This article is adapted from the Playtester Promotion Guide: How to Manage Your Performance well, which is the subject of the Test Development Online Salon at Hogwarts Testing Institute. Advanced learning, at the end of the registration.

Hello, everyone, MY name is Yunpanghu, with nearly 15 years of working experience. I am good at automated testing, test tool platform development and exploration of some fields related to testing. I have also obtained project management and agile coach certification.

Today, I share a Topic that is related to internal work in the workplace: “Guide to The Promotion of Testers — How to do well in Personal Performance Management”. The content of this PPT can be said to be basically years of work experience accumulated dry experience and blood and tears lessons. The year 2020 will soon be over, as a New Year’s gift to everyone, any comments are welcome immediate feedback.

As a technical person, a lot of times in the workplace you will find this phenomenon:

  • Someone who can write code is better than someone who can speak powerpoint
  • People who work hard don’t get top performance ratings at the end of the year
  • Even in the workplace, it is not uncommon to see new hires being paid upside down

A lot of test takers are confused about this situation:

  • Why does this phenomenon exist?
  • What can you do to avoid these pitfalls and get ahead at work?
  • In particular, I feel confused about the testing position. What is my future career development direction?

Today we’re going to take a closer look at these questions and hopefully give you some answers. Of course, what we pursue for this answer is not a way or methodology, but the pursuit of correct underlying logic. Because methods and methods are not enough to be learned on the surface in the workplace, only after the underlying logic is clear, can I really manage my own performance and get the recognition of leaders and the chance of promotion.

Start by listing some of the most important topics in this topic, as shown below.

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Workplace cognitive

The first topic is cognition. We understand, think and judge things based on our own cognition, which is more of a thinking process (as shown in the figure below).

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For example, if you’re testing a system, you’ll find 20 bugs in two weeks, and no matter how hard you try in the week leading up to launch, you won’t be able to find that many more. However, the test of the next group, Lao Wang, who was not in charge of the system, just looked at it by chance and found five bugs soon. Is there a big difference in your skill level? Not really.

Everyone’s way of thinking is different, change a way of thinking the result is not the same. When you test a system, it’s a learning process. At this time, if you can jump out of this process, copy another self, stand in the perspective of the third party to see their own learning, testing system, and then the whole process of thinking and judging, this is a kind of advanced cognition.

For example, to test the system of Nanjing Road Pedestrian Street in Shanghai, you can walk in the street and observe it. You can also copy yourself who has super power and can fly to the sky and watch your test behavior from a high perspective. You will find not only Chinese people but also foreigners, skyscrapers/alleys, cars/electric cars and a whole series of details on the street, and you will see and analyze problems from a different Angle and level. It’s a cognitive ability.

Getting back to today’s topic, your job performance and promotion are directly related to how you perceive the workplace. Your cognition will affect your analysis of daily problems and the quality of daily work. In the end, it will gradually affect your promotion, promotion and salary increase.

Therefore, I put cognition in the first Topic to share with you. Cognition may seem like a myth, but it’s important in both work and life. We must pay special attention to improve cognition, improve introspection ability.

What’s important in the workplace?

Second, what’s important in the workplace? In fact, there are three things we fear most in the workplace:

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Number one: Not knowing what — what abilities and qualities do I possess? .

For example, what are at least some abilities or qualities I already possess? I don’t even know what I’m good at, okay? What are the disadvantages? Compared with your colleagues, what are your strengths and weaknesses? Can you bring out your value? And so on.

Every student in the workplace needs to think carefully and clearly, including myself, who has been constantly reflecting in my work for so many years. Because everyone has different abilities/areas of focus at each stage. It is important for us to analyze what we have and what we don’t have all the time.

Second: Not knowing what to want — what personal goals must be accomplished next? .

What personal goals do you need to accomplish next? Note that when I say goals, I don’t mean career goals, I mean personal growth goals. At this moment, you can think about it in your heart, in your current job, what is the latest stage of personal growth goal?

