This is the third day of my participation in the November Gwen Challenge. Check out the details: the last Gwen Challenge 2021

Dubo-admin installation

1. Environment preparation

Dubo-admin is a project that separates the front and back ends. Using VUE on the front end and SpringBoot on the back end, installing Dubo-admin is essentially deploying the project. We installed Dubo-admin on the development environment. Make sure your development environment has JDK, Maven, and NodeJS

Install Node **(ignore if it is already installed on your current machine)**

Since the front-end project is developed using VUE, node.js needs to be installed. Node.js comes with NPM, which we will use later

Download address
Copy the code

2. Download dubo-admin

Go to Github and search for Dubo-admin
Copy the code


3, unzip the downloaded ZIP package to the specified folder (unzip to that folder at will)

4. Modify the configuration file

After decompression, we enter… In the \dubbo-admin-develop\dubbo-admin-server\ SRC \main\resources directory, go to the configuration file and make configuration changes

Example Modify the ZooKeeper address

# centers in dubbo2.7Admin. Registry. Address = zookeeper: / / admin. Config - center = zookeeper: / / Admin. Metadata - report. Address = zookeeper: / / the code

Admin.registry. Address Registry admin.config-center Configuration center admin.metadata-report.address Metadata center

5. Package projects

Execute the package command in the dubo-admin-develop directory

mvn  clean package
Copy the code

6. Start the backend

Go to directory

Copy the code

Run the following command to start dubo-admin. The dubo-admin background is built by SpringBoot.

Java - jar. \ dubbo - admin - 0.1. The jarCopy the code

7. Front and back end

Run commands in the dubo-admin-ui directory

npm run dev
Copy the code

8, access,

Browser input. The user name and password are both root

Copy the code

Dubo-admin easy to use

Note :Dubbo Admin Service Mock service Statistics will be released in a later release….

In the above steps, we have entered the main interface of Dubbo-admin. In the quick Start section, we defined service producers and service consumers. Now we find these two services from the Dubbo-admin Admin interface

1. Click Service Query

2. Query results

A: input the query conditions com. Itheima. Service. UserService

B: The search type is divided into three types: by service name, by IP address, and by application

C: Search results

3.1.4 dubo-admin View details

We look at the details of service.UserService, including metadata information.

1) Click on details

View from the [Details] interface, which is mainly divided into three areas

Area A: Contains basic information about the server, such as the service name and application name

Region B: it mainly contains some basic information of producers and consumers

C: is metadata information, notice the above figure, metadata information is empty

We need to open our producer profile and add the following configuration

    <! -- Metadata configuration -->
    <dubbo:metadata-report address=Zookeeper: / / "2181" />
Copy the code

Restart the producer and open dubbo-admin again

So that gives us our metadata information