- docker pull season/fastdfs
- systemctl stop firewalld
- vi /etc/sysconfig/selinux
- Change the value of SELINUX to
- Change the value of SELINUX to
- Restart reboot
- Create the tracker container: docker run – ti – d – the name trakcer – v ~ / tracker_data: / fastdfs/tracker/data -.net = host season/fastdfs tracker
- Create a storage container: docker run -tid –name storage -v ~/storage_data:/fastdfs/storage/data -v ~/store_path:/fastdfs/store_path –net=host -e TRACKER_SERVER: -e GROUP_NAME=group1 season/ Fastdfs storage
- Docker cp storage:/fdfs_conf/storage.conf ~/
- Edit the file to change the IP after Tracker_server to your own server IP
- Copy the modified file back to the docker cp ~/storage.conf storage:/fdfs_conf/
- Docker stop storage/docker start storage