For example, I am an ordinary test engineer now, and I want to be promoted to senior test engineer; Or I don’t have a team right now, and MY next goal is to lead a team of 3-5 people; Or I need to improve my expression ability now. My next goal is to do more wonderful sharing in the company to improve my expression ability. I need to take training courses to improve my ability to move to a bigger platform, etc.

3. Don’t know What to do — Does the job have the resources to accomplish specific goals? .

Does this job provide you with the resources necessary to reach your personal growth goals at this point in time? Can it help you? Do leaders, colleagues, platforms, skills you have, or personal efforts help you achieve that goal?

We will talk about how to set your goals properly. Here are three I don’t know, so that you can have a basic concept. If you haven’t thought about any of these things before, that’s ok. I’m sharing this to help you solve that problem.

1. Do the right thing

That is, “Not only do the right thing, but also do the right thing.” What does that mean? That actually doing the right thing is not quite the same as doing the right thing.

The right thing to do: In fact, this matter has been determined, the leader asked you to do so, this is right from the company’s point of view, OK, you need to do according to this requirement. Usually, you only need to refer to the company’s process norms and meeting rules to do things that have been determined. Generally speaking, it is not a big challenge, that is to say, to do things correctly.

Do the right thing: this requires some subjective judgment, need to play their own subjective initiative, to screen to judge, this is called the right thing.

The two ways of working are also different.

The right way to do things is relatively passive and mechanical. Over time you lose your judgment. The question of the former student is, why does the leader still not recognize me after I have done so many things in my daily work? Maybe because what you do is what everyone thinks you should do, it’s not particularly challenging, so you don’t get recognition.

Doing the right thing is different. You should be responsible for the thing itself, for the goal, do things to have their own ideas, to be good at creative work. It’s not so much about the thing itself, it’s about pushing everyone around in order to achieve the goal, right?

In addition, the goals of these two ways of working are not quite the same. The right thing to do is to emphasize execution and results, while the right thing to do is to emphasize thinking and recognition. So in the workplace, it’s not just about doing things right, it’s more about doing things right. This is very important.

2. Don’t fall into the low-competence trap

Many students will say, I am very diligent in daily work, I am very devoted, 996 a day, but why do the leaders of my evaluation is very average?

It may be because the task level is not particularly high, and usually does not involve some test design, some decision of test strategy, or the framework of test technology, design architecture, innovation and improvement, and so on. Most of the work is to move bricks, design use cases, test bugs and so on.

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What is a low-power trap? No amount of work is going to help you think at a higher level. Here’s an example from my youth:

When I first started working, I was very strong in the execution of test tasks. As long as the leader said, I would immediately carry out the test. I am very serious and have found many problems. I love my job and I am the last one to leave after work every day. However, a lot of facts have made me realize that neither executive ability nor devotion to work are the criteria for the team/leader to judge a person’s strong ability. Moreover, 996 a day does not mean that the product quality I am responsible for will be better, which is understandable logic. There are other factors that directly determine job performance.

So, we need to look at our testing efforts to see if they fall into this trap:

  • You are diligent and dedicated, but the returns are really mediocre;
  • The task level is not high, and there is no way to improve it;
  • Not much opportunity to think about high-level problems;

How do you get out of this “low capacity trap” or do it the same way you do it: do the right thing. This requires you to work on:

  • Think and summarize “what is the right thing to do”;
  • Minimize unnecessary formal work (e.g., some companies emphasize processes/weekly reports);
  • Constantly improve your cognitive ability to look at your own thought process from a third party’s perspective;

As an example of a test job, I asked a few questions:

  • Do you know your company’s technical architecture?
  • Why are corporate systems designed this way?
  • Why do you want to do such a technology selection?
  • Have you ever dug into the reasons behind your decision?

In fact, once these questions are answered, you will have enough information to help you think and understand, so that you can jump out of the low ability trap.

3. Set goals

One of the most important things to do in the workplace is to set goals.

Where do your goals come from? Is it from the leadership, or family, or their own recruitment JD after the application felt pressure. These are real problems. Let’s talk about goal setting.

