I didn’t have enough money to buy PHPstorm, so I used NetBeans instead, but NetBeans lacked a few Symfony plugins, so I wrote two Symfony plugins for NetBeans, so I don’t need PHPstorm anymore. Here’s how I used NetBeans instead of paid PHPStorm.


My current NetBeans version is 11.0 LTS and I have installed NetBeans’ built-in 4 plug-ins PHP, PHP Enhancements, Symfony 2/3 Framework, Tween Template. So NetBeans supports normal PHP development. PHP support is good.

Since I was working on a Symfony 3.x project, the plugin support was not good enough, so I wrote the following two plugins:

  • One is used to jump Symfony Service plugin symfonyOpen (https://github.com/zjsxwc/net)…

Use the mouse cursor to jump to the string, and then click [Navigation] – [SymfonyOpen] menu on the line, you can customize the menu shortcut keys.

This plugin can jump most of symfony’s own path writing to Twig files, entity classes, repository classes, and service classes that follow simple naming conventions.

  • A Symfony business class abbreviations used for the automatic completion of plug-in, symfonyAutoCompletion (https://github.com/zjsxwc/Net)…

You can automatically complete symfony business class strings and symfony environment parameters

Other plug-ins

Automatically save the plugin (http://plugins.netbeans.org/p.)

Right click copy file name and line number plug-in (https://github.com/zjsxwc/Net)…

PhpDoc generated plug-in (https://github.com/zjsxwc/Net.)


It is recommended to increase the memory footprint of NetBeans as this will cause problems for large projects. Add this to the end of the

/etc/netbeans.conf file:
