In May 2021, the popularity ranking of domestic databases has been released. Among the top ten, TiDB still ranks first with 612 points, which is 8 points lower than last month. Aliyun OceanBase rose 34 points to rank second, the biggest increase this month, Aliyun PolarDB rose 28 points to rank third, Aliyun AnalyticDB ranked ninth, the position remains unchanged.

Wuhan Dameng and NANDA Gm ranked fourth and fifth respectively, the gap between them narrowed to only 27 points. Huawei GaussDB rose one place, openGauss also rose 20 points to rank eighth, and Tencent Cloud TDSQL fell 50 points to rank eighth. Zte GoldenDB has been ranked no. 10 for the past three months.

Kingbase, which followed GoldenDB in the 11th place, rose 18 points for two consecutive months and was only seven points behind the 10th. In addition, shenzhou General Database, ranked 13th, increased 41 points for two months in a row, rising 6 places in the ranking. Sequoia SequoiaDB, Ejingjie Database and Wanli Opensource GreatDB have also gone through the market for a long time, and each of them has typical successful cases, and their strength can not be underestimated.

Directory guide

  • TiDB 5.0 was released, and PingCAP made the list of unicorns
  • Database cloud unstoppable, Ali, Huawei and Tencent three
  • Huawei Gauss Database Schema is on the way to success
  • The market size of Xinchuang is huge, and the competition among the four traditional manufacturers is fierce
  • Strengthen open source ecological construction, unified standards to the world
  • May ink wheel plan, help the localization process

TiDB 5.0 was released, and PingCAP made the list of unicorns

No.1 TiDB: PingCAP, as the earliest independent startup company with distributed database layout in China, released TiDB and opened source half a year after it was founded in 2015. After six years of continuous updating and iteration, PingCAP gradually stepped into the core enterprise scene. Recently, PingCAP was selected as “2020 China Unicorn Enterprise list”, leading the reform with open source power. Exploring the future of the distributed cloud.

Version 5.0 released in April has become a distributed database with full HTAP capabilities by introducing the MPP architecture. TiDB provides a unified entrance to the business. Tidb-server can automatically select single machine execution or MPP mode, and the transactional and analytical loads are isolated, so that the two will not interrupt each other under high concurrency pressure. Provide one-stop data service platform for enterprises.

On April 7, 2021 GDCC Global Distributed Cloud Conference was held in Beijing, PingCAP won the Distributed Database Leadership Award. At the same time, Huang Dongxu, co-founder and CTO of PingCAP, was invited to deliver a speech with the theme of “Standing on the Eve of database change”. The development of the existing distributed database has reached its limit. Under the development trend of completely taking the cloud as the infrastructure, Huang Dongxu proposed the idea of the next generation database product:

All the infrastructure will be rewritten, everything that can be separated from storage and computing will be separated, and economies of scale will take over

. In the future, there is no concept of resources such as CPU and memory for services. You only need to input the task and time, and the system’s own scheduling platform resources and data can complete the task within the specified time.

Finally, Huang Dongxu also revealed that PingCAP has been preparing for the coming blank market. We are looking forward to the technological innovation of PingCAP, which will bring changes to the industry.

Database cloud unstoppable, Ali, Huawei and Tencent three

Gartner reports that by 2022, 75% of all databases will be deployed or migrated to the cloud, i.e

By next year three-quarters of all databases will be running in the cloud

. The flexible expansion, agile deployment, and automatic monitoring and maintenance of resources on the cloud have increased enterprise productivity by an order of magnitude. Therefore, following the cloud for business applications, the cloud for databases is also an inevitable trend. In the future, all computing and data will be on the cloud.

On April 22, Gartner released the global DBMS market share rankings 2011-2020. In China’s database products, there are three manufacturers, namely Ali Cloud, Huawei Cloud and Tencent Cloud. Ali Cloud ranked seventh, Huawei Cloud ranked 10th and Tencent Cloud ranked 13th respectively, becoming the worthy leader in China’s database field. Six of the three manufacturers in the top ten of The Ink Day Round ranking were occupied by the three manufacturers.

