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When I used Docker, I always used the command line. The command line, while cool to look at, is sometimes a hassle. Today I recommend a Docker graphic chemical tool Portainer, lightweight and easy to use, I hope to help you!

Introduction to the

Portainer is a lightweight application that provides a graphical interface for easy management of Docker environments, both standalone and clustered.

The installation

Installing Portainer using Docker directly is very convenient and only takes two steps.

  • First download Portainer Docker image;
docker pull portainer/portainer
Copy the code
  • Then run the Portainer container with the following command;
docker run -p 9000:9000 -p 8000:8000 --name portainer \
--restart=always \
-v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
-v /mydata/portainer/data:/data \
-d portainer/portainer
Copy the code
  • Log in for the first time you need to create the administrator account, access to the address:

  • Then we choose to connect to the local Docker environment, after the connection is complete we can happily use Portainer for visual management!


  • After successful login, you can find a local Docker environment.

  • Open the Dashboard menu to see an overview of the Docker environment, such as how many containers are running, how many images are there, etc.

  • Go to the App Templates menu and you’ll see a number of Templates for creating containers. You can easily create containers from template Settings.

  • Open the Containers menu, you can see the Containers currently created, and we can run, suspend, delete and other operations on the Containers;

  • Select a container and click the Logs button to view the container run Logs directlydocker logsBade farewell;

  • Click the Inspect button to view container information, such as the IP address the container is running at.

  • Click the Stats button to view the container’s memory, CPU, and network usage.

  • Click the Console button to enter the container to execute commands. For example, you can enter the MySQL container to execute login commands.

  • From the Images menu, you can view all local Images and manage them.

  • Open the Networks menu, you can view the network situation in the Docker environment;

  • From the Users menu, we can create Portainer Users and assign them roles.

  • By opening the Registries menu, we can configure our own mirror repository so that when pulling mirrors, we can choose to pull from our own mirror repository.


Portainer as a lightweight Docker graphical management tool, powerful and practical, it would be better to have a private image repository management function, so we don’t need to install a heavy image repository Harbor.

The website address


In this paper, making github.com/macrozheng/… Already included, welcome everyone Star!