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How do programmers present their project experience during the interview? Some of the tips in this article aren’t brain-dead, but are drawn from interviewing hundreds of candidates. There are a lot of blood and tears, but also a lot of successful ways, I hope to help you (especially less than 3 years of experience programmers).

During the interview, after the small talk, the interviewer will usually ask you to share your project experience. The most common way to ask is to tell me about your most recent (or most productive) project. Based on our interview experience, we found that many candidates were unprepared for the interview, stumbled on the story, and even said that their project experience did not match their resume in terms of time period or skills.

This will result in the following consequences:

The first impression is not good, to say the least, because the candidate does not speak well.

Generally speaking, the interviewer will ask questions based on the background of the project introduced by the candidate. Assuming 10 questions will be asked during the interview, at least 5 questions will be asked based on the background of the project introduced by the candidate. If the candidate doesn’t say yes, he or she won’t be able to conduct follow-up questions well, leaving the question entirely in the hands of the interviewer.

In the interview, 7 points depend on ability and 3 points depend on skills, and the introduction of the project at the beginning is the most important skill, so this article will tell you how to prepare for the introduction of the project in the interview from the two aspects of “introduction” and “guidance”.

Prepare a project description before the interview. Don’t be afraid that the interviewer doesn’t know anything.

The interviewer is a person, not a god, and when he gets his hands on your resume, he can’t verify the details of your project (most companies do background checks after hiring you). Plus, you’re working on projects on a monthly basis, and it takes the interviewer up to 30 minutes to get a sense of your project experience from your resume, so you’re far more familiar with the project than they are, so you don’t have to worry.

How can interviewers validate your project experience and skills when they don’t know your background? Here are some common ways to ask questions.

Prepare the details of the project and don’t get asked

In general, you should prepare your project description before the interview, and be confident, because you’re in charge of this part and you need to be fluent. And since this is your actual project experience (not learning experience, not training experience), it’s hard to trust the interviewer if you don’t know what to say.

Many people get bogged down in “what was done in the project and the details of how the code was implemented,” which is like handing follow-up questions directly to the interviewer. The following table lists some of the inappropriate responses.

While avoiding the above inappropriate answers, you can prepare the project introduction according to the elements given in the table below; Be prepared to describe in English if possible. Fresh graduates or people with less work experience have similar English skills, but as you said, that’s qualitative progress.

Before the interview, you must prepare, you must be confident, but also to avoid the following.

Say exactly what the interviewer wants to hear

During presentation (and subsequent interviews), interviewers really want to hear key points, so being able to articulate them and answer relevant questions well is a definite plus.

Here are some key points that interviewers like to hear and what to say:

Make the first move. The interviewer is not obligated to find out the best about you

When I interview candidates, I often ask them specifically: What are the highlights of your project? Or what other advantages you have as a candidate that will help you get the job. Even so, some people simply say no. I am out of position to ask this question. As an interviewer, I should speak up, not wait to be asked.

But be careful, be tactful, look for opportunities, usually open questions.

For example: What technology was used in this project? You talk about basic technologies, like SpringMVC, Hibernate. When it comes to regular database technologies, Java memory management is used to reduce the stress on virtual machine memory, or big data processing technology is used. That means looking for opportunities to talk about hot technology that you can get your hands on. Or ask a related extensibility question, such as: Have you ever used one-to-many or many-to-many?

I usually set cascade and inverse appropriately according to requirements, and then use a practical example to illustrate how proper design can help your project. This will further illustrate your skills. If you don’t, the interviewer will assume that you are simply one to one and one to many.

In an interview, if the candidate answers my questions simply, says what I say, doesn’t expand, or answers with very stingy sentences. I usually give them a chance to talk in depth (though I can’t guarantee that not every interviewer will ask in depth), and I’m stingy with good comments if they’re succinct.

Remember: The interviewer is not your relative, the interviewer is busy, there are very few interviewers who can get the best out of you, and it is your obligation to do so.

In the interview process, the interviewer will generally give the following comments according to different situations:

1, answer is very simple answer, but can prove to answer him a framework on technologies such as is done, I will write in the comments “to understand the general framework, don’t know some deep knowledge (I have asked many times, you answer is very short answer, so I’m sorry, I can only write so, maybe you really technology is very strong, that didn’t also way, who let you refused to say?) “. At the same time, he will add that “the expression ability is very average, and the communication ability is not strong”. Even if he passes the technical interview, he will have difficulty in the subsequent interview.