Does everyone want goals? Everyone ask yourself, you want the stars, want the moon, want to lose weight, want a hundred million, this is the goal?

The goal should be centered around your company’s strategy, or some of your team’s goals. In layman’s terms, a slogan is not a goal, confidence is not a goal, your desires are not a goal, and action itself is not a goal.

A few examples:

  • Some company leaders will say: THIS year I will lead everyone to earn 100 million, small goal to complete. This is a slogan, at best a morale booster, not a goal.
  • Some test partners will say: I used to be afraid to talk to leaders, but now I need to summon up the courage to communicate with leaders more, this is my goal. Is that the goal? It’s mostly your confidence, isn’t it?
  • Don’t talk to me about work goals. My goal is not to have to set goals. This is not very realistic, it is at best a wish.
  • Some students said: my goal is to do the current work well, build the automated test framework at hand, write scripts well, and find many bugs. That’s action. Sorry, that’s not a goal.

How to set a goal? I still remember MAO Zedong once said: until the problem of boats and Bridges is solved, crossing a river is an empty talk.

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Today, I would like to introduce a method: SMART goal method, to help you set your own goals, and this goal must be:

  • measurable
  • The executable
  • specific
  • Relevant to your company and team strategy
  • Have a time limit

A true goal is one that meets all five of these conditions.

Let’s take weight loss as an example. As you can see from the name Fat Tiger, I really need to set a goal like this:

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Therefore, it is recommended that you use SMART to think deeply about one of your career goals.

4. Strategic sensitivity

Next, I would like to talk about strategic sensitivity, which is also related to the goal. I lead a team of nearly 30 people myself. My observation is that as a new employee, the most taboo is that it is very delicate to just work with your head down and not look up to the sky. To some extent, your personal goals must be aligned with those of your team, your department, and your company’s strategic goals.

Some students said, I pay close attention to my goal, my goal is to go to BAT factory, I care about your company’s goal? In fact, it is more desirable that you can only make positive progress by combining with existing companies, existing environmental resources, and customized what you want to achieve in the next stage.

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For example, I have a team of nearly 30 people, and my personal goal is to help these 30 people grow. In the case of completing tasks, we should focus on cultivating talents with potential for further growth and better team performance, which is consistent with the goal of the whole team. Only when the team achieves its goals, wins battles and achieves departmental goals, will the company have a series of key projects to be implemented and completed by the team. When the company’s goals are achieved, the whole department will benefit, the team will benefit, and the individual will benefit. It is a natural and positive cycle.

So when you set your own personal goals, be sure to align them with your team, department, and company strategy. For example, some employees write that they will learn automated testing, performance testing, Java technology, etc., in the next year, but it is not directly related to the team/department/company goals. This is not recommended for your personal annual review.

This concept is even more important (and probably the most important one today).

5. Resources

Let me start with a few questions:

  • Are you going to work for a company as a goal or a resource?
  • You came to the sharing class today, is it a goal or a resource?
  • You’re joining a great company or a great team. Is that a goal or a resource?

Let me explain, why are these resources and not targets?

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It’s hard to get ahead in the workplace if you’re targeting all these resources around you.

I just said that the target of those students, constantly improve their personal ability, OK, yours is getting bigger, but your time and energy are limited, right? No matter how high your ability, no matter how strong your ability, no matter how big the circle you draw, he must not be infinite. When you want to do something more valuable, when you want to do more, you can’t do it by yourself. Sometimes we need to rely on the support of our leaders, our colleagues, other colleagues, other leaders, and even people in the industry.

If you regard them as resources, you can use them, you can manage them and use them. They will all work hard for a goal you create, right? Do you think this is the truth?

The concept of “resources” is really important. Because panghu teacher when young, like most of the students, do not regard these leaders around colleagues, and students in other departments as resources, this is called guarding the gold mine do not understand development, which is the most regrettable thing. The sooner we understand this concept, the sooner we know it, do not think of them as a competitor or a potential threat to you, you would be wrong.

