Recommended reading

  • CSDN home page
  • GitHub open source address
  • Unity3D plugin sharing
  • Jane’s address book
  • My personal blog
  • QQ group: 1040082875

One, foreword

For virtual simulation projects in Unity, there will always be a need to draw diagrams, which can be a lot of work if developed from scratch.

There is one plugin that saves us from having to reinvent the wheel: the XCharts plugin.

XCharts plug-in is a plug-in based on the UGUI system of Unity3D, which can draw line charts, curves, pie charts, radar charts, scatter charts, thermal charts and so on. It has powerful functions, but has too many parameters — let’s learn how to use this plug-in.

Second, the original

The original link:… Big guy spent more than a year to develop the plug-in, it is too strong, but the most let me admire is not his technology, but he can get up earlier than the baby later than the baby, ha ha ha

  • Github address for the plugin: XCharts home page
  • FAQ: XCharts Q&A
  • Plugin download: Unitypackage package download
  • Interface documentation: API manual
  • Parameter configuration: Parameter configuration manual
  • Tutorial: XCharts in 5 minutes

Quick start

3-1. Download the installation package firstUnitypackage package download

XChartsDemo is an example. You are recommended to import XChartsDemo to view the effect of various charts

3-2. Import the resource pack into Unity

3-3. There are various charts in the Demo, as shown below:

3-4. Build a simple scene

In Hierarchy view, first select Canvas and then select Create→XCharts->LineChart: Note that Chart needs to be built under Canvas Hierarchy as this icon is based on UGUI.

  • LineChart: LineChart
  • BarChart: BarChart
  • PieChart: pie chart
  • RadarChart: Radar map
  • The ScatterChart shows the number of people in the room
  • HeatmapChart
  • GaugeChart: It’s a big GaugeChart
  • RingChart: indicates a trend chart
  • PolarChart: Polar map
  • LiquidChart: Liquid level diagram

5. A simple line chart comes out6. In Inspector view, you can view the parameters of each component adjustment, and the Game view will report the effect of the adjustment in real time.* Note: The interface may differ from version to version, but the functionality is the same

Here is the new interface:

3-5. Modify parameters

Modify the values of x and y axes:Series→Serie0→Data:Such as:If you want to display all integers: set YAxis 0→Interval: set to 1. This modifies properties in the Inspector and is displayed in real time in both the Game and Scene views without running the program

Build diagrams using code

4-1, code

using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using XCharts;

public class XchartsDemo : MonoBehaviour
    public GameObject chart;

    void Start()

    // Create a chart
    private void CreateChart()
        List<string> xAxisValue = new List<string> (); xAxisValue.Add("On Monday");
        xAxisValue.Add("On Wednesday");
        List<float> yAxisValue = new List<float> (); yAxisValue.Add(8);
        CreateChart(chart, "Line chart"."Week"."Working hours", SerieType.Line, LineType.Normal, xAxisValue, yAxisValue);

    /// <summary>
    ///To generate the chart
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="_chart">The chart component</param>
    /// <param name="_title">The chart header</param>
    /// <param name="_boundarygap">Whether the axes are left blank</param>
    /// <param name="xAxisName">The name of the X-axis</param>
    /// <param name="yAxisName">Y axis name</param>
    /// <param name="_serietype">What type of chart is set</param>
    /// <param name="_linetype">What kind of line segment</param>
    /// <param name="xAxisValue">The value of the x axis</param>
    /// <param name="yAxisValue">The value of y</param>
    public void CreateChart(GameObject _chart, string _title, string xAxisName, string yAxisName, SerieType _serietype,
        LineType _linetype, List<string> xAxisValue, List<float> yAxisValue)
        var chart = _chart.GetComponent<LineChart>();
        // Set the table header = true;
        chart.title.text = _title;
        / / background
        / / prompt dialog box = true;
        chart.tooltip.titleFormatter = "";
        // Legend component = false;
        // Set the X-axis = true;
        chart.xAxis0.type = Axis.AxisType.Category;
        chart.xAxis0.splitNumber = 11;
        chart.xAxis0.boundaryGap = false; = true; = xAxisName; = false;
        // set the y axis = true;
        chart.yAxis0.type = Axis.AxisType.Value; = true;
        chart.yAxis0.splitNumber = 10;
        chart.yAxis0.interval = 1; = true; = true; = yAxisName; = false;
        // The graphic of the tag
        SerieSymbol sy = new SerieSymbol(); = true;
        sy.type = SerieSymbolType.Circle; = 2;
        sy.sizeType = SerieSymbolSizeType.Custom;
        sy.size = 7;
        // Line segment style Settings
        LineStyle ls = new LineStyle(); = true;
        ls.type = LineStyle.Type.Solid;
        ls.toColor = new Color32(;
        ls.toColor2 = new Color32(;
        ls.width = 2.5 f;
        // The style of the text label on the chart
        SerieLabel sl = new SerieLabel(); = true;
        sl.position = SerieLabel.Position.Outside;
        sl.offset = new Vector3(0.20.0);
        sl.lineWidth = 25;
        // Graph animation
        SerieAnimation sa = new SerieAnimation();
        sa.enable = true;
        // Set the value of the y axis
        chart.series.list[0].animation = sa;
        chart.series.list[0].label = sl;
        chart.series.list[0].lineStyle = ls;
        chart.series.list[0].symbol = sy;
        chart.series.list[0].name = "";
        chart.series.list[0].lineType = _linetype;
        / / to empty values
        // Add the X-axis value
        for (int i = 0; i < xAxisValue.Count; i++)
        // Add the Y-axis value
        foreach (float item in yAxisValue)
            chart.AddData(0, item); }}}Copy the code

4-2. Effect drawing

Five, after the speech

There are many more parameter effects to try, the author has opened up all possible interface parameters, just need to get LineChart component, and then can do various Settings

The real application to the project, we need to explore more.