
When I was building my blog with Pages provided by GitHub, I had no idea how the *.md file was compiled into HTML and provided with web services. Later, I saw the compilation script in Actions:

docker run \
-v ${{ github.workspace }}:/srv/jekyll -v ${{ github.workspace }}/_site:/srv/jekyll/_site \
jekyll/builder:latest /bin/bash -c "chmod -R 777 /srv/jekyll && jekyll build --future"
Copy the code

Jekyll/Builder :latest (…) Docker images of the same type are also found:

Image Types:

  • jekyll/jekyll: Default image.
  • jekyll/minimal: Very minimal image.
  • jekyll/builder: Includes tools.

Here’s how to use mirrored Jekyll/Builder.


Docker image Jekyll/Builder is a jekyll build environment that includes some tools to compile local jekyll source files into static HTML

The learning process

Docker jekyll/ Builder :latest compiles files from/SRV /jekyll/_site to/SRV /jekyll/_site. ${{github. Workspace}}:/ SRV /jekyll

chmod -R 777 /srv/jekyll && jekyll build --future
Copy the code

Next, get rid of Github and run mirrored Jekyll/Builder in my local Docker environment alone

Mkdir /home/hanpanpan92/site_source && /home/hanpanpan92/site_source/_site //site_source create docker pull file in site_source jekyll/builder docker run -v /home/hanpanpan92/site_source:/srv/jekyll -v /home/hanpanpan92/site_source/_site:/srv/jekyll/_site jekyll/builder:latest /bin/bash -c "chmod -R 777 /srv/jekyll && jekyll build"Copy the code

After executing the Docker run… /home/hanpanpan92/site_source/_site/ /home/hanpanpan92/site_source/_site/ /home/hanpanpan92/site_source/ site_site Then put the source code of my blog into site_source directory and execute docker run again… Found that the _site folder does generate static HTML files and the corresponding JS images CSS etc., that may be a configuration problem.

In my blog source code, I use the “strong misbeat deletion method” to get the simplest directory structure:

Docker run XXXX successfully compiles md file to _site folder

The simplest source:

The layout file _layouts/default. HTML generates the final HTML file in the _site directory after parsing the file. Jekyll layouts/default. HTML generates the final HTML file in _site. For example, to build a single page, list page, list page, article classification such functions

Official document:

Now we can build the jekyll development environment locally, using the Docker image to compile, so that we do not need to install jekyll related tools on the local machine, because it is in the Docker.

Take flight: I can submit code to Github, customize the build process using Github’s Actions, and publish static files from the _site build to my own server. Perfect!


Docker image jekyll/ Builder role, is jekyll compilation tools, from the local, or server installation of various tools, as long as the directory structure in accordance with its provisions of the source file, it can be very convenient to compile into static HTML

More of Jekyll’s rules can be found at

My blog:blog.hpanpan.ccThis blog is generated by the techniques mentioned in this article. The source code is on Github. Please check it out


Jekyll/Builder :latest this image is not checked by docker ps -A like other images, it feels like a compilation tool, run it, change a to B, and exit. It seems to be related to the two running modes (Foreground and Detached) of Docker container, which is not clear yet