The author | | Rocky0429 source Python space

Hi, I’m Rocky0429.

Station B, as the new social learning platform for Gen Z, has always been just a good place for me to learn, and learning must be the only reason I stay at Station B…

If you have to ask me why I have been playing “listen to Difat” before, then I can only tell you that I accidentally clicked the ghost animal area, want to know whether xiao Yuan Fang really has a lot of question marks…

I admit that I was really too young, always too hungry for knowledge…

All right, let’s turn this over and get down to business…

I learn a lot of video Python is in B site to see, in the beginning who also don’t know who is good is bad, after another step on a lot of pit, pick up a lot of garbage, also identified some better, I cut out my favorites, took a glance at someone else’s recommendation, will feel better to recommend to you, you rest assured to eat.

Something to throw in the collection folder, nothing to take out the sun…

0 x00 Python

1. Learn Python with zero basics

When I was a sophomore at one time to turn to Python, didn’t buy the book, just want to know, don’t know how to search to the BBS of small turtles, then followed his video learned a period of time, feel very interesting, is devoted to his website a permanent members, as more than one hundred, behind as if never landed on…

Later, I saw that this course of little Turtle has been played more than 1500W + on B website, ranking the first in search (but the first one should be sent by others, their own account is played more than 200W).

This course looks a bit old, but the content is not very different. After searching again, they recorded the latest version of “Learning Python with Zero Basics”. Now it is updated to the sequence, and it is friendly to beginners.

The old portal:… The new portal:…

Introduction to Microsoft Python

This is a free Python tutorial released by Microsoft, called Python for Beginners, designed for Beginners to build a total of 44 videos, each video length is about 2-6 minutes between, only a very few time more than 10 minutes.

The course is taught by two lecturers, Christopher Harrison, Senior Project Manager at Microsoft, and Susan Ibach, AI Gaming Development Manager at Microsoft. It is excellent to eat with Chinese subtitles. At the same time, the sample code and PPT of the course have also been synchronized to GitHub.

If you think this tutorial is good, after learning the basics, you can check out the following Microsoft official advanced tutorial, which is actually part of the basic language.

Portal:… Code &PPT portal:…

0x01 Python Data Structures and Algorithms

1, 【 Peking University 】 Data structures and Algorithms in Python version

The importance of data structures and algorithms is self-evident, especially as a former ACMer. This course is mainly lectured by Professor Chen Bin in Peking University. It introduces common data structures and related classical algorithms, including linear structure, recursion and DP, sorting and search, tree and its algorithm, etc.

I think the best point of this course is that I pay more attention to the time and space efficiency of data structure and algorithm, which is neglected in many courses. Time and space efficiency is the data structure and algorithm YYDS. Once you learn this, you will learn to analyze the advantages and disadvantages, and the growth is not the same.

At the same time, this course also pays more attention to the practical application of data structure and algorithm. After all, only when you really use it can you know whether you have really learned it or not. The cases and exercises in the course suggest that you do it well.

As a reminder, this is for Python basics, meaning you have to learn the basics of Python first.


0 x02 crawler

1. Full course on Python crawlers

Python crawler is a full tutorial on HTTP, Requests, regex, BS4, xpath, asynchronous crawler, Selenium, and scrapy frameworks. This tutorial is a full tutorial on HTTP, Requests, re, BS4, xpath, asynchronous crawler, selenium, and Scrapy frameworks. By the way, get your hands dirty.

How to say, crawler this thing is very fast, it is easy to get a sense of achievement, just remember not to climb, or you will accidentally climb into…


2. Python3 crawler from entry to mastery – Cui Qingcai

At the beginning of the crawler learning, I read The book “Python3 Web crawler development Actual combat” by Choi Dae, which should soon have the second edition.

More than any other general knowledge, the video also covers troublesome environment configuration, common software and library installation. I don’t have to explain too much about this, but it’s all done.


0x03 Data Analysis

1. Python data analysis and presentation

In this course, you can see the content of Numpy, its Pandas, and Matplotlib, which are used to express data for Pandas. Basically master the ability of data representation, cleaning, statistics and presentation of data.

In addition to the knowledge, there are Python language development tools and the basic use of AnacondaIDE content, you can understand the tool aspect.


2. Use Python for data analysis

This video is about the animal book “Using Python for data analysis”. This book is recommended many times for students.

This video is from youtubechenghsi Hsieh. The voice is a little Taiwanese, but it doesn’t affect my listening, and I even want to laugh. It’s obviously a male voice. harm

There are 54 lectures in the course, most of which are about 50 minutes long. The course covers Numpy, Pandas, and data visualization. If you have a book, you can read it. Data analysis with Python is also worth reading.


0x04 Machine Learning

1. Postgraduate machine learning course of Zhejiang University

Zhejiang University 2017 graduate course machine learning, Teacher Hu Haoji lectures very detailed, picture quality and sound is very online, can be matched with Li Hang’s “Statistical Learning Methods”, this course is very clear to everyone’s headache formula derivation.


2. Li Hongyi Machine learning course

Taiwan University Li Hongyi teacher’s class, Mandarin. Many people choose his course as the first choice for the introduction of machine learning courses. The recommended one is the new machine learning course uploaded by Professor Li Hongyi in 2021. The evaluation remains as usual, so we can rest assured to eat it.

Many students may also recommend the machine learning courses taught by Enda Ng. On the one hand, I prefer to listen to Chinese when learning compared with English classes. On the other hand, I think li Hongyi’s lectures are easier to understand in some aspects.


3, Machine Learning: Microsoft’s official Advanced Python tutorial

In the Python tutorial, you’ll find the tools, Numpy, Pandas, and SciKit-learn.

Maybe it’s not too strict to throw it here, but forgive me, it came to me at the end


Of course, this is only a part of Python, but not all of it. Although I have been involved in Python automation and Python development, I have not studied it carefully since it is not very relevant to what I like. If you are interested in other aspects, you have to start your own search.

To learn programming, any video or textbook is only an aid, and the most important thing is to do it yourself. All things are difficult before they are easy. Come on!

The author Info:

Rocky0429: Python space. [Profile] : CSDN blog expert, 985 computer postgraduate, ACM retired dog & Silver Prize paddler in Asian Regional Competition. This is a technical public account that sticks to original ideas. It regularly posts various Python basic/advanced articles, data analysis, crawler practice, data structure and algorithm, and shares various resources from time to time. [reproduced description] : reproduced please explain the source, thank you for your cooperation! ~