1, the principle of

The dubbo architecture is as follows:

By reading the Dubbo source code, all RPC method calls are intercepted by MonitorFilter,


public Result invoke(Invoker<? > invoker, Invocation invocation) throws RpcException {if (invoker.getUrl().hasParameter("monitor")) {
            RpcContext context = RpcContext.getContext();
            long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
            this.getConcurrent(invoker, invocation).incrementAndGet();

            Result var7;
            try {
                Result result = invoker.invoke(invocation);
            this.collect(invoker, invocation, result, context, start, false);
                var7 = result;
            } catch (RpcException var11) {
                this.collect(invoker, invocation, (Result)null, context, start, true);
                throw var11;
            } finally {
                this.getConcurrent(invoker, invocation).decrementAndGet();

            return var7;
        } else {
            returninvoker.invoke(invocation); }}Copy the code

For services configured with monitoring, basic statistics for some methods are collected.


private void collect(Invoker<? > invoker, Invocation invocation, Result result, RpcContext context, long start, boolean error) { try { long elapsed = System.currentTimeMillis() - start; int concurrent = this.getConcurrent(invoker, invocation).get(); String application = invoker.getUrl().getParameter("application");
            String service = invoker.getInterface().getName();
            String method = RpcUtils.getMethodName(invocation);
            URL url = invoker.getUrl().getUrlParameter("monitor");
            Monitor monitor = this.monitorFactory.getMonitor(url);
            int localPort;
            String remoteKey;
            String remoteValue;
            if ("consumer".equals(invoker.getUrl().getParameter("side"))) {
                context = RpcContext.getContext();
                localPort = 0;
                remoteKey = "provider";
                remoteValue = invoker.getUrl().getAddress();
            } else {
                localPort = invoker.getUrl().getPort();
                remoteKey = "consumer";
                remoteValue = context.getRemoteHost();

            String input = "";
            String output = "";
            if (invocation.getAttachment("input") != null) {
                input = invocation.getAttachment("input");

            if(result ! = null && result.getAttachment("output") != null) {
                output = result.getAttachment("output");

            monitor.collect(new URL("count", NetUtils.getLocalHost(), localPort, service + "/" + method, new String[]{"application", application, "interface", service, "method", method, remoteKey, remoteValue, error ? "failure" : "success"."1"."elapsed", String.valueOf(elapsed), "concurrent", String.valueOf(concurrent), "input", input, "output", output}));
        } catch (Throwable var21) {
            logger.error("Failed to monitor count service " + invoker.getUrl() + ", cause: "+ var21.getMessage(), var21); }}Copy the code

DubboMonitor collects simple statistics on the collected data, such as the number of successes, failures, and call time. After collecting statistics, the data is stored locally.


public void collect(URL url) {
        int success = url.getParameter("success", 0);
        int failure = url.getParameter("failure", 0);
        int input = url.getParameter("input", 0);
        int output = url.getParameter("output", 0);
        int elapsed = url.getParameter("elapsed", 0);
        int concurrent = url.getParameter("concurrent", 0);
        Statistics statistics = new Statistics(url);
        AtomicReference<long[]> reference = (AtomicReference)this.statisticsMap.get(statistics);
        if (reference == null) {
            this.statisticsMap.putIfAbsent(statistics, new AtomicReference());
            reference = (AtomicReference)this.statisticsMap.get(statistics);

        long[] update = new long[10];

        long[] current;
        do {
            current = (long[])reference.get();
            if (current == null) {
                update[0] = (long)success;
                update[1] = (long)failure;
                update[2] = (long)input;
                update[3] = (long)output;
                update[4] = (long)elapsed;
                update[5] = (long)concurrent;
                update[6] = (long)input;
                update[7] = (long)output;
                update[8] = (long)elapsed;
                update[9] = (long)concurrent;
            } else{ update[0] = current[0] + (long)success; update[1] = current[1] + (long)failure; update[2] = current[2] + (long)input; update[3] = current[3] + (long)output; update[4] = current[4] + (long)elapsed; update[5] = (current[5] + (long)concurrent) / 2L; update[6] = current[6] > (long)input ? current[6] : (long)input; update[7] = current[7] > (long)output ? current[7] : (long)output; update[8] = current[8] > (long)elapsed ? current[8] : (long)elapsed; update[9] = current[9] > (long)concurrent ? current[9] : (long)concurrent; }}while(! reference.compareAndSet(current, update)); }Copy the code

