I don’t know what your working environment is like. Due to the company’s restrictions, I can’t access the Internet when I visit the Linux machine. Fortunately, Docker also provides a proxy mechanism, so you can access the network with simple configuration.

This configuration is the official document: docs.docker.com/config/daem…

Windows & Mac

It is easy to configure the Windows and Mac segments. Find the Proxy Settings in the Docker Desktop Settings and fill in the proxy address.


# to create directory sudo mkdir -p/etc/systemd/system/docker. Service. The d # to create the configuration file CD/etc/systemd/system/docker. Service. D & & touch HTTP - proxy. Conf # vi editor to fill in the following content [Service] Environment = "HTTP_PROXY=http://proxy.example.com: 80" The Environment = "HTTPS_PROXY=https://proxy.example.com: 443" # below is I fill in [Service] Environment = "HTTP_PROXY =" Environment="HTTPS_PROXY=" sudo systemctl daemon-reload sudo systemctl restart dockerCopy the code

Now you can visit the Internet happily!

[root@localhost]# docker search rabbit NAME DESCRIPTION STARS OFFICIAL AUTOMATED rabbitmq RabbitMQ is an open source Multi - protocol me... 3829 [OK] bitnami/rabbitmq Bitnami Docker Image for RabbitMQ 64 [OK] tutum/rabbitmq Base docker image to run a RabbitMQ server 22 kbudde/rabbitmq-exporter rabbitmq_exporter for prometheus 15 [OK] frodenas/rabbitmq A Docker Image for RabbitMQ 12 [OK] cyrilix/rabbitmq-mqtt RabbitMQ MQTT Adapter 9 [OK] arm32v7/rabbitmq RabbitMQ is an open source Multi - protocol me... 7 ARM64V8 / RabbitMQ RabbitMQ is an open Source Multi-protocol me... 7 gonkulatorlabs/rabbitmq DEPRECATED: See maryville/rabbitmq 5 [OK] Heidiks /rabbitmq-delayed-message-exchange RabbitMQ with the compatible version of the... 4 [OK] PivotalRabbitMQ/Rabbitmq-server-buildenv Image Used to build and test RabbitMQ server... 4 PivotalRabbitMQ/RabbitMq-Autocluster RabbitMQ with the RabbitMq-autocluster plugi... 3 Riftbit/RabbitMQ RabbitMQ 3.x Container Based on Alpine Linux... 2 Deadtrickster/rabbitMQ_prometheus RabbitMQ + Prometheus RabbitMQ export Plug... 2 kobotoolbox/rabbit https://github.com/kobotoolbox/kobo-docker/t... 2 [OK] Foxylion/rabbitMQ Preconfigured RabbitMQ docker image with sup... 1 [OK] i386/ rabbitMQ Rabbitmq is an open source multi-protocol me... 1 Syndy/Rabbit Syndy RabbitMQ Repository 1 Meltwater /rabbit-puppy Configures RabbitMQ server based on YAML con... 1 rabbitmqadmin activatedgeek/rabbitmqadmin A docker image for administrat... 1 [OK] amd64/ rabbitMQ RabbitMQ is an open source multi-protocol me... 1 Ekesken/RabbitMQ docker image for RabbitMQ that is configurab... 1 [OK] dockertaiga/ RabbitMQ Server for RabbitMQ 1 [OK] s390x/ RabbitMQ RabbitMQ is an open source multi-protocol me... 0 rabbitmqoperator/cluster-operator The RabbitMQ Cluster Operator Docker Image 0Copy the code

Just a quick note, and hopefully that helps.