Be sure to regard them as resources, of course, there is a little attention, here there are several colors, like blue you can directly or indirectly to manage and use, but green, you should be careful, do not make taboo. Red resources are resources outside of the workplace. Use as many as you can, but don’t use them blindly. This is just a hint. If there are no resources available, then you need to find ways to accumulate your own resources.

The next Topic is also very important.

What kind of employees are more likely to get promoted?

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You can give yourself a score, which quadrant do you belong to on the corporate team? Is it low potential low performance, high potential high performance, high potential low performance, or high potential high performance?

Generally speaking, those with high potential and high performance are the star employees in the team. The leader is willing to cultivate them, and these employees also get a lot of resource opportunities. Generally, they are fully authorized and can handle a task safely when it is assigned to them.

Employees with high potential and low performance need leaders to provide some technical and work guidance. Although their performance is relatively low, their potential is high. Generally, new employees or new employees will focus on training and guidance to help them move from quadrant two to quadrant four.

High performance but low potential, which generally belongs to a technical veteran who has worked for many years. Generally, the performance is OK, but can the potential be tapped more? This varies from person to person. What a manager needs to do is to give him psychological guidance, to motivate him, to communicate with him, to tap his potential, and then move to the fourth quadrant.

The most dangerous ones are those of you who are low performers and low potential, if you are in this quadrant, you need to look at why you are low performers and low potential. Generally, the team leader will give several opportunities, but if they are still not suitable and there is no room for growth or possibility for improvement, it will eventually become a bottleneck for the team’s overall performance. When the last resort, the leader can only consider replacement.

I’ve also seen colleagues who are indifferent to anything, or who think my own business is the most important, or who think I’m the best. Such a person has the lowest growth potential, seldom comes into contact with new things and learns few things. The skills he has learned depend on his previous accumulation. It is quite natural that he has no growth potential. When faced with some things with high uncertainties and great changes, the leader will not assign them to him for fear that he will not do well.

There is a famous management principle called the “Peter Principle” : it says that everyone in a company (including your boss, yourself, and your colleagues) is not qualified for their current position. Why is that? Because usually in today’s management system, if a person is qualified for their current position, they should be promoted or will be promoted; If the person doesn’t get promoted and stays in a position for years, they probably won’t be fully qualified for their current position (or maybe some of it). This is why some people are not promoted because they are not qualified for their current position.

If you want to be promoted, what’s the first thing you need to do? You’re going to do things you’ve never done before, access people and resources you’ve never dealt with before.

For example, if you have been testing technology related, whether manual testing, comprehensive testing, performance testing, or just technical testing. When you are in charge of people, you need to evaluate their performance, set goals for them, train them, deal with all kinds of unusual situations, communicate and deal with disputes among colleagues, and talk to departing employees. Are you going to step in to help someone whose performance keeps falling? The team’s overall performance is not improving, do you want to find out the problem? Do you think a low potential low performance employee can do these things? Certainly not up to it.

So if you want to get promoted, you have to be open first, and that’s called high growth potential.

Let’s take another practical example. If you and your colleague both have good performance ability, but there is only one outstanding quota at the end of the year, who will the boss give? It must end with a slap on the table — for employees with high growth potential.

Finally, the career goal is to move to the fourth quadrant, to become a star employee in the team. On the one hand, I need to increase my skills, on the other hand, I need to be more active and proactive, so that I can get growth, promotion and salary increase.

Talk about growing up

I’m going to talk to you about personal growth and interact with you with an example.

In Journey to the West, after the master and his disciples got the true scriptures, why did each person get different results?

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The same is to learn lessons, the same is to play strange clearance, why the final result is different? The same team, all colleagues, why different performance at the end of the year?

Here is my own understanding:

At the beginning of the scriptures, Sun Wukong he has been saying “I want to return to the mountain of flowers and fruits”, said countless times. Then pig eight quit to say “I want to go back to high old village”, also have been saying. What about Monk Sha? He always said, “Elder brothers and second brothers, what you said is right, right?” Only Tang’s monk a person said “I want to go to the west for sutras”, no matter what difficulties encountered, he is a word – I want to go to the west for sutras. The only one with a strong sense of purpose in the whole team is Tang Seng, which is one reason.

