
Recently, WHEN I logged in to the remote server of the company by SSH, I suddenly failed to log in. After investigation, it is because the network segment of a Docker container conflicts with the network segment of the company, so I failed to log in.

How to solve

The default network segment of docker is 172.17, which conflicts with the network segment of the company. Therefore, the solution is actually quite simple, either change the network segment of the company or change the docker network segment. A normal person would choose to change the docker network segment

The solution

Solution 1: Do not change the Docker network segment and create a Docker subnet segment that does not conflict with the corporate network segment

docker network create --driver=bridge --subnet= monitor_net
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Specified when the container is run

docker run -it --name< container name > ---networkMonitor_net < The image nameCopy the code

Docker-compose is also specified by networks as follows

version: '3'
   # Use an existing network
       name: monitor_net  

        image: prom/prometheus
        container_name: prometheus
        hostname: prometheus
        privileged: true
        restart: always
            - /usr/local/src/config/prometheus.yml:/etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml
            - /usr/local/src/config/node_down.yml:/etc/prometheus/node_down.yml
            - "9091:9090"
            - monitor
            - alertmanager
            - node-exporter
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Solution 2: Modify the default docker network segment

1. Stop Docker

systemctl stop docker
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2. Delete the original network bridge

ip link del docker0 down
Copy the code

3, vim /etc/docker-daemon. json, add the following content

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If no daemon.json file exists, create one

The file content is as follows

  "registry-mirrors": [""]."insecure-registries": [""]."bip":""

Copy the code

4. Restart the Docker service

systemctl restart docker
Copy the code

5. Run ifconfig to check whether the Docker network segment has changed


When installing Docker, remember to modify the default docker, so as not to conflict with the company’s network segment