Docker introduction

What is a docker

  • Docker is an open source application container engine developed by Go language
  • Divided into CE (Community Edition) and EE (Enterprise Edition)
  • How Docker differs from traditional virtualization. The traditional virtual machine technology is to create a set of virtual hardware, run a complete operating system on it, and then run required application processes on the system. The application process in the container runs directly on the host kernel, without its own kernel and without hardware virtualization. Therefore, containers are much lighter than traditional virtual machines

Why docker

More efficient use of system resources

  • Docker has a higher utilization of system resources because the container does not require additional overhead such as hardware virtualization and running a full operating system. Whether it is application execution speed, memory consumption or file storage speed, it is more efficient than traditional VIRTUAL machine technology. Therefore, a host with the same configuration can often run more applications than virtual machine technology

Faster startup time

  • Traditional VIRTUAL machine technology usually takes several minutes to start application services, while Docker container applications can be started in seconds or even milliseconds because they run directly in the host kernel and do not need to start the complete operating system. Greatly saving the development, testing, deployment time.

Consistent operating environment

  • A common problem in development is environmental consistency. Because the development environment, test environment, and production environment are inconsistent, some bugs are not found in the development process. The image of Docker provides a complete runtime environment in addition to the kernel, ensuring the consistency of the application running environment, so that there will no longer be “no problem with this code on my machine”.

Continuous delivery and deployment

  • The most desirable thing for development and operations (DevOps) people is a single build or configuration that can run anywhere.
  • With Docker, continuous integration, continuous delivery and deployment can be achieved by customizing application images. Developers can use Dockerfile for image building and Integration testing with Continuous Integration systems, while operations can quickly deploy the image directly into a production environment. Even automatic Deployment with Continuous Delivery/Deployment systems

Easier migration

  • Docker ensures the consistency of execution environment, making application migration easier. Docker can run on many platforms, whether physical machine, virtual machine, public cloud, private cloud, or even laptop, and its running results are consistent. Therefore, users can easily migrate an application running on one platform to another without worrying that the application will not run properly due to the change of the operating environment.

Easier maintenance and extension

  • Docker uses layered storage and image technology, which makes it easier to reuse the repeated parts of the application, easier to maintain and update the application, and it is also very simple to further expand the image based on the basic image. In addition, Docker team maintains a large number of high-quality official images together with various open source project teams, which can be used directly in the production environment and further customized as a basis, greatly reducing the cost of image production of application services.

Compare with traditional virtual machines

features The container The virtual machine
Start the Second level Minutes of class
The hard disk to use Generally for MB Generally for GB
performance Close to the native Weaker than
System support Supports thousands of containers on a single machine Usually dozens

The structure of the docker

Docker uses a client-server (C/S) architecture pattern that uses remote apis to manage and create Docker containers.

Docker containers are created by Docker images.

The relationship between containers and images is similar to that between objects and classes in object-oriented programming.

Docker object-oriented
The container object
The mirror class

  • Description of nouns in a schema
noun instructions
Mirror image (Images) Docker images are templates used to create Docker containers.
The Container (the Container) A container is a single application or group of applications that run independently.
The Client (Client) Docker clients use the Docker API through the command line or other…Communicates with the Docker daemon.
The Host (Host) A physical or virtual machine for executing Docker daemons and containers.
Warehouse (Registry) Docker repository is used to store images, which can be understood as code repository in code control. Docker Hub( provides a large set of mirrors for use.
Docker Machine Docker Machine is a command line tool to simplify the installation of Docker, through a simple command line can be installed on the corresponding platform Docker, such as VirtualBox, Digital Ocean, Microsoft Azure.

The installation of a docker

Install using a script

Executing the Installation Script

$ curl -fsSL -o
$ sudo sh
Copy the code

Start the Docker process

sudo systemctl enable docker
sudo systemctl start docker 
Copy the code

Configure the image accelerator for Docker

  • in/etc/docker/daemon.json(If the file does not exist, please create it.)
  "registry-mirrors": [
    ""]}Copy the code
  • Restarting the service
$ sudo systemctl daemon-reload
$ sudo systemctl restart docker
Copy the code
  • Check whether the accelerator takes effect If the image is still pulled slowly after the accelerator is configured, manually check whether the accelerator configuration takes effect. Run the docker info command. If the following information is displayed, the configuration is successful.
Registry Mirrors:
Copy the code

The docker unload

  • Query the installed packages first
yum list installed | grep docker
Copy the code
  • Remove docker-related packages
Yum -y remove the package listed aboveCopy the code

Use of mirror images

Access to the mirror

As mentioned earlier, Docker Hub has a large number of high-quality images available, so here’s how to get them.

