Project introduction :(1.1.2)

master– mysql version (ongoing maintenance ~)

monitor-redis– Redis version (maintained until June 3, 2016, not maintained for the time being)

I. Features:

  1. Fix dubo-admin bug: After a local application is started and stopped, if the same application name service still has another version number, the local application version will not be deregistered.
  2. Add real-time monitoring of application start and stop to prevent application stop from affecting company services.
  3. Support for single point restart, monitoring applications registered with ZK – start and stop when the monitoring center stops.
  4. The call between services is visually described in the form of images to facilitate service structure tuning.
  5. Statistical accuracy is methodological.

Iii. Technology used in the project

  1. Database: mysql (redis)
  2. Cache: redis
  3. Front end: a freemarker + metronic + echarts
  4. Framework: for springmvc
  5. Dubbo version number: Dubbo -2.5.3
  6. Supported startup containers: Jetty and Tomcat
  7. Others: AutoConfig, Maven, ShardedJedisPool

1. Initial configuration:

Web/SRC/main/resources/application properties. JDBC url = JDBC: mysql: / / / monitor? UseUnicode =true&characterEncoding= UTF-8 &autoReconnect=true Jdbc.username = root # mysql.password = 123456 # mysql.password = 123456 # mysql.password Dubo.application. name = ants-monitor dubo. port = 20882 # Zookeeper. address = # If there are multiple entries, separate them with commas (,). For example (zookeeper. Address = 0.2:2181127.00 0.3:2181). Redis host = Redis ://ants-monitor:[email protected]:6379/2 # Redis database password @ip:host/db number Com. Ants. Monitor. Beans. MonitorConstants initEcsMap method, in memory into a custom online IP address and IP address test environment.Copy the code

Note: MVN clean package-dmaven.test.skip-u MVN clean package-dmaven.test.skip-u You have in the web/SRC/main/webapps/META – INFO/autoconf/auto – the conf. Initialized in the XML data changes.

3. Choose one of the two boot modes (local recommendation 1) :

1) jetty: web/test/Java/AntsMonitorServer - > can be the main method to start the 2) tomcat: MVN clean package -dmaven.test. Skip -u 'package, and then put the WAR package in Tomcat webapps to start TomcatCopy the code

5. Change history

2016.10.25 –master

Dubod-monitor 1.1.3: 1. Method ranking is collected at dawn every day, and the data is cached. 2

2016.07.07 –master

Dubbod-monitor 1.1.2: 1. Change the maximum method ranking to 50 2. Remove the leaderboard browser cache

2016.06.28 –master

Dubbo – d – monitor 1.1.1: 2. Merge mysql branch code into master and develop it on master. Delete monitor-for-mysql. Final consumption time, accurate statistics to each machine, the same final consumption time of multiple machines is inconsistent 4. Remove some useless code


Monitor-on-redis 1.0.4:1. Memory usage is still exaggerated, after all, REDis is used as the database, invoke big data expiration time is changed to 1 day, pending subsequent optimization scheme 2. Fix Redis cannot release resource bug


Monitor-on-redis 1.0.2:1. Added — Local illegal start 1.0.0.daily and test illegal start 1.0.0 application warning page to help users quickly locate problems 2. Added to the list of banned URL records headed by Override, the page does not implement the prohibited content temporarily. Display all prohibited data.


Monitor-on-redis 1.0.1:1. Fix CPU usage bug 2. Update the readme