The second reason is that before and after Sun Wukong joined the sutras team, do you see how big he grew? Say a specific detail, 3 dozen bone essence of time, sun Wukong sees goblin go up is a bar, began to hit directly, thus not bothersome, is not? However, have you noticed that in the later period of Journey to the West, the master was also caught and encountered a more difficult monster? Sun Wukong didn’t say he would fight on the way up, but what would he do if he failed? Instead, ask for resources from the leaders, and find The Avalokitesvara bodhisattva, right? To the leadership of important people to relationship, or through the previous some contacts, to understand a fairy, borrow a magic weapon, is it right? And, sun Wukong behind the communication posture are very low, did not say THAT I used to be the great saint of Heaven, no matter how ox before, now the posture is very low. Right?

But you want pig eight quit and sand monk, they take sutras before and after the growth of the same? Pig eight quit basically is to gao laozhuang beautiful girl more have a special liking, then, sand monk basically is to have been bowing their heads to work, few words, almost no sense of existence in the whole team. That’s why the four of them got different results, because the personal growth of the master and apprentice before and after the study was completely different.

People with a strong sense of purpose are more likely to get promoted

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Generally speaking, an employee with a strong sense of purpose is more likely to be promoted. Just like the tang Monk.

That’s how you grow at work. If you don’t see a clear goal, or if you set it down and you find it’s too far away to see, fine, just take two steps down and adjust. Look again, adjust again. As long as you walk to a certain relative position, you can see clearly, can see more carefully.

Why do employees with a strong sense of purpose get promoted? Because he always gets it done. The manager subconsciously thinks he is very reliable and always gives him some key tasks and opportunities. Do you think this is the truth?

So, people with a strong sense of purpose are really, really easy to get promoted, not necessarily 100%, but really easy to get promoted.

Ask for feedback

Pay attention to be sure to feedback to the leadership, remember to work with their heads down, do not look up to the sky.

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I just said the role of sand monk. Sha Seng’s presence in the whole journey to the West is relatively low, AND I estimate that his interpersonal relationship is also average. He was in the Heavenly Palace before his descent, but he was banished to the earth because he broke a glass cup. You say what kind of immortal can be banished to earth for breaking a glass cup, it can be seen that his interpersonal relationship is also average.

Looking down is the right thing to do, looking up is the right thing to do.

At work, why often go to the leader to investigate feedback? Why do you often ask me how I am now? Is this right? Some students even worry that if you go to the leader so often, the leader will think that you are less capable. Others have fewer problems, but you have so many problems.

Not really. If you keep your head down, you’re not just invisible. And then you don’t define your goals, what if there’s something wrong with your goals? What if there’s something wrong with your method? So, you have to talk to your boss about this. Why do you have to go to your boss so often? Because your supervisor is higher up, has more information and sees things differently than you do. Considering the content we shared before, you should take two steps first, then adjust and determine the goal, periodically report the results to the leader to confirm whether the goal is feasible, right?

Moreover, with the leadership to resources, I need the support of Eight quit, Sand monk, you also need to feedback to the leadership, stage this goal can be achieved? Only in this way can you get feedback from your boss. In fact, we do subordinate is to get results for leaders, leaders want results.

We want leaders to say: One is clear goals, am I going the right way? The second is to give resources. Now I want to finish this task efficiently. Who else do I need to help?

What kind of relationship should you have with your boss?

Now, this is a touchy topic. What kind of relationship should you have with your boss? Let me share with you my personal understanding.

Effectively identify the management style of the leader and effectively manage upward.

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Managing up and managing down is managing. You need to manage your leader’s style and expectations. What does he expect of you? Do you periodically meet the goals assigned by your leaders? Do a good job of upward management, you can fight for effective resources.

Some people although capable, but used to a person foolhardy, bow to draw their own circle, your ability circle again, is still a person alone; Some people, despite their own flaws, can do greater things with the circle around them. That’s what leaders want, right?