Runner-up OceanBase:On June 1, 2020, OceanBase was spun off from Ali to set up A commercial company with database as its main business. Before that, OceanBase just broke the world record of TPCC created by itself in 2019 with the online transaction processing performance of 707 million tpmC in May. In the past one year anniversary, OceanBase not only carries all the core business of Ant Group, but also has a number of benchmark case customers in the financial industry, such as Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, China Construction Bank, Bank of Nanjing, Guangdong Rural Credit, China Property Insurance, etc., and also has landed in the operator scenarios.

On April 2nd, the financial service zone of “Ganfu Pass”, which runs on the native distributed database OceanBase, was officially put into operation. At present, the real-name users of “Ganfu Pass” have reached 27.4 million, and the cumulative visits have exceeded 1.36 billion times. About 1 in 1.7 People in Jiangxi are using it.

PolarDB and AnalyticDB of Alibaba are ranked third and ninth respectively. Under the lead of Li Fei Fei, Alibaba Cloud database not only takes the lead in technology strength, but also has a market share far ahead of Huawei and Tencent in the Asia-Pacific region.

On April 17th, the 15th China Electronic Information Technology Annual conference officially awarded the 2020 Science and Technology Award of The Chinese Society of Electronics. The project of “PolarDB of cloud native distributed relational database” developed by Aliyun won the first prize of science and technology progress. On April 28, Hangzhou manufacturing high quality development conference was held, Ali Cloud self research cloud native data warehouse AnalyticDB won the “science and technology innovation class provincial science and technology award.

On April 7, 2021 Global Distributed Cloud Conference (SDC) was held in Beijing. Tencent Cloud database won “Distributed Database Leadership Award” and “Best Distributed Database Practice Award” two awards, and is a very few to win two awards.

The selection of “Distributed Database Leadership Award” was made after the evaluation of Tencent cloud enterprise distributed database TDSQL’s three product series, which are distributed database TDSQL, analytical database TDSQL-A and cloud native database TDSQL-C.


The future is all in the cloud, cloud database, cloud platform is the future

, the new generation of HTAP database system will gradually replace the complicated IT architecture in the past, subvert the existing computing resource allocation structure (such as pure graphics card mining machine), even beyond Moore’s Law. Cloud management, cloud disaster, and Snowflake will also see new growth as the overall cloud moves forward, and private cloud data platforms will be the second largest market for IT infrastructure for some large companies.

Huawei Gauss Database Schema is on the way to success

On April 25, In huawei Developer Conference 2021 (Cloud), Huawei Cloud released GaussDB(for openGauss), the Cloud native database, which is a financial distributed database with the core business load of government and enterprise. It has been comprehensively improved in terms of performance, availability and elasticity, and has been severely tested by the full scenarios of financial business.

GaussDB(for openGauss) in the bank business measurement,

Achieve 32 nodes 15 million tpmC

In addition, the AI technology is implanted into the architecture and algorithm of the database core to make the database management more intelligent and efficient. In addition, huawei cloud GaussDB provides a variety of high availability (HA) solutions that are most concerned by government and enterprise customers, including high availability within an AZ in the same city, high availability across azs, and cross-region geo-redundant disaster recovery (GEO-redundant disaster recovery) solutions, providing read consistency across AZs. Nodes in multiple AZs must read consistent data to meet financial regulatory requirements.

In addition to GaussDB(for Opengaus), the Huawei Cloud has GaussDB(for MySQL) and GaussDB(DWS) relational databases. As well as non-relational databases such as GaussDB(for Mongo), GaussDB(for Influx), GaussDB(for Cassandra), GaussDB(for Redis), plus some RDS databases and data service platforms, The Huawei Cloud covers almost all scenarios of enterprise databases.

