Abstract: The Dubbo console can manage the services or service consumers registered in the ZooKeeper registry. However, whether the console is normal has no impact on the Dubbo service, and the console does not need high availability, so it can be deployed on a single node.

The management console mainly contains: routing rules, dynamic configuration, service degradation, access control, weight adjustment, load balancing and other management functions

Installation of the Dubbo administrative console

1. The main function of Dubbo management console: service governance

2. The management console mainly includes:

Routing rules

Dynamic configuration

Service degradation

Access control

Weight adjustment

Management functions such as load balancing

3. Management console Version:

Current Stable version: Dubo-admin-2.3.3. war (downloadable at group 446855438)

The latest 2.5.4 – the SNAPSHOT version download address: https://github.com/alibaba/dubbo

4. Install the Dubbo administrative console

The Dubbo console can manage the services registered with the ZooKeeper registry and service consumers. However, the Dubbo service is not affected by the running status of the Console, and the Dubbo console does not require high availability. Therefore, it can be deployed on a single node.

Deployment containers: apache-tomcat-6 and 7

Port: 8080

Here, tomcat7 is used as an example to deploy dubbo management projects

Download the latest version of Tomcat7:

$wgethttp://mirrors.hust.edu.cn/apache/tomcat/tomcat-7/v7.0.57/bin/apache-tomcat-7.0.57. Tar. Gz

2. Decompress:

$tar – ZXVF apache tomcat – 7.0.57. Tar. Gz


$ rm -rf *

4. Upload Dubbo – admin-2.3.3. war to Dubbo management console

/ home/jeesml/apache tomcat — 7.0.57 / webapps

5, unzip the directory and name it dubbo:

$ unzip dubbo-admin-2.5.3.war -d dubbo

6. Configure dubo.properties:

$vi ROOT/WEB-INF/dubbo.properties

Dubbo. Registry. Address = zookeeper: / / local IP: 2181


Dubbo. Admin. Guest. Password = OOO (the above password to modify before production) on the official

7. Enable port 8080 on the firewall and modify /etc/sysconfig/iptables as user root

#vi /etc/sysconfig/iptables


##apache-tomcat-7.0.57:8080 -A INPUT -m state –state NEW -m tcp -p tcp –dport 8080 -j ACCEPT

Restart the firewall:

#service iptables restart

8. Start Tomat7

$/ home/jeesml/apache tomcat — 7.0.57 / bin/startup. Sh

10. Configure Tomcat startup with Dubbo control Console:

Edit the /etc/rc.local file in the virtual host and add:

Su – jeesml – c ‘/ home/jeesml/apache tomcat — 7.0.57 / bin/startup. Sh’

The core technology: Maven, for Springmvc mybatis shiro, Druid, Restful, Dubbo, ZooKeeper, Redis, FastDFS, ActiveMQ, Nginx

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