I don’t know if you are aware that when you go into some bank branches to handle business, downloading mobile banking APP has become a prerequisite for you to handle business. If you encounter a reluctant customer, the lobby manager will try to convince you: “You can download and register first, and you can uninstall it as soon as it’s done.”

This kind of semi-forced sales of APP download scenario is very common in life. There are dozens of apps in a bank with overlapping functions, which are annoying. The convenience once brought by APPS is gradually lost in the sea of applications on the screen, which has become an “unbearable burden” for mobile phones.

! [](https://ask.qcloudimg.com/http-save/yehe-7298481/9wp3r5k9wu.png?imageView2/2/w/1620)

Many employees in banks and securities outlets also complain that they sometimes have to force sales to customers due to the task of APP promotion assigned by their superiors. Moreover, the operation of each APP is different, which makes customers confused and requires a lot of energy.

Small programs become a “breakthrough” for innovative Services

For customers, the ready-to-go feature of small programs not only avoids the bloated and tedious steps of installing an APP on the phone when entering an organization, but also gets rid of the chicken belly feeling of installing an APP that is not used most of the time in customers’ minds.

As banks continue to embrace the Internet, small programs are also a good opportunity to change customer habits and increase customer stickiness. At the same time, for financial institutions, small programs can greatly reduce the cost of App r&d manpower, security and other aspects, and operators can also reduce the difficulty of promotion.

At present, the background of mini programs can be connected with the background of financial institutions, and all the marketing data and operation data generated by the mini programs can be monitored and monitored in compliance. Even if it is used on some public platforms, the information does not go through third parties. Only by ensuring data privacy and supervising service standardization can relevant businesses be carried out at ease. Institutions can not only meet the requirements of compliance supervision, but also reach users through a variety of entrances.

Financial institutions should “embrace” applets

“Fragmentation” is now a trend. First of all, in the era of mobile Internet, users’ reading time and application use time are highly fragmented. The opposite is the fragmentation of the front-end user experience. Mobile phone users throughout China have been fully educated by wechat mini programs, which are typical of “utility computing” in various scenarios, such as “use it on demand” and “throw it away”.

If Banks, brokers can make out of their App like WeChat stability, the business functions of App split out in a similar small application technology carrier to fragmentation, single responsibility, independent development and deployment of the life cycle, is characteristic of the financial industry need to have both stability and agile iterative resolved the contradiction of there is hope?

This level of loose coupling allows business functions to be developed, tested, and unloaded independently of the App, with some obvious benefits:

  1. The separate test of new business functions is released separately, which does not affect the stability of the basic App, and there is no need to conduct full regression test on the App.
  2. The development of business functions can be highly parallel — as long as there are hands, many people can do things easily (think wechat allows developers all over the Internet to provide it with a large number of application scenarios without affecting each other at the same time), which is impossible under the technical system of traditional native apps.
  3. Easy blue-green testing, grayscale publishing — fine granularity to fragmentation level (for example, a wechat applet can only be tested within the scope of the test whitelist).
  4. Forming technological ecology. A financial institution if mastered WeChat such technology, it can also be an ecological center, let the external developers, partners follow certain pieces of standards development function and the application stores to the financial institutions of “App store”, under the premise of the compliance of these fragments can be similar WeChat applet is used by the App users of financial institutions.
! [](https://ask.qcloudimg.com/http-save/yehe-7298481/9k3zv6gfi0.png?imageView2/2/w/1620)

Fantai Geeks said: “Over the years, apps of various financial institutions have been adding more and more functions, leading to heavier and heavier apps with more and more functions. Maybe it is better to return to the original nature. Now it is time for apps to try to do ‘subtraction’.”

Financial institutions to build their own small program platform, although it looks not so easy, and in the operation level also need to spend a lot of energy, but in the long run, or more than harm.

First, innovation is conducive to digital transformation. ** small programs have become the accelerator of digital transformation of financial institutions, helping institutions to quickly realize user digitalization, full scene digitalization and full link digitalization at a lower cost. Whether it is App or small program, the significance of banks has long gone beyond the supplement of physical outlets or a branch of electronic channels, and it has really become the most important “portal” of commercial banks. Especially since last year, with the promotion of the “open banking” strategy, the way of banks’ existence and business promotion is being restructured. Apps and applets are also becoming the most important arena in the digital transformation of banks.

** Second, it is conducive to compliance supervision. ** Due to the social particularity of the financial industry, bank account managers cannot recommend financial products to customers through wechat; Brokerage investment advisers cannot recommend stocks to customers through wechat and let customers directly click to open the trading interface to place orders. But now customers are highly dependent on wechat, the social platform, at this time, small program can be used. As mentioned just now, small program background and financial institutions’ own background can be opened, all customers’ marketing data, operation data can be left in compliance, which is conducive to compliance supervision. At the same time, it can also prevent the promise of income when employees recommend financial products to customers.

** Third, it is conducive to building an “APP ecosystem”. ** The first change that the small program platform can bring is that App is more agile when facing user needs and can respond to user needs in time. The second change is that we can introduce multiple cooperative institutions to greatly enrich the App’s ecology and experience and improve the strategic layout of the App’s ecosystem. So becoming a super platform is a natural choice for banks that already have a lot of users. This is not only a key battle to reach customers and power retail business, but more importantly, having an “ecosystem” that connects multiple consumer scenarios will add more weight to banks’ “open banking” battle. It is foreseeable that in the future, small program platform will develop more features, attract more cooperative institutions, convert resources into traffic, comprehensively improve the user experience, and become a model of open banking scene. This change will not only affect the future survival and competitiveness of banks, but also affect every financial consumer.

About Fantai Geek: Help financial institutions realize digital services with compliant financial social technology. The ecological members include the FinChat applets runtime. It can help financial institutions build their own applets. ** With this technology, financial institutions can slim down their apps, stripping out old and new features and developing them with independent lifecycles and independent development and test teams. Keep the base App stable and make it possible to frequently add, delete and change business functions, while minimizing the development threshold, reducing the cost of trial and error, and realizing agile iteration.