Review the history: In the Spring Festival of 2020, Huawei gave up the enterprise version of GaussDB independently deployed in full bloom and focused on providing services only on the cloud. In addition, the open source version openGauss was released in June 2020 as part of Kunpeng Ecology together with openEuler.

Since openGauss open source date, a total of 11 SIG groups have been established, covering SQL engine, storage engine, driver, security, Internet of things, ARTIFICIAL intelligence, cloud native, software installation and update, etc. Set up two user groups: Shenzhen user group and Nanjing user group; In the first quarter of 2021, the community accelerated, with more than 1,200 developers and over 140,000 downloads worldwide.

At present, 6 companies including Youxuan Software, Massive Data, Cloud and Enmo have released commercial databases based on openGauss. Among them, Youxuan software UXDB-G won the census system relocation project with 2.6 million yuan. Vastbase is listed in the list of central mining network database systems. Cloud, Enmo and openGauss together smoothly launched the first batch of business in Postal Savings Bank.

Currently in sixth place, with openGauss close behind at eighth, It seems that Huawei’s current Gauss model has been successful.

Huawei focuses on the complete set of service capabilities of the database on the cloud, helps partners to release commercial edition through open source and Kunpeng system to achieve win-win results, and at the same time builds a huge ecosystem around technology, users and partners to accelerate the landing of technologies and projects.

For Huawei Gauss, the future is promising.

The market size of Xinchuang is huge, and the competition among the four traditional manufacturers is fierce

Recently, China Software Industry Association released the 2021 China Xinchuang Ecological Research Report. PDF. The actual scale of China’s Xinchuang ecological market will be 161.7 billion yuan in 2020, and it is expected to maintain a high growth rate in the next five years, with a compound annual growth rate of 37.4%, and reach 800 billion yuan in 2025.

Among database manufacturers, Dameng Database has a good performance in terms of market performance and product competitiveness, and has initially entered the star quadrant, and was selected as the excellent manufacturer of Xinchuang. In addition, NDA GM and Shenzhou GM are located in the growth quadrant, and RDA Golden Cang is in the potential quadrant.

The popularity trend of Dameng, NANDA GM, RDA Jincang and Shenzhou GM on the Motian Wheel list is as follows:

Dameng database ranked fourth: Recently, Dameng Database jointly launched the database all-in-one MACHINE QDM with Hangzhou Watch, which was displayed at the 4th Digital China Construction Summit.

In April, Dameng held a joint event with Motian WheelThe first Dameng Database Elite ChallengeAmong them, “the first prize of the final of the university group, Hainan Sanya Study Tour” has been successfully concluded recently. We look forward to the next stage.

On April 29, 2021, the “China Big Data Industry Innovation Conference 2021” hosted by the Big Data Branch of China Information Association was held in Beijing. The theme of this event was “data strong foundation collaborative innovation”. On the one hand, the demand and development of big data were deeply discussed; On the other hand, it gathers all the forces of big data industry ecology to jointly promote collaborative innovation and development, so as to better promote the healthy development of China’s big data industry and the expansion of ecological territory. Nda GM was invited to attend this conference and won the “Several Triad Award — 2020-2021 Leading Enterprise in China’s Big Data Industry” based on its years of outstanding performance in the industry.

Rda Jincang ranks the 11th: Taiji Shares recently released the 2020 annual report, which shows that RDA Jincang Kingbase deployed core business systems of banking, China Mobile, power grid and other industries, with stable and reliable system operation. In addition, RDA jincang also released jincang KMDS and KRDS new products to improve the free product system and help customers realize rapid database migration and cloud services. The contract value of Xinchuang business is nearly 7 billion yuan, and the market share of Jincang database products exceeds 50%! Become the industry benchmark.

Shenzhou General is ranked 13th. Shantong Database is affiliated to China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASC), a holding subsidiary of Beijing Shenzhou Aerospace Software Technology Co., LTD. It is the leading undertaking unit of nuclear high-tech special projects and has been making silent contributions to China’s space industry.

