Please write an essay on the subject of “what can be done and what can be done”.

One, foreword

The Chinese section of the 2021 national College entrance Examination (GAOKAO) ended this morning, and the composition questions for each set of exam papers were released.

As a good programmer of the new era, besides polishing code all day, what can be done and accomplished?

A construction worker can build a hospital in 10 days. What can a programmer do in 10 days?

Two, can be and promising

1. holds 149.5 billion daily hits

A few years ago, someone joked, “It has an ugly interface, a crappy UI, an unstable server, and a terrible user experience. But it’s the best e-commerce ever! Did not do a penny advertising, just a few days global ALEXA ranking 260, daily order number one, not worry about sales, not worry about conversion rate it is —- China railway booking network 12306”.

But now, the new 12306 system, which has a brand new look, overturns the old version. At its peak, 200,000 people were online at the same time, 17 million people logged on in a day, and 149.5 billion hits a day. Some popular lines sold out within 20 seconds.

Although there will be individual teasing voice from time to time, there is an indisputable fact that all kinds of roadside train ticket sales points have disappeared, no longer need to queue at the station all night to buy train tickets.

2. Launched the open source project wuhan2020 to get together and overcome difficulties

On January 25, Xlab launched wuhan2020, an open source project and COVID-19 prevention information collection platform, and expressed its hope that at this special time, programmers and developers can join us to overcome the difficulties together.

This project is an information collection platform, aiming to collect hospital, hotel, logistics, production, donation, prevention and treatment, free diagnosis, dynamic information and other information. The subsequent development will also provide wechat small program visual page, providing real-time deployment ability after data modification and real-time query ability of all kinds of information.

Provide real-time submission capability of back-end support information in the front end, and the information submission is mentioned in the project in the form of PR, which can be added after verification; Regularly collect microblog, headlines and other news content, and put it into the project in the form of Issue, which will be converted into content by the developer and then put into the project.

3. Set up a platform to meet the demand for medical supplies in Hubei in 4 days

On January 26, 2020, a blogger named “Astronomy Online” posted a post:

“Good news! Please spread! After 24 hours of development, a Demo version of hubei medical supplies supply platform developed by volunteer programmers was officially launched. Tonight the volunteer team will iterate on version 2: add logistics information/open demand collection/upgrade hospital search and ranking/add sharing features.

On the evening of January 25, several programmers in Wuhan built the prototype of hubei Medical supplies demand information platform and put it online. In the following four days, three product iterations were carried out. The platform reportedly started with three core programmers and has since expanded to 15, plus more than 1,000 volunteers. The platform volunteer team has a clear division of labor, covering products, front end, back end, testing, operation and customer service, etc. On The evening of 28, version 3.0 of the platform was launched, adding a page view function for donors to comprehensively measure the distribution of medical supplies.

4. Huoshenshan Hospital recruits IT operation and maintenance volunteers from all over the country

On January 26, 2020, the Information preparation team of Huoshenshan Hospital publicly recruited IT operation and maintenance volunteers for the hospital to IT enterprises across the country. The work content included terminal maintenance of the hospital (including contaminated areas), including desktop operation and maintenance of computers, printers, terminal networks and other work. Application requirements: The volunteers who are familiar with hospital IT business and desktop operation and maintenance work are not accepted. By January 27, has been willing to undertake enterprises, recruitment stopped.

Online schools have teamed up to offer free courses to primary and secondary schools

The online school announced on Jan 26 that it will offer free live classes and self-study classes in all subjects for all grades from Feb 10. The school said it will mobilize hundreds of teachers from across the country, and the curriculum will cover all subjects from the first grade to the third grade of high school. From February 1, the online school began a full-day trial operation of teaching, primary and middle school students with preview and review needs can start to audition. “We will broadcast it as long as the epidemic lasts!”

On January 26, Youdao Elite Class announced that it would give free webcast classes to all primary and middle school students in Hubei province from now on. All primary and secondary school students in Hubei province with local identity information and student certificate can receive. Earlier on Jan 24, Youdao Elite Announced to offer free online winter vacation courses to primary and middle school students in Wuhan

Above all, reflect a lot of problems, here is no longer a detailed list;

3. To summarize

The understanding of programmers in the past, always nerdy, stuffy, straight, and so on attributes; After reading these, did you break some prejudices and stereotypes about programmers? Do you find programmers also have a lovely and respectable side.

The universe has always driven humans to better outcomes.

We are just an ordinary programmer, an insignificant person in the society. Not all programmers can achieve the height of Ding Lei and Zhang Xiaolong.

But we have love in our hearts, light in our eyes, goodness in our deeds, distance under our feet,

Even if you think Stein, Stein, you don’t know.

I would like to express my high respect to all programmers and science workers who have done more or less, light or heavy work in the social development and the fight against the epidemic. Thanks for your hard work!!

The best time to plant a tree was ten years ago. The second best time is now. ** For those who are learning programming, if you want to improve your core programming ability (internal work), you can become a promising talent in the future! ** I may be able to help you here ~

C language C++ programming learning exchange circle, **QQ group [686521686] ** wechat public number: C language programming learning base

Organize and share (years of learning source code, project actual combat video, project notes, basic introduction tutorial)

Welcome to change careers and learn programming partners, use more information to learn and grow faster than their own thinking oh!

Article source: blog park blogger | **** Wish he shun xiang