Then, what happens if you don’t get along well with your boss? I can honestly tell you that if you don’t manage your relationship with your immediate superior, you’re going to be very passive at work. That’s right. Seventy or eighty percent of your motivation for work will be lost. When you wake up in the morning and think you’re dealing with a leader like that, with a bad relationship like that, you don’t have the motivation to go to work, you don’t have the motivation to continue to grow, and you don’t have the motivation to ask for resources.

So, here to emphasize, leadership is a resource, leadership is not a monster. Better use up, do a good job of upward management.

What kind of relationship do you maintain with your supervisor? My understanding is this:

  • At the executive level, we are partners.

When the daily work is arranged, we are partners and the goal is actually win-win. My goal is to make money, and then grow up to achieve some of my personal goals, such as bringing a sense of accomplishment to the team and myself. The leader’s goal is very simple, that is, he wants me to help him achieve the goal of work, get results.

  • At the performance level, both parties.

At the end of the year, when discussing work performance or salary increase, it is a relationship between party A and Party B. What kind of results have I provided to the leader? Shall Party A fulfill the contract? What should a leader give you in return? At this time, generally speaking, is a relationship between both parties, rarely involving a personal relationship.

  • On a personal level, preferably a brother.

In terms of personal communication, for example, when we chat or eat occasionally, MY suggestion is to be a brother. If it is a female leader, I suggest to be a sister or even a sister.

In general, WE hope that we can maintain a good relationship with our leaders. We trust each other, which is also conducive to the development of work.

Then I also summarized some matters needing attention to report to the leader.

How to report to superiors

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The first one is: no guts. I know that some students are naturally afraid of leadership, which needs to be adjusted in terms of psychological personality to overcome such a psychological barrier.

The second is: it doesn’t work. The same problem has been fed back many times and still has not been solved. It’s time to think. Liu Run once said, “If the structure of this thing is wrong, nothing is right, and you can never get a better result.” You have to think about why it hasn’t been solved, and if the logic behind it has always been wrong.

The third is: no heart. You often say something to your boss and he or she may not remember it or you may forget it. You need to make certain reminders. You need a notebook or document to keep track of what was said, what instructions were given to you, what tasks were assigned to you.

The fourth is: no way. Don’t know how to communicate, how to express. Communication is a relatively wide range of things, we will not expand here, we must learn more skills, enough attention to report communication this matter.

The last one is: there is no trust. As MENTIONED earlier, many things can be difficult if you don’t build trust. Build trust, build consensus, and then do things.

Communication skills

  • To express strong opinions: tactfully.
  • Express a positive view: Direct.

For example, in ancient times, people married and married according to their parents’ orders. The young men met and talked with the master and mistress of the house in the drawing-room, and the girl peeped from behind the screen in the room. After the scholar left, the father asked, “Daughter, what do you think of this son? In ancient times even daughters were more indirect to their fathers.

  • If the scholar is very handsome, and talented, and then a lot of betrothal gifts, the picture is right. A daughter will say, “It’s up to daddy to decide what matters for her daughter.” There is no need for consent.
  • If the scholar looks very ordinary, he has no house, no car, and no photos. The daughter will say, “My daughter wants to be dutiful to her father for a few more years and not get married so early.” Right?

Like the hero in the TV drama to save the story of the United States, after the beauty was saved, to express a:

  • If the hero is heroic, young and promising, martial arts, the lines will generally say: “thank the hero for saving your life, the little woman is willing to make a promise to repay the hero in case”;
  • If the hero is a coarse man or old, she will say: “The girl would like to be an ox or a horse in the afterlife to repay the hero for saving his life.”

Communication, like management, is not a skill but an art. Just two jokes for today.

When you and your boss express some strong opinions, be tactful and not too direct, in order to avoid inadvertently hurting other colleagues or other leaders; Then express some positive ideas, or more positive things and work, be sure to directly insist on their own views, this is my personal experience.