The command to get the image from the Docker repository is Docker pull. The command format is as follows:

Docker pull [options] [Docker Registry address [: port number]/] repository name [: tag]

The options can be seen with the docker pull –help command. Here we describe the format of the image name.

  • Docker image repository address: the address format is usually < domain name /IP>[: port number]. The default address is Docker Hub.
  • Warehouse name: As mentioned earlier, the warehouse name here is a two-paragraph name, namely < username >/< software name >. For Docker Hub, if the user name is not given, the default is Library, which is the official image.
Docker pull Ubuntu :16.04 16.04: Pulling from Library/Ubuntu BF5d46315322: Pull complete 9f13e0AC480c: Pull complete e8988b5b3097: Pull complete 40af181810e7: Pull complete e6f7c7e5c03e: Pull complete Digest: sha256:147913621d9cdea08853f6ba9116c2e27a3ceffecf3b492983ae97c3d643fbbe Status: Downloaded newer imageforUbuntu: 16.04Copy the code

The Docker image repository address is not given in the command above, so the image will be fetched from the Docker Hub. The image name is Ubuntu :16.04, so the image labeled 16.04 in the official image Library/Ubuntu repository will be retrieved.

As you can see from the download, the image is made up of multiple layers of storage. Downloading is done in layers, not in a single file. The first 12 bits of the ID for each layer are given during the download. At the end of the download, a complete sha256 summary of the image is given to ensure the consistency of the download.

When using the command above, you may notice that the layer ID you see and the summary for SHA256 are different from the ones here. This is because the official image is always maintained, and any new bugs or version updates are fixed and released under the original label, which ensures that anyone using this label can get a more secure and stable image.

List the mirror

Image list

To list the images that have been downloaded, there are two commands.

docker images
Copy the code


docker image ls
Copy the code

The results are as follows

REPOSITORY          TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
ubuntu              16.04               2a697363a870        38 hours ago        119MB
tomcat              latest              27600aa3d7f1        8 days ago          463MB
ubuntu              <none>              a3551444fc85        2 weeks ago         119MB

Copy the code

The list contains the repository name, label, mirror ID, creation time, and occupied space.

The volume of the mirror

If you look closely, you’ll notice that the size of the space represented here is different from the size of the image seen on the Docker Hub. For example, ubuntu:16.04 image size, which is 127 MB in this case, is 50 MB in Docker Hub. This is because the volume displayed in the Docker Hub is compressed. In the process of image downloading and uploading, the image is kept compressed, so the size displayed by Docker Hub is the traffic size that is more concerned in network transmission. While Docker Image LS displays the expanded size of the image after downloading it to the local. To be precise, it is the sum of the space occupied by all layers after expanding, because when viewing the space after the image is downloaded to the local, we are more concerned about the space occupied by the local disk.

Another problem that needs to be noted is that the total volume of images in the Docker Image LS list is not the actual disk consumption of all images. Because Docker images are multi-tier storage structures that can be inherited and reused, different images may share a common layer because they use the same basic image. Since Docker uses Union FS, only one copy of the same layer is required, so the actual mirror disk footprint is likely to be much smaller than the sum of the mirror sizes in this list.

You can run the following command to view the space occupied by mirrors, containers, and data volumes.

Docker system DF TYPE TOTAL ACTIVE SIZE RECLAIMABLE Images 3 1 700.2MB 237.5MB (33%) Containers 2 0 65.95kB 65.95kB (100%) Local Volumes 0 0 0B 0B Build Cache 0 0 0B 0BCopy the code

Mere illusion mirror

In the list of images above, you can also see a special image labeled None

ubuntu              <none>              a3551444fc85        2 weeks ago         119MB
Copy the code

This image originally had an image name and label. When the new version of the image was released and docker pulled again, the image name was transferred to the newly downloaded image, while the name on the old image was cancelled, thus becoming. In addition to docker pulls, docker builds can also cause this. Because the old and new images have the same name, the old image name is cancelled, resulting in an image with both the warehouse name and the label. This type of untagged image is also known as a dangling image and can be displayed specifically by using the following command:

docker images -f dangling=true
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Interlayer image

To speed up image building and reuse resources, Docker uses mid-tier images. So after a while of use, you might see some dependent mid-tier mirrors. The default docker image ls list displays only top-level images. If you want to display all images, including middle-layer images, you need to add the -a parameter.

docker images -a
Copy the code

List partial mirrors

Docker Images lists all top-level images without any arguments, but sometimes we only want to list some. Docker Image LS has several parameters to help with this.

