DSBridge is the easiest cross-platform javascript bridge to use and supports synchronous invocation. Since the release of 2.0, there has been a lot of feedback and support. At your request, DSBridge now officially supports Tencent X5 kernel.

Project address github.com/wendux/DSBr… (Android) github.com/wendux/DSBr… (IOS)

X5 kernel support

dependencies {
       // support  the x5 browser core of tencent
        compile 'com.github.wendux:DSBridge-Android:x5-SNAPSHOT'
}Copy the code

DSBridge characteristics

  1. Cross-platform, supporting both ios and Android
  2. Both NatVIE and the front end are very simple to use and greatly reduce integration/learning costs
  3. Support not only asynchronous invocation, but also page synchronous invocation (DSBridge is the only javascript Bridge that supports synchronous invocation).
  4. Support for progress callback, multiple returns (often used for file download progress, timers, etc.)
  5. Support Tencent X5 kernel

List of DSBridge related articles

Cross-platform Js Bridge rookie – DSBridge Android

Cross-platform Js Bridge rookie -DSBridge IOS

Summit vs. DSBridge vs. WebViewJavascriptBridge

DSBridge2.0 is updated!

DSBridge instance – Display Native progress in a web page

The last

If you like, welcome to Github star, thanks for your support!

Github.com/wendux/DSBr… Github.com/wendux/DSBr…