The long March-5B-yao2 carrier rocket successfully launched the first module and the core module of China’s space station at 11:23 am on April 29. During the mission, the two nodes of the Shentong database shared storage cluster to support materials and environmental monitoring in the core module. The Avatar database and MPP cluster have been applied in core systems such as ground support, rocket tracking, measurement and control in Wenchang Launch Base. The Avatar database strongly supported the smooth progress of the launch mission and successfully escorted the launch of Tianhe Core Module.

From the maiden flight of the Long March 7 to the liftoff of the Long March 5, from the completion of the Beidou satellite navigation project to the return of the Chang ‘e-5 lunar exploration, from the support of the Tianwen 1 fire exploration mission to the successful entry of the Tianhe core module into orbit…

Shenzhou General Motors participated in and witnessed China’s space industry has repeatedly made breakthroughs, step by step, a solid footprint, again and again toward the stars.

In addition, on April 20, 2021, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology Network Security Industry Development Center announced the “2020 Information Technology application innovation Solutions” shortlist. A total of 70 solutions were shortlisted, among which Tencent Cloud TDSQL, NPC Jincang, ZTE, Shenzhou General Four domestic database manufacturers were listed. In addition, nine innovation awards were announced. Zte GoldenDB’s distributed database solution for banking core system was the only representative database product.

Strengthen open source ecological construction, unified standards to the world

In recent decades, the development of information digitization has largely benefited from open source ecology. In addition to enabling enterprises to directly apply the latest technology at a very low cost, it can also focus on the communication and joint research and development of industry top enthusiasts, which also promotes the development of corresponding technologies. For example, we are familiar with open source databases such as MySQL, PostgreSQL, Redis, MongoDB, Elasticsearch, and InfluxDB. Currently, these databases are basically used in the production environment of many enterprises.

The open source database in motianlun database list is as follows:

In the domestic databases, in addition to TiDB and openGauss have been focusing on the development of open source community ecology, recently developed by inspur technology team NewSQL distributed database ZNBase officially open source.

ZNBase is a cloud-native distributed database product with strong consistency, highly available distributed architecture, distributed horizontal scaling, high performance, enterprise-level security and other features. Application scenarios include financial commercial database applications, remote multi-active deployment in multiple locations, massive data storage access scenarios, and OLTP and OLAP hybrid scenarios. Chaowen’s native distributed storage engine supports ACID, PostgreSQL, and automatic operation and maintenance (O&M) and alarm monitoring. Can provide users with a complete distributed database solution.

We hope that more and more vendors will join the open source ranks and jointly establish a unified industry standard instead of each other, especially developer tools, data migration tools, monitoring operation and maintenance platforms, disaster recovery platforms, etc. If each vendor develops a set, it will consume a lot of cost. It is expected that an ecosystem similar to PG will eventually emerge in Korea, which will truly promote the synchronous development of industry and technology to the world.

May ink wheel plan, help the localization process

Motian wheel is committed to creating a one-stop learning and growth platform for data people in the new era, while promoting the development of the domestic database industry, accelerating the pace of localization landing. We have been trying and working hard, and made the following plan in May. We hope you can give us your valuable feedback.

  • Publish a full set of domestic database interpretation column, quickly and comprehensively understand the selection of domestic database
  • Plan to release the magic quadrant of domestic database, only from the core technology, product competitiveness, market share and other dimensions
  • Jointly with the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology to promote the domestic database TPC-c list evaluation

Domestic database ranking in 2021

April 2021 Domestic database list: OceanBase continuously asked the top, PolarDB took the position

March 2021 domestic database list: The voice of the young phoenix clear Ali three peerless double arrogant Huawei together

In February 2021, domestic database list: the list expanded to 116 products TiDB surged into the industry star

January 2021 Domestic database ranking: OceanBase returns to the top three, TDSQL growth trend is the strongest!