  • Mirror according to the warehouse name
Docker Images Ubuntu Ubuntu 16.04 2a697363a870 38 hours ago 119MB Ubuntu < None > a3551444fc85        2 weeks ago         119MB

Copy the code
  • List a specific image, that is, specify the repository name and label
Docker Images Ubuntu :16.04 REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED SIZE Ubuntu 16.04 2a697363a870 38 hours ago 119MBCopy the code

Remove the mirror

To delete a local image, run the docker image rm command in the following format:

  • Deleting a Mirror
Docker image rm [options] < image 1> [< image 2>...Copy the code


Docker rmI [options] < mirror 1> [< mirror 2>...]Copy the code
  • Deleting All Mirrors
docker image prune
Copy the code

< mirror > can be the short ID of the mirror, the long ID of the mirror, the name of the mirror, or the summary of the mirror. <> indicates mandatory parameters, and [] indicates optional parameters

Custom image

Dockerfile custom image

Dockerfile is a text file containing instructions, each Instruction builds a layer, so the content of each Instruction describes how the layer should be built.

In this example, we use Dockerfile to customize our Own Tomcat image

  • Run a Tomcat container
docker run -p 8080:8080 tomcat 
Copy the code
  • A new XShell window opens to interactively access the container you just started
 docker exec -it f208e826caf2 bash
Copy the code
  • Change the index.jsp in the /webapps/Root directory and append a paragraph
cd webapps/ROOT
echo "hello docker tomcat" >> index.jsp
Copy the code

Above we made changes to the original Tomcat container, but did not change the image. As a result, every time we started a container, we had to enter the container to make changes. If you modify the image directly, then running containers no longer need to be modified.

Now create a Dockerfile file to build our own image

cd /usr/local

mkdir -p docker/mytomcat

cd docker/mytomcat

Copy the code
  • Write a Dockerfile script to build the image
vi Dockerfile

Copy the code
  • Write a script
FROM tomcat

WORKDIR /usr/local/tomcat/webapps/ROOT/
RUN rm -rf *
RUN echo "hello docker tomcat" > /usr/local/tomcat/webapps/ROOT/index.html

Copy the code

FROM tomcat: Selected base image for tomcat WORKDIR/usr/local/tomcat/webapps/ROOT / : specify the working directory, RUN into the directory rm – rf * : Delete all files in the current directory RUN echo “hello docker tomcat” > / usr/local/tomcat/webapps/ROOT/index. HTML: write a index. The HTML file to the current directory

  • Build the image and go to the directory where the Dockerfile resides
docker build -t mytomcat .
Copy the code

Mytomcat is the tag name of the image you want to build. Represents the current directory.

Ok, now we have built our own Tomcat image. To run

  • Running custom images
docker run -p 8080:8080 mytomcat
Copy the code

Dockerfile command description


  • Function to specify the base image and must be the first instruction. FROM scratch. It also means that the next instructions to be written will start as the first layer of the mirror


Function to run the specified command

The RUN command has two formats

  1. RUN
  2. The first type of RUN [“executable”, “param1”, “param2”] is followed directly by shell commands

On Linux, the default value is /bin/sh -c

The default on Windows is CMD /S /C

The second is something like a function call.

Executable can be understood as an executable, followed by two parameters.

Comparison of the two writing methods:

RUN /bin/bash -c ‘source HOME RUN [“/bin/bash”, “-c”, “echo hello”]

The number of runs builds as many layers of images as possible, resulting in bloated, multi-layered images that not only increase the deployment time of components, but also make them prone to errors.

The newline character for RUN is \


Another copy command, as the name suggests

The syntax is as follows:

  1. COPY …
  2. COPY [“”,… “”

COPY can only be a local file. Other uses are the same


A copy command to copy files into the scene.

If you think of the virtual machine and container as two Linux servers, this command is similar to SCP, except that SCP requires user name and password authentication, while ADD does not.

The syntax is as follows:

  1. ADD …
  2. ADD [“”,… “”]

The path can be an absolute path within the container or a relative path to the working directory

It can be a local file or a local zip file, or it can be a URL

If written as a URL, ADD is similar to the wget command

If the file is a tar.gz package, it will be automatically decompressed after being sent.

