Charging is a very meaningful and important thing for us as programmers. So, without a few handy small website how to line, today to you sort out a wave. Pick 10 at a time, not enough for you to call me.


A must visit site for programmers, working and not yet working, this site is very good for everyone, many excellent engineers share their programming experience, career lessons, etc. We can also summarize and output the knowledge we have learned and communicate with each other. All in all.


The last two years algorithmic interview hung up a wave of upsurge, so want to higher salary, or need a certain algorithm based. A lot of salary interview questions, is from Leetcode to find, multithreading, programmer interview gold allusion, sword pointing offer are new modules. If you submit the correct answer, you can also see the code of the most efficient person, and you can also output your own solution idea. It is very comprehensive, which is very helpful for us. I suggest you brush it when you’re free.

Cattle from

Not limited to algorithms, not limited to programmers, even product managers and operations are ready for you. Of course, the interview questions of many big factories can be found. You can also do online simulated BAT written test to experience the tension of the interview. It is suggested to turn off wechat and some interference when taking the online test. You can also discuss problems with lots of great people.


Some sites are ostensibly a bunch of drama, but in fact, there are almost every programming course you’re looking for. The atmosphere of station B, to tell the truth, I think the friends of station B are relatively lively. Even though they are studying, they will feel that they are not fighting alone. Again say a good up Lord to everybody, estimate a lot of people also know, small turtle teacher’s algorithm class is good, haven’t heard of everybody can search, learn a wave.

Novice tutorial

With the name rookie, function and tutorial really not rookie. And it’s very friendly for beginners to learn. Contains technical knowledge of almost all programming languages. Basically any programming language you need. For someone who doesn’t want to install a variety of environments locally, but wants to learn the syntax first, this feature is very heartwarming. There’s a module inside the station, a rookie tool. There are many compilation tools that allow you to type code online and verify your ideas directly online. There are also many useful gadgets, such as MD5 encryption, SHA encryption, JSON conversion, etc.

Blog garden

It is an old website, technology cattle people are still quite many, a lot of technical people are here to output their own notes, if you want to record your technical notes, to write this.

Netease Cloud Classroom

In an age of paying for knowledge, there is an argument that paying is too expensive and a waste of time, and that is probably true for the most part. But there are a lot of videos that are free and of high quality. Some courses are free, but the quality is poor.

Stack Overflow

Why do you let me use this when you can baidu? In fact, if you use a certain degree, you can also find some solutions, but we need to filter some information manually, many authors may just record his own notes, you follow the operation down, may not be able to solve your problem, and then the time cost will increase. However, this website is specialized in IT technical questions and answers. If this website is used, the technical atmosphere is good, the technical cattle are many, and the audit of the problem is more strict, so as a programmer, we should make good use of this website.


As a programmer, drawing is not easy, this site supports online drawing real-time drawing. If YOU don’t know what to draw. There are many great gods do UML diagrams, we look at, learn, become their own, the operation is very simple. Teamwork is also supported, giving your work to a teammate who can edit it as well. The best way to draw pictures online.


Github is the largest gay community, and many programmers like to visit it very much. Many excellent project source code can be found on Github. The same functionality, some efficient and some inefficient, the same efficient code, some elegant and some rough. Looking at how other people’s code is written is like playing the game of finding fault. You can learn from other people’s strengths and avoid your own weaknesses, which is of course beneficial.

Nuggets rookie, welcome to talk.