How to report to the superior, here are the 4 steps:

  1. Identify current problems;
  2. The significance of solving this problem;
  3. What resources are available to help you solve the problem;
  4. What are the goals you hope to achieve and when do you expect them to be done?

Which subordinates do leaders prefer?

Here is my experience to share with you.

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The first one is definitely feedback.

For example, I assigned A task to Xiao Zhang and promised to finish it in five days, but after four days, there was no news from Xiao Zhang. I didn’t get feedback on this task, whether it was completed or not. And then, at this point maybe my leader calls me and says, how is this going? I said, “Just a moment, I will collect the information and report it later.” As a result, no one answered xiao Zhang’s phone. So here’s the problem. The progress of this matter has not been reported in stages. The leaders do not know what problems they encounter and what progress they have made. If they are unsure, they cannot be relieved, right?

The second point is to say “meet urgent matter, let the leader do multiple choice, do not let the leader do question and answer”.

Take testing work as an example. One day, Xiao Zhang missed testing a bug, which led to online production problems and the customer came to complain. At this time, he directly ran to me and said: leadership you think how to do? This is an open question, not a multiple choice question. Leaders may be responsible for half a dozen projects at once, and yours is just one of them. You ask the leader how to do? The leader will continue to ask you questions based on the business, extract the information and make analysis and judgment.

In fact, as a project manager and the person in charge, zhang should be the most clear of the entire project issues and key information, zhang should say: “leadership, I encountered such a problem now, on reflection, I now have two scheme, how about the first solution, how about the second option, what are the strengths and weaknesses of the these two schemes, leading you see which scheme is better?

The third point is: think comprehensively, be forward-looking, and deliver reliably.

When assigning tasks to subordinates, I will chat casually. For example, the tasks I said just now are synchronized. Xiao Zhang, could you please repeat them again? What are the most critical goals? Can you talk about the key steps? Let me see if you understand, so I’ll repeat it first. And why do you think I gave this job to you instead of Xiao Li? Do you know why? Then I would ask, for example, what would you do in case of any risk or emergency? In fact, leaders need employees to consider the problem comprehensively when doing this, so that the final delivery of the task can be reliable.

The fourth point is: there is a relatively strong self-drive. This is not too much to say, because there are many Buddhists among the young people, including the old employees. There is nothing wrong with the Buddhists themselves, but the leaders prefer the employees with strong self-drive. If everyone on the staff thought, “More money, less work, closer to home, wife and kids,” the picket fence wouldn’t work, right?

The last point is: both IQ and EQ are online, making people comfortable to speak and reassuring to do things. It has something to do with general ability. That is to say, I don’t want to talk about it, but you should understand it well, because BOTH IQ and EQ are very important. Sometimes eq is more important than IQ, this is my personal understanding.

What kind of boss should YOU choose in the workplace?

The first point, the superior must be good character, respect subordinates.

This request is made to avoid office fights. While office struggles are certainly inevitable, avoid becoming a pawn in them. The meaning of respect is relatively large, including some work authorization, incentive praise, praise in public and whether to take care of the face of your subordinates, whether to do fair and so on these things, of course, to emphasize the three views to be positive, good character.

Second, can it help you grow, can it point out your weaknesses?

The golden age is actually just a few years. If you don’t grow up sufficiently within these years and your boss doesn’t mention your shortcomings, it will be a disadvantage. Avoid being a tool for getting things done in the workplace.

So you can talk about how your leader has grown in you, in a skill, in other areas, and whether he’s willing to take the time to help you grow and point out your weaknesses, right?

The third point is to have a strong view of the big picture.

As a leader, he should not care about the gains and losses of one city and one place, but always pay attention to some trifles. Only by looking at the big picture can the team be brought bigger. When the leader brings the team bigger, it is necessary to reuse the core employees to lead the new team, which is conducive to the growth of the core employees.

Of course, the above is just my personal thinking summary, this topic is different, 10,000 readers have 10,000 Hamlets, what kind of leadership is worth following, I believe you will have their own judgment.