Use of containers

Start the container

Simple to start

docker run -p 8081:8080 tomcat 
Copy the code
  • Run: Starts a container. Starting a container starts a process

  • -p: Specifies the port. The first parameter is the host port and the second parameter is the port of the Docker container. Port 8081 is mapped to port 8080 in the container. We can access port 8081 directly from the host

  • Tomcat: mirror

Daemon start

That is, running in the background, does not occupy the main thread, will not be stuck in the main thread log.

docker run -d -p 8080:8080 tomcat
Copy the code
  • -d: starts the container in the daemon state

After this mode is started, only a complete container Id is returned. To view logs generated during startup, run the following command:

Docker Container Logs Container IdCopy the code

Enter the started container

docker exec-it container Id bashCopy the code
  • The exec: enter
  • -it: indicates interactive mode
  • Bash: the command line

Once in the container, some Linux commands, such as ll and vi, cannot be used because tomcat is an image built on the simplest Linux.

List the container

docker container ls -a
Copy the code


docker ps -a
Copy the code

Termination of the container

docker container stop
Copy the code

Remove the container

Docker Container RM Container IdCopy the code


docker container prune 
Copy the code

Delete all terminated containers

docker container prune
Copy the code

Container data persistence

When a container is destroyed, the data inside the container is lost. How to read between the data in the container and the host computer, and make the data in the container persistent? This is the persistence of the container data, which needs to use the data volume of docker.

A data volume is a special directory that can be used by one or more containers, bypassing UFS and providing a number of useful features:

  • Data volumes can be shared and reused between containers
  • Changes to data volumes take effect immediately
  • Data volume updates do not affect mirroring
  • The data volume will always exist by default, even if the container is deleted

Let’s run a Tomcat container and specify the ROOT directory as the directory on the host

  • Create a new directory under the root directory of the hostROOT

mkdir ROOT

  • Create an index.html file in the ROOT directory
cd /ROOT 

vi index.html

Copy the code

The content is Hello I am domain, this is index.html in volume

  • Start a container to mount data volumes
docker run -d -p 8081:8080 -v /root/ROOT:/usr/local/tomcat/webapps/ROOT tomcat 

Copy the code

-v: The first parameter indicates the directory of the host. The second parameter indicates the directory in the container, which means to replace the ROOT directory in the container with the ROOT directory in the host

If you visit port 8081 in your browser, you can see the contents of your host’s index.html.

You can view information about data volumes in a container:

Docker inspect Container IdCopy the code

Data volume information is under the Mounts Key

Container deploys mysql database

  • Pull mysql image

If no label is specified, the latest mysql image is pulled from the official website by default

docker pull mysql
Copy the code
  • Start the container

Start container with data volume

docker run -p 3306:3306 --name mysql \
-v /usr/local/docker/mysql/logs:/var/log/mysql \
-v /usr/local/docker/mysql/data:/var/lib/mysql \
-d mysql
Copy the code

The following is the meaning of each parameter – v/usr/local/docker/mysql/logs: / var/log/mysql: mount log files and directories on the left side of the host machine, on the right side of the container directory. – v/usr/local/docker/mysql/data: / var/lib/mysql: mount data files. -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=123456: Use environment variables to set the password of user root


The Compose project is Docker’s official open source project, which is responsible for the rapid choreography of Docker container clusters.

Compose has two important concepts:

Service: A container for an application that can actually contain several instances of the container running the same image. Project: A complete business unit consisting of a set of associated application containers, defined in the docker-comemess.yml file.

Compose’s default management object is a project, which provides easy lifecycle management through subcommands for a set of containers in a project.

Docker-compose installation uninstall

Binary packages are used for installation and uninstallation

The installation

Download and install the docker-compose command from Github

The curl -l ` uname-s`-`uname -m` > /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
Copy the code


Delete the binary file.

rm /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
Copy the code

Docker – compose

Docker-compose deployment project

Docker-compose is used to start a project. To start the project, you need to start two containers, one tomcat and one mysql. This is the service component project mentioned earlier.

Docker-compose is built from the docker-comemage. yml file.

  • Create and write one in the deployment directorydocker-compose.ymlfile
cd /usr/local/docker

mkdir myshop

cd myshop

vi docker-compose.yml

version: '3'
    restart: always
    image: 'tomcat'
    container_name: tomcat
      - 8080:8080
      - /usr/local/docker/myshop/ROOT:/usr/local/tomcat/webapps/ROOT

    restart: always
    image: mysql
    container_name: mysql
      - 3306:3306
      TZ: Asia/Shanghai
      - mysql-data:/var/lib/mysql


Copy the code

Two services are configured here, and both of them use data volumes. In Tomcat, data volumes are used in a common format: host directory: container directory. In mysql, data volumes are managed in a unified way, and host directories assigned by Docker are used instead of being specified by themselves. Here’s what it means in the configuration:

Run the following command to add volumes to the host directory: -mysql-data :/var/lib/mysql

Copy the code
  • Docker-compose starts the project at the current timedocker-compose.ymlDirectory where the file resides, run the start command
docker-compose up -d
Copy the code

-d indicates that the operating system runs in daemon mode and does not occupy the main thread of the operating system or output logs.

