
This Android interview question covers images, networks and security mechanisms, networks, databases, plug-ins, modularization, componentization, hot fixes, incremental updates, Gradle, architecture design and design patterns, The Android Framework, Android excellent tripartite library source code, etc. Suitable for middle and senior engineers.

Easy-to-develop plug-ins, tools, and third-party open source libraries

1.GsonFormat usage method: shortcut Alt+S can also use Alt+Insert to select GsonFormat, function: quickly convert JSON string into a Java Bean, save us according to json string handwritten corresponding Java Bean process.

Use method: Ctrl+Shift+B Function: Quickly bind resource ID. Say goodbye to findViewbuId.

3.Parcelable Code Generator Usage method Alt + INSERT select Parcelable function: JavaBean serialization, fast implementation of Parcelable interface.

Lifecycle Sorter use shortcut keys Ctrl + Alt + K to sort Lifecycle method positions of activities or fragments according to their Lifecycle

5. Findbug-idea Usage method: The findBugs icon will appear in the lower left corner to find the bug plug-in

6.JsonOnlineViewer Usage: Click the following view function JsonOnlineViewer function: To check the GET or POST interface

7.LeakCanary How to use: Add the dependencies related to LeakCanary to the build.gradle file of the main project module: Monitor in the Debug version

Memory leaks for activities, fragments, etc. (Also use the AndroidMonitor tool which comes with Android Studio.) Although it is not possible to analyze which part of memory is leaking, the memory usage and dynamic changes can be seen intuitively.)

8. Usage of Bugly: Go to Tencent to apply for bugly, and then integrate its functions and introduction in the project: abnormal reporting, application upgrade & hot update.

A new start

To change your life, there is no shortcut at all. This road needs to be taken by yourself. Only deep thinking, continuous reflection and summary, keeping the enthusiasm for learning, and building a complete knowledge system step by step are the ultimate winning ways and the mission that programmers should undertake.

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