It’s worth mentioning bottlenecks here. Because the bottleneck is actually more difficult to locate, it is more difficult to identify their own bottlenecks.

  • What are your current personal growth bottlenecks?

We can ask their colleagues around the leadership, generally get along with more harmonious colleagues will help point out.

  • Have you developed your own advantages in your work? What is your personal label?

It’s all kind of important. For about eight years, my label was automated testing, performance testing, and tool development was my personal label. If the leaders in the team encounter problems in these areas, or some core tasks will think of me. People who are strong on the team can put labels on it. Therefore, you test students must get a breakthrough in technology, the personal label, so as to be conducive to their growth and development.

  • What value can I bring to the team and the company? Are you a performance bottleneck for your team?

If you are always in the first quadrant (low performance and low growth potential), you are a bottleneck for the overall team performance. Therefore, you must pay attention to keep learning and self-growth, which is also the meaning of this personal growth awareness class, hoping to help you move towards the fourth quadrant, become a star employee with high performance and high growth potential.

Personal appeal

Finally, a personal appeal. Some time ago, Panghu teacher participated in a training in the company, some foreign experts came to share, some of the cases are very interesting, I want to take it over. That is to say, employees with different working years in the IT industry have different demands.

The picture

Work 1-3 years, generally belong to the new recruits. For example, is the post-1995 generation good for the atmosphere of the team? They value the working relationship between the team, the working relationship between the colleagues. Including stability, their ability to work can be recognized, can have some growth, is very important. In particular, I met some employees who graduated from universities in 1985. If they saw this company, they could not help themselves to improve in the short term, there was no room for upward promotion, and they needed to rank according to seniority, so they would soon be lost.

Pay, benefits, respect are more important if you work for 3-5 years. There’s respect here. I’m not just a rookie, so you can call the shots, right? I want respect, promotion and career development. It’s like the prime of my career is just beginning, and I need a fast track to rise, to let myself play.

One of the demands of working for 5 to 8 years is that I hope to be recognized in the company and make breakthroughs and deposits in technology. It is better to be able to manage the team with a steady increase in income and be competent in key positions, which is also a common aspiration of our team.

8 to 15 years, they are more interested in a social network, contacts, recognition in the industry, balance crisis, because approaching 35, basically you know, and health, the body needs to be taken care of at this time, the hair is almost falling out.

Finally, when I work for 15 to 20 years, I seem to be a veteran among veterans, so health is the first priority. I feel that promotion is not so much related to power and status, right? When I am old, if I still work under a leader much younger than myself, I still feel a certain imbalance in my heart, right?

This thing I feel very interesting, take to share with you, just for reference.

Qualifications for promotion

The picture

These are my personal points, at least on my team, when it comes to saying that an employee wants a promotion, or wants a raise:

First, they must have growth potential, and then they must have excellent work performance, ranking at least 30% in the team. Why must it be 30%? You can put yourself in the other’s shoes. If you are a leader and you take on important responsibilities to promote an employee whose performance is lower, what will the other employees think? Are you being unfair to the top performers? Work enthusiasm of others is also a blow.

Second, the best and superior leadership or to trust.

Trust and consensus are the foundation of everything we do. If there is no trust, that leader assign you a task, just like the landlord to permanent reminders of land, feels the same small piece how much you today want to write a script, and xiao li are you going to give me the automation scripts to write at least 1000, and so on, the leaders need a lot of time and subordinate full of trust, not use of the relationship and be used between them, It’s about trusting each other so that we can lead the team well, do the job well, and grow together.

Last but not least, don’t focus on managing up and ignoring the support and assistance of key colleagues around you. Coworkers can be a resource, and it’s not uncommon to find key people around you who can really give you a boost at some point in your career. Therefore, we also try our best to help each other with our colleagues in daily work and play a positive role in the team as much as possible.


The above is the logic behind achieving the result of “career promotion” : have cognitive height, own goals, methods, and actions, and make reasonable use of resources around. Only in this way can we achieve continuous self-growth, personal performance management, and continuous promotion.

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