The installation

Install Fiddler on your computer

Download address:…

Download Drony and install it on your Android phone

Download link:… Extraction code: yjnt

Set up the

1. Open Drony, switch to SETTING(unable to click, try swiping left and right to switch to SETTING), and select wifi Settings

Set network details

1, set the proxy hosetName, default is the COMPUTER LAN IP

2. Set fiddler proxy Port to 8888 by default

3. Set Proxy Type

4. Set Filter Default Value to Direct All

5. Set Rules

6. Start Drony

3. Install fiddler certificate on Android phone is my LAN IP and 8888 is the port number of fiddler’s packet capture software

Fiddler set

Fiddler packet capture format

Fiddler can only fetch Http and HTTPS, but by default only Http can be fetched.

Tools — >Telerik Fiddler Options — >HTTPS, check: CaptureHTTPS CONNECTs, Decrypt HTTPS Traffic, Ignore Server Certificate Errors (unsafe) — > Click OK to confirm the certificate immediately after it pops up.

Fiddler remote mechanism

Fiddler is a proxy mechanism, so remote operations can be implemented as well. Fiddler is only enabled locally by default.

Set: Tools — >TelerikFiddler Options — >Connections — > Select Allow remote Computers Connect.

Fiddler displays only the specified domain name for easy packet capture and debugging

Multiple domain names; segmentation