uploaded path to value "onError":()=>{}, // hook for failed file upload, Error, file, fileList "onPreview":()=>{}, "OnRemove ":()=>{}, // list of files to remove the hook, Return field file, fileList "onFormatError":()=>{}, // hook for failed file format validation, The return fields are file, fileList "onExceededSize":()=>{}, // The hook of a file whose size exceeds the specified limit. The return fields are file, fileList "default-file-list":[{name: 'img1.jpg', url: '' }, { name: 'img2.jpg', url: ''}] / / the default uploaded file list}, validate: []}Copy the code

Accept File type:…

Time format

The name of the instructions The sample
yyyy Year (four digits) 2016
yy Year (two digits) 16
MM Month (two persons) 01
M Month (one) 1
MMMM Month (English) January
MMM Month – Month Jan
dd Date (two digits) 01
d Date (one digit) 1
Do Date – Abbreviation 1st
DD Week (two persons) 00
D Week (one) 0
dddd Week (English) Monday
ddd Week (in English) Mon
HH Hours (two digits in 24 hours) 01
H Hour (one in 24 hours) 1
hh Hours (two digits in 12-hour system) 01
h Hours (12 hours per person) 1
mm Minutes (two persons) 01
m Minutes (one person) 1
ss Seconds (two digits) 01
s Second (one digit) 1
SSS Ms (three digits) 019
SS Ms (two digits) 01
S Ms (one bit) 1
A Morning and afternoon (capital letters) AM/PM
a Morning and afternoon (lowercase) am/pm
ZZ The time zone + 0800

The above are the date formats supported by iView. You can freely combine the types you need, for example:

  • Yyyy: January 1, 2016
  • MM/dd/yy: 12/24/16
  • H dot M minute s second: 9:41:0 second

Contact & tip

Email address:[email protected]

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