2. The answer is very simple, and I can’t verify whether he has done this technology in the project or just learned this technology in his daily study. I would write “I have used XX technology in my resume, but I can’t tell you the details, so I can’t see how to use this technology in the project”. If this technology is necessary for the position, then the possibility of him passing the interview is very small.

3, the answer is very simple, and only through the function words such as “um”, after reminding, I will finish the interview with a few perfunctory sentences, directly write “skills are weak, can not pass the interview”.

4, although the answer can well demonstrate their skills, but the logic is not clear, THEN I will let him pass the technical interview, but will write “skills are good, but the presentation ability is average (or need to improve), please subsequent interview manager consider”. After all, the comprehensive interview will focus on the expression ability, communication ability and other non-technical factors.

Either way, once the answer is simple, don’t volunteer your strengths, or don’t articulate your strengths clearly. Even if I let you pass the interview, you will not write a good comment like “I have a deep understanding of the details of the framework, and I am familiar with the application of the database.” Even if you pass the technical and comprehensive interview, your salary will be relatively low. Once you make a mistake, you may be out of the game.

Pay special attention to the following factors during the interview process:

Here are some of the wrong answers that will get you out of the running:

Guide post:

Be prepared for bonus points and mention them intentionally, but not completely

In your presentation, you can intersperse highlights, but remember, whether you’re introducing your project or answering questions, your job is not to highlight the project, but to introduce the project. If you go into detail, it might make the interviewer feel like you’re getting off topic.

For example, you can say something like, “Our project has a lot of data requirements. On a busy day, we process hundreds of thousands of data items per hour.” This will lead the interviewer in the direction of big data.

You can come into the interview prepared with these “in passing” remarks, depending on the requirements of the position. For example, the Spring MVC framework, high concurrency of big data, and database tuning experience are the requirements of this position. When introducing past projects, you should highlight these areas and your practical skills.

To give you another example, Java virtual machine memory management and database optimization are two of the biggest problems encountered by most projects.

In this project, we need to consider the memory factor, because our code is only allowed to run in 2G memory environment, and the database performance is relatively high, so we often have to monitor the optimization of memory and database SQL statements. This way, when the interviewer asks further questions, he or she will be able to come up with a ready-made argument about virtual machine memory optimization and database optimization.

If you have to, you can also say, “IN addition to doing development, I also did requirements, testing, and deployment because the project was understaffed and stressful.” That way, you can also show that you were on your own.

When I hear a bright spot in an interview, I wait until he’s done with the current question and then ask it. The average technical interview is more than half an hour, so when you spend that time answering the question points prepared for you, you get less time for other questions.

You can lead, but you can’t talk.

When you interview, you will meet people who are prepared, in fact, if you really want to apply, you have to prepare.

I can understand it, even agree with it. As long as you don’t overstate the obvious, you don’t write something like “seems prepared, unable to assess real skills.” Not to mention that every interviewer may not be able to sense that you did. But you can’t be too aggressive just by being prepared. After all, the interview is led by the interviewer.

When I met some interviewees, they talked too much and generally took the initiative to expand. For example, when they asked him what database was used, he not only answered what database was and what he did, but also mentioned big data processing technology incidentally.

If it’s too much of a good thing, the interviewer will focus on every detail you say because he suspects you’re talking about something you read on the Internet rather than something you used in your project. They will even directly threaten: “Tell me the truth first that you really use this technology in the project, and I will focus on it later. Once it is considered that you did not do it in the project, it will be a bluff.” Often, these people will voluntarily confess.

But on the other hand, if he just says, “There’s a lot of data,” but stops short and doesn’t go on, then he’ll go on and ask, and he’ll have a chance to express himself. Also, be aware that in the interview process, if you offer a bonus point and the interviewer doesn’t answer, it may not be part of the project or what the interviewer is focused on, so stop saying it or wait until you ask a question.


First, be prepared before the interview.

Second, the methods presented in this paper are not dogma.

You can follow the directions given in this article to prepare for your project background. Once you’ve introduced your project background, the interview is just beginning. Even if you speak your language well, even if you have guided the questions to the scope of your preparation, this will have to deal with the Java Web (such as Spring MVC, ORM, Java Core (multithreading, collections, JDBC, etc.), database, etc. Now to provide you with a learning platform, let you accumulate experience in practice to master the principle, in the exchange to improve their accumulation of contacts, now immediately join the Java back-end technology group: 819940388, or pay attention to wechat public number: Java information library, reply to “architecture”, free large Internet Java interview video to share with you.