Brief introduction:A new template has been launched in the market: Coronavirus vaccination statistics, which supports members of the organization to fill in the vaccination information online, visually present the statistical results, and can also configure the message to realize automatic reminder.

Are you still manually counting the vaccinations of members of your organization?

Are you still using Excel file transfer to collect your vaccination information?

Now, give it up!

TBD has launched a new template in the template market — a statistical template for COVID-19 vaccination with news reminder function. Online reporting is safe and convenient with one person and one entry.

Address of the template

Click on the entry >>>> for the statistical template for COVID-19 vaccination

Applicable scenario

It is used to count the current vaccination scenario of members within the organization and to inform unvaccinated members to complete the vaccination as soon as possible.

Characteristics of the template

1. Conducted data statistics according to the vaccination stage and brand of COVID-19 vaccine.

2. Visual charts are configured on the data management page to make the statistics clear at a glance.

3, Support message reminder function, can inform the unvaccinated members to complete the vaccination as soon as possible.

Now, put down your collection form and try the out-of-the-box vaccination statistics template!

Click to experience the COVID-19 vaccination statistics template

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