Does Python have the = operator?

Regardless, you’re pretty familiar with comma-related code:

1. Components of a tuple

A parenthesis without a comma does not constitute a tuple. Even if there is only one element, a comma is required.

In [6]: a = (1,)

In [7] :type(a)
Out[7] :tuple
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2. Swap two variables

In [8]: a = 1

In [9]: b = 2

In [10]: a, b = b, a

In [11] :f"{a = } {b = }"
Out[11] :'a = 2 b = 1'
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If you want to swap three, four, or more, you can do that.

3. Disassemble lists, tuples, or sets

In [12]: a, b = [1.2]

In [13] :f"{a = } {b = }"
Out[13] :'a = 1 b = 2'

In [14]: a, b = (3.4)

In [15] :f"{a = } {b = }"
Out[15] :'a = 3 b = 4'

In [17]: a, b = {5.6}

In [18] :f"{a = } {b = }"
Out[18] :'a = 5 b = 6'

In [19] :Copy the code

4. The = operator?

With that in mind, what is the result of the following code?

a ,= [2]
b , = [2]
c , = (2,)
d , = {2}
e ,= range(2.3)
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If you have a result in mind, check to see if it meets your expectations:

>>> a,=[2]
>>> b , = [2]
>>> c , = (2.)>>> d , ={2}
>>> e ,     = range(2.3)
>>> print(a,b,c,d,e)
2 2 2 2 2
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As long as the iterable has only one element inside it, you can take the value out of it as equals, and it doesn’t matter if the comma and the equals sign are next to each other.

In a word,,= breaks down lists, tuples, sets, and special cases of iterable objects requiring only one element.

The last

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