DubboMonitor has asynchronous threads that periodically (every minute by default) send collected data to the remote monitoring service.

 public DubboMonitor(Invoker<MonitorService> monitorInvoker, MonitorService monitorService) {
        this.monitorInvoker = monitorInvoker;
        this.monitorService = monitorService;
        this.monitorInterval = (long)monitorInvoker.getUrl().getPositiveParameter("interval", 60000);
        this.sendFuture = this.scheduledExecutorService.scheduleWithFixedDelay(new Runnable() {
            public void run() {
                try {
                } catch (Throwable var2) {
                    DubboMonitor.logger.error("Unexpected error occur at send statistic, cause: " + var2.getMessage(), var2);

        }, this.monitorInterval, this.monitorInterval, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
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Call the remote MonitorService.collect method and set the locally cached data to zero.


 public void send() {
        if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) {
            logger.info("Send statistics to monitor " + this.getUrl());

        String timestamp = String.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis());
        Iterator i$ = this.statisticsMap.entrySet().iterator();

        while(i$.hasNext()) {
            Entry<Statistics, AtomicReference<long[]>> entry = (Entry)i$.next();
            Statistics statistics = (Statistics)entry.getKey();
            AtomicReference<long[]> reference = (AtomicReference)entry.getValue();
            long[] numbers = (long[])reference.get();
            long success = numbers[0];
            long failure = numbers[1];
            long input = numbers[2];
            long output = numbers[3];
            long elapsed = numbers[4];
            long concurrent = numbers[5];
            long maxInput = numbers[6];
            long maxOutput = numbers[7];
            long maxElapsed = numbers[8];
            long maxConcurrent = numbers[9];
            URL url = statistics.getUrl().addParameters(new String[]{"timestamp", timestamp, "success", String.valueOf(success), "failure", String.valueOf(failure), "input", String.valueOf(input), "output", String.valueOf(output), "elapsed", String.valueOf(elapsed), "concurrent", String.valueOf(concurrent), "max.input", String.valueOf(maxInput), "max.output", String.valueOf(maxOutput), "max.elapsed", String.valueOf(maxElapsed), "max.concurrent", String.valueOf(maxConcurrent)});
            long[] update = new long[10];

            while(true) {
                long[] current = (long[])reference.get();
                if (current == null) {
                    update[0] = 0L;
                    update[1] = 0L;
                    update[2] = 0L;
                    update[3] = 0L;
                    update[4] = 0L;
                    update[5] = 0L;
                } else {
                    update[0] = current[0] - success;
                    update[1] = current[1] - failure;
                    update[2] = current[2] - input;
                    update[3] = current[3] - output;
                    update[4] = current[4] - elapsed;
                    update[5] = current[5] - concurrent;

                if (reference.compareAndSet(current, update)) {
                    break; }}}}Copy the code

Dubbo monitors the main open source projects, all implement MonitorService interface for monitoring, the differences are data storage, report statistical logic, the basic principles are similar.

public interface MonitorService {
    String APPLICATION = "application";
    String INTERFACE = "interface";
    String METHOD = "method";
    String GROUP = "group";
    String VERSION = "version";
    String CONSUMER = "consumer";
    String PROVIDER = "provider";
    String TIMESTAMP = "timestamp";
    String SUCCESS = "success";
    String FAILURE = "failure";
    String INPUT = "input";
    String OUTPUT = "output";
    String ELAPSED = "elapsed";
    String CONCURRENT = "concurrent";
    String MAX_INPUT = "max.input";
    String MAX_OUTPUT = "max.output";
    String MAX_ELAPSED = "max.elapsed";
    String MAX_CONCURRENT = "max.concurrent";

    void collect(URL var1);

    List<URL> lookup(URL var1);
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2. Monitor the selection

Mainstream DuBBo monitoring mainly includes:

  • dubbo-monitor
  • dubbo-d-monitor
  • dubbokeeper
  • dubbo-monitor-simple

Here’s a simple comparison:

plan Support version Basis function Open source authors Community activity Data is stored Maintenance costs
dubbo-monitor Based on DubBox, dubbo is also theoretically supported Generally,QPS, RT, service status, etc., lack of report function Korea is the clothes 513 stars, submitted two years ago Mysql, directing Non-intrusive, need to periodically clean historical data
dubbo-d-monitor dubbo Generally, just some basic data personal 189 stars. Filed a year ago Mysql, redis(no further maintenance) Non-intrusive, need to periodically clean historical data
dubbokeeper dubbo Rich, in addition to basic indicator data, top200 data report, but also provides similar dubo-admin functions (traffic limiting, timeout setting, consumer client setting, fault tolerance, etc.), while supporting ZK node visualization Personal organization 989 stars. Submission within a month Mysql, mongodb, Lucene Non-intrusive, need to periodically clean up the history
dubbo-monitor-simple dubbo humble Dubbo official 330 stars, due within a month File storage Non-invasive, but current online use found large amounts of data often hang

Dubbokeeper >dubbo-monitor> dubbod-monitor. Therefore, DubboKeeper is selected as the dubbo service monitoring solution.

3, deployment,

We use mongodb storage solution and single-node deployment.

Environment: JDK1.8 or higher (low version not tested), install Tomcat, install ZooKeeper and start, install mongodb

1, get the source github.com/dubboclub/d…

Dubbokeeper-master = dubbokeeper-master = dubbokeeper-master = dubbo-mongodb.properties = dubbokeeper-master = dubbokeeper-master = dubbokeeper-master = dubbo-mongodb.properties = dubbokeeper-master = dubbokeeper-master = dubbokeeper-master = dubbo-mongodb.properties

Run the \dubbokeeper-master\install-mongodb. Sh command to generate a target directory, which contains the following three folders and a compressed package

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3. Run the mongodb-dubbokeeper-server/bin/start-mongodb.

4. Copy the war package in mongodb- dubbokeeper-UI to the Tomcat webapps directory and start Tomcat.

5, and finally, open a browser, type http://localhost:8080/dubbokeeper-ui-1.0.1.

In the business code, you only need to configure the Dubbo monitoring connection to the registry to complete the monitoring data collection.

<dubbo:monitor protocol="registry"/>
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Main configuration information:


Dubbo Data collection period in milliseconds

#use netty4

Dubbokeeper writes mongodb cycles in seconds

# mongdb configuration
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4. Main functions

On the home page, you can see the overall application information (distinguishing application providers and consumers), the number of services, node deployment information and dependency diagram, etc.

Admin provides most of the functionality of all native Dubo-Admin.

ZooPeeper displays zooKeeper node information

Monitor displays dubbo monitoring information

Application overview information can be filtered by time:

Detailed application information, including interface time, concurrency, failure, and success:

Method level Overview and details:

5, encountered pit

The default value of monitor.write. Interval is set to 6000. The unit of source code discovery is seconds.

2. Dubbokeeper does not index Collections by default. It will be very slow to open collections if there is a large amount of data.

import pymongo
from pymongo import MongoClient
import time
import datetime
import sys
import os

client = MongoClient('', 27017)
db = client['dubbokeeper']

collectionlist = db.collection_names()

for collection in collectionlist:
    ifcollection! ='application':
print 'success'
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3. Generally, historical data need not be saved for a long time. At present, we keep online data for 2 weeks and provide the following script to delete data regularly.

import pymongo
from pymongo import MongoClient
import time
import datetime
import sys
import os

print day
timestamp = time.time()*1000-1000*24*3600*day

print timestamp

client = MongoClient('', 27017)
db = client['dubbokeeper']

collectionlist = db.collection_names()

for collection in collectionlist:
    ifcollection! ='application':
        db[collection].remove({"timestamp": {"$lt": timestamp}})

print 'clean mongodb data success'
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Clear 15 days’ data periodically every day

0 3 * * * python /home/monitor/shell/clean-mongodb.py 15
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4, mongodb cache eats memory, it is best to configure more than 8GB server, or a large amount of cluster deployment can be considered

5. Dubbokeeper-ui native interaction is a bit clunky, with some pages iterating through all application data, which is inefficient. If there are too many applications, they may not be opened due to timeout. The server team has simply optimized the interaction and can only view one application or one interface at a time. If you have any requirements, you can leave a message, and we will open source it later.