  • Docker-compose stops the project at the current timedocker-compose.ymlDirectory where the file resides, run the start command
docker-compose down
Copy the code
  • Docker-compose views logs

So how do I view logs after running in daemon mode? Run the following command:

docker-compose logs
Copy the code

Mysql docker – compose deployment

version: '3.1'
    image: mysql
    restart: always
      - 3306:3306
      - ./data:/var/lib/mysql

    image: adminer
    restart: always
      - 8080:8080
Copy the code

Install GitLab docker – compose

Using Docker-compos to deploy a Git hosting platform is very convenient.

Create a docker-comemage. yml configuration file in /usr/local/docker-gitlab as follows:

version: '3'
      image: 'twang2218/gitlab-ce-zh'
      restart: always
      hostname: ''
        TZ: 'Asia/Shanghai'
          external_url ''
          gitlab_rails['gitlab_shell_ssh_port'] = 2222
          unicorn['port'] = 8888
          nginx['listen_port'] = 8080
        - '8080:8080'
        - '8443:443'
        - '2222:22'
        - /usr/local/docker/gitlab/config:/etc/gitlab
        - /usr/local/docker/gitlab/data:/var/opt/gitlab
        - /usr/local/docker/gitlab/logs:/var/log/gitlab
Copy the code

Here is what each node attribute means:

  • Restart: Restarts the container with each startup
  • Hostname: indicates the hostname, which is the IP address of the current host
  • Environment: Environment variable used to set some initialized data
  • TZ: time zone
  • GITLAB_OMNIBUS_CONFIG: Some configurations for Gitlab
  • External_url: specifies the external access address
  • Gitlab_rails: Git SSH port
  • Unicorn: internal port
  • Nginx: Nginx listening port, which must be the same as the external access port above
  • Ports: Mapping ports between host and container, left host port, right container port
  • Volumes: data volume directory (host directory on the left and container directory on the right

Go to the official website to search for the image gitlab-ce-zh, pull the image:

docker pull twang2218/gitlab-ce-zh
Copy the code

In the docker-comemess. yml file directory, execute the startup command:

docker-compose up 
Copy the code

The container is large and takes a long time to start. After the startup is successful, the system prompts you to change the password of the root user. After changing the password, you can log in as user root and the password you just changed.

Docker-compose private server

Nexus is a powerful repository manager, and once deployed, you can upload your OWN SDK here. After configuration, it can be pulled to use

  • in/usr/local/docker/nexus3In the directory, create adocker-compose.ymlThe configuration file contains the following contents:
version: '3.1'
    restart: always
    image: sonatype/nexus3
    container_name: nexus
      - 8081:8081
      - /usr/local/docker/nexus3/data:/nexus-data
Copy the code
  • Start The Nexus3 container in the current directory:
docker-compose up
Copy the code

I/O permission is not available. The solution is to change the data directory permission of the current directory:

chmod 777 data
Copy the code

Close the previous container and restart it:

docker-compose down
docker-compose up
Copy the code

Use private servers in projects

  • In the Mavensettings.xmlAdd Nexus authentication information to server:


Copy the code
  • Configuring automated Deployment

Add the following code to pom.xml:

<distributionManagement> <repository> <id>nexus-releases</id> <name>Nexus Release Repository</name> The < url > < / url > < / repository > < snapshotRepository > <id>nexus-snapshots</id> <name>Nexus Snapshot Repository</name> The < url > < / url > < / snapshotRepository > < / distributionManagement >Copy the code

The ID must be the same as that defined in the preceding node. The URL is the URL of the browse copy version in the Nexus

  • Deploy to the warehouse
mvn deploy
Copy the code
  • Nexus 3.0 does not support page uploads. You can run the maven command:
aliyun-sdK-osS-2.1.3.jarMVN deploy:deploy-file -DgroupId=com.aliyun. Oss -DartifactId= aliyun-sdK-oss-dversion =2.2.3 -Dpackaging=jar - Dfile = D: \ aliyun - SDK - oss - 2.2.3. Jar - Durl = - DrepositoryId = nexus - releasesCopy the code

Matters needing attention:

  • You are advised to create an independent repository for third-party JAR package management when uploading the third-party JAR package to facilitate management and maintenance (maven-3rd).
  • -DrepositoryId= Nexus – Releases corresponds to the ID name of the Servers configuration in settings. XML. (authorization)
  • The order of project pull dependencies is:Local -> Private -> official

Use of warehouse

Comprehensive practical