Baklib, a great document management tool!

With the development of modern enterprise intelligence, the office environment is gradually shifting from offline to online. I do not know if we have such a feeling, every day to work and countless documents to deal with, C disk every day must be regularly cleaned up, U disk has been changed one after another! It’s an extremely bad experience, walking on thin ice, going in cycles!

So, here’s the problem. How to get out of the current impasse? All you need is a good document management tool.

Baklib is a great document management tool.

Why Baklib?

1. Convenient operation and multi-terminal adaptation

Baklib does not need to be downloaded, can be directly entered into the url, online operation, online storage. It can manage documents according to different levels to make document management more organized.

Baklib is easy to use and requires a simple word skill. Easy to build websites without any code base, easy to use in real time, ready to share.

Baklib supports multiple applications, and you can use it on your phone or iPad like a computer!

2. Centralized storage directory structure

Baklib presents a tree directory structure for document management. Unlimited creation of custom folder and sub-folder structure, custom knowledge system directory sorting. At the same time, the label management function is added to make knowledge storage and display more orderly.

3. Easy to display, easy to search, easy to control

The knowledge base created using Baklib will eventually be displayed as a web page for easy access (through the site permissions configuration can freely control visitors), and Baklib provides global search and results highlighting functions to help users quickly find problems.

4. Easy to edit and import

Baklib uses the more user-friendly editor. js rich text Editor and Markdown, which ensures ease of operation and provides them with a more comfortable editing experience from operation to development. Supports multiple file uploads to achieve quick and easy storage and management of documents. Supports Office documents, PDF, images, audio and video files, drawings and other types of files in attachment uploads.

5. Back up data

Data is the most secure in their own hands, a good knowledge base system to support local backup function is essential. Baklib uses double key encryption for data storage to ensure data security, while the release of documents can be saved permanently to ensure that the history is never lost, and complete operation logs are easy for teams and individuals to trace dangerous operations. Every edit is saved in the cloud in real time without worrying about data loss, and supports data export and backup in a variety of formats.

6. Real-time document sharing, multi-person collaborative online editing

Baklib supports collaborative editing by up to 200 people, administrators can assign different permissions to each member of the team, and each article is displayed as edited by whom.

All in all, Baklib is a great document management tool. It is simple to use, easy to store, hierarchical, easy to retrieve, supports data backup, ensures data security, and enables real-time sharing and collaboration. So, click on the link below